The Original Meaning of the “N” Word — by Pianke Nubiyang

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The Original Meaning of the “N” Word

By: Pianke Nubiyang
27, January 02, at 12:50 p.m.


The word “nig…” used to be the most revered and sacred word in the universe. It was the “devine epithet,” and the people who began using the mother of all words that originated from this word which was sullied by the British, were the ancient Egyptians or better, the Khemites, who called their land, “Khemet” or “The Black Land,” and also used the name, “Ta-merri” or “The Beloved Land.”


The father of the “n” word was the word used by the ancient Egyptians for “God.” That word was “N-g-r” and as one can see, there are no vowels in this word. In the ancient African and even the present African languages (the Afro-Asiatic linguistic family) vowels such as “a,e,i,o,u” are not found in many translations, particularly of ancient Hebrew and Egyptian languages.

In the translation of ancient Egyptian and Hebrew (which is heavily influenced by Egyptian), one will not always find vowels, therefore, very few people will realize that the word for God, which is “N-g-r” pronounced “en-ger” was the Egyptian word for God. In fact, the Egyptian word for “nature,” is also the word used for God. That word is “ntyr,” (pronounced net-jer.” Now prounce the word “nigg..” and the word “net-jer,” and one sees the clear connection.


In many African languages particularly the Niger-Congo language family. Words that connects with people, Gods, and groups begin with “n” and that word is always the first word. For instance, the word “Nkosi” in Xhosa is “God.” The word “Ndaba,” in another South African language is “counsil” (or gathering of elders). Many common names also begin with “N”.


N-g-r (Egyptian;pronounced en-jer) = God
N-t-y-r (Egypt; pronounced net-ger) = God, Devine
Negash (Ethiopia; ne-gash) = King
Negus (Ethiopia; ne-goos) = Emperor
Nkosi (Xhosa; en-kosi) = God
Ndaba (Zulu; en-daba) = Counsil/Officials,
Naga (East Indian, Nubian = People
Nugarmarta (West African = People (See the writings of Ibn Buttata’s journey to West Africa)


The Romans are probably the first Europeans to misrepresent the word for God, which was “N-g-r”

About the early part of the First Century, Romans tried to invade Ethiopia. (see BLACK HISTORY CHART or go here for a list of Nubian Pharaohs and Queens.

The Romans who were speakers of Latin always knew of Blacks, there were Blacks in Rome, Italy had an ancient Black presence long before the Latins migrated from Central Asia and North Eastern Europe during the ‘Aryan’ migrations. In fact, the Latin ethnic groups is still in existance in the northern part of Italy even today. This part of Italy still grips about Hannibal’s invasion which happened about two thousand two hundred years ago!!!!

The Romans had a name for Blacks, it was “Niger” and it meant Black or people of African origins. Thus, Septimus Niger would have meant, Septimus the Negro. Yet, how did the Romans connect the word “Niger” to Black.

In ancient times, Blacks were worshipped as Gods. The Gods of Greece came from Egypt. The worship of the Black Madonna is connected with the worship of Isis, the Egyptian Goddes. Moreover, Blacks in Egypt called their Pharaohs “En-ger” or “N-g-r” he was literally referred to as “THE GOD.”

It is very possible that when the Romans tried to invade Nubia, they asked for the name of the God and the term “N-g-r” was probably used in place of “leader” or “king”. In Angola, the same also happened during the 1600’s when the word “N-gola” which means “King” (notice the “N” and the “g” in this word as well), came to be “Angola,’ the name of a kingdom in south western Africa.
(Read more on Nubian, Egyptian, West African and ancient American trade and commercial connections in ancient times; see the book, “Susu Economics: The History of Pan-African Trade, Commerce, Money and Wealth,” published by 1stBooks Library, also see


A Roman general invading Nubia from Egypt would probably have used the Egyptian term for Pharaoh, which was “N-g-r” (God). This term then was used to refer to all Blacks and as time went by, the word N-g-r became Niger. In Fact, the Romans also classified their Emperors as “Gods,” to follow the Egyptian style. Moreover, as the History Channel poointed out, “Rome was a collection of villages before the Egyptians built it up.”(paraphrased).
The word “em-peror” sounds very close to the word “en-jer.” That is not a coincidental connection…………

For more see:

Original: The Original Meaning of the “N” Word — by Pianke Nubiyang

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99 thoughts on “The Original Meaning of the “N” Word — by Pianke Nubiyang”

  1. “nigger” is Latin for “black”. Al Wilson. This is not true. Negro is Spanish for blackman, and Negra, Spanish for black woman. There is another word in the Spanish language and that is moreno (a) Moreno is Spanish and Portuguese for a tanned or dark haired person.

    1. Kelli ….Negro is spanish for black….it has nothing to do with any man until it’s used in that context. It’s a fuckin color!!!!

  2. It was interesting the dietary laws of the time, because it proves the Rastafarian reasoning for a vegetarian lifestyle.
    1. To abstain from idolatry;
    2. To abstain from adultery;
    3. To abstain from strangled meats;
    4. To abstain from blood (keep the Laws of Niddah); and
    5. To go into the synagogues on the Sabbath and hear the rest of the Torah of Moshe being preached, with the intention of learning to obey it.

  3. I’m saddened. Over twenty years ago I met the renowned African American singer, James Ingram, and he basically said that many black people are reluctant to learn the true truth because they are used to lies that have been told for ages. I wonder how The Almighty can be happy with us when we can’t even tune into his truth. Anything negative about ourselves we are more than ready to embrace, but when we get the chance to be enlightened, we dismiss proud information as Afrocentric fantasy. This is why we suffer now and will continue to suffer. We think we know more than God. Black people, open your eyes and pay attention to the mystic, spiritual clues all around us. They have never disappeared. White people aren’t that smart or powerful to undo The Creator’s works. It is we who cause our own strife by disobeying the true master!

  4. Just finish writing our thoughts on the word Negro for our book “Ankh Chi Tao” a collection of 156 poems

    N-G-R: NEGRO =

    Negro: Part of the root is N-g-r but first let us play, for some people this word Negro is classify as a bad word, a negative word, in fact in some areas of the world and in some era of time uttering this word Negro it would often lead to death due to antisocial patterns of installed programmed in both full-blacks and lesser-blacks. It has reach a stage where in some states nationally and internationally it’s a hate crime to utter the word Negro, some even refuse to say the phonic instead they address it as the “N” word. From these patterns we question the logic of this phonic Negro. In this quest one will find the standard reports. Such as Negro refer to a person of black ancestry or appearance, “negro” means “black” in Spanish and Portuguese, from the Latin niger (“black”) and Greek ?????? Négros (“black”) Sometimes it was colour but until the Civil Rights movement in America it was an accepted classification on all black people. Due to the associated thoughts and memories of “Slavery” Kidnappings the word Negro was closely linked to segregation, discrimination, induced religions, amputations, flogging, branding, hangings, chaining, burnings, dog bites, fire-hose water spraying, police brutality and death.

    After the Civil Rights movement many choose the term Blacks instead of Negro and later on when that also became obsolete socially the term African American was accepted. In the language of today most forms would have question on ethnicity with the returning of Black, Black African, Black American, Black British, Black Caribbean and so forth, until recently, 2010 Census Bureau in The United States of America, before most forms would not have the word Negro on it. The Bureau announced that the word Negro would return alongside “Black” and “African-American,” because some older Black Americans nevertheless self-identify with the term.” And Negro” superseded “colored” as the most polite terminology, at a time when “black” was more offensive.” Many people are in state of shock while some are in a state of jubilation. Well in a scholarly mode we are happy, while some may shy away from the reflective tone on the word Negro, when they start to dig deeper they’ll discover the truth on that word and the reflection it will show is a deify state of blackness in which the being of most esteem grace was called Negro but the phonic was spelled N-G-R which was equated to status and epithet of Goddess or God in modern mentality.

    Through the works of Cheikh Anta Diop “Origin of the Ancient Egyptians” his sharing revealed the word Negro represented the chief beneficent of the gods & goddess of ancient Egypt/Khemet as such their surnames, we learned was expressed like this in “hieroglyphics/ Metu Neter” =kmwr= means “The Great Negro for Osiris”, =km= the black + the name of the god, =kmt= the black + the name of the goddess and kmt= the black woman=Isis. In the shared sentiment on the topic: an article posted by Pianke Nubiyang so titled “the original meaning of the “N” word.” The tonal association on the word Negro is, it’s a most revered and sacred word, a revealing note many were not aware of, is the fact that in our ancient thought patterns concerning language of the Blackland there were no such thing as “a,e.i.o.u” what we call today as vowels, as such phonically the expressed frequency on the sigil Negro was also represented as N-G-R and pronounced en-jer, which is one of the phonic for GOD in ancient Egypt/Gypt. In final conclusion, N-G-R: NEGRO = COSMIC DIVINE BEINGS.

  5. etymology and philology are implicit in this interesting essay, languages evolve and diffuse for various reasons, especially early cross cultural contacts spurring adoptions of foreign words into other languages, vice versa, we can see that from some of the essay and from the comments that are not merely hostile reactions. In America we have the slang term in common usage a “schosh”, meaning a little bit more of something, which was taken from Japanese “s’koshi” meaning the exact same thing, brought back by conquering soldiers to the west coast of America. Unfortunately, with a “new” generation of internet slaves and anonymous blogging, you have “threads” like this contaminated by dis-info specialists and just plain cowards who never in their lives sat in a large group of people to discuss anythting of merit, face to face, because they don’t know how, indeed, does anyone under the age of 55 or so understand how things have changed in this regard? Internet is OK but no substitute for physical life and confronting you brothers and sisters with this kind of information in the flesh. Go to the park, get on a soap box and broadcast this stuff with written handouts (like the good old days), just watch out for the taser equipped thought police, growing ever stronger because so many are lost in cyber space. We are being pushed into a virtual world away from the real thing, computer is a useful tool but don’t forget the fresh air and talking to someone on the street – ON THE CORNER….not with a bandana over your face throwing rocks at cop cars for a cointelpro payday.

  6. The origin of the insult in American history stemmed from the fact in old English “nigger” ment uneducated or idiot and that’s were it started it had nothing to do with skin color as so many think that is why when the Irish first came to America they were called it to

    1. I have an old English dictionary of my Grandmother’s from around 1930. It defines “nigger” the same way – an uneducated or ignorant person. Basically, most of the White racist rednecks running around in sheets and lighting crosses on fire were niggers.

  7. The fact of the matter is this, this earth is designed for people with hi levels of melanin it’s not a black or a white thing it’s all about survival, the more melanin you have the more in tune with the universe you are and you also will reap the intended benefits of the creator. The powers that be know the truth, they know that melanin is the key to divinity which is why anything associated with black is negative this is done to insure that the heavier melinated Peoples of the earth feel inferior and to insure the existance of the less melanated races. In truth we are all one and if we were all heavily melanated what would be the harm, instead of looking at it as the White race dieing look at it as a purification of the human race melanin = the truth. One love one People

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