The Original Meaning of the “N” Word — by Pianke Nubiyang

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The Original Meaning of the “N” Word

By: Pianke Nubiyang
27, January 02, at 12:50 p.m.


The word “nig…” used to be the most revered and sacred word in the universe. It was the “devine epithet,” and the people who began using the mother of all words that originated from this word which was sullied by the British, were the ancient Egyptians or better, the Khemites, who called their land, “Khemet” or “The Black Land,” and also used the name, “Ta-merri” or “The Beloved Land.”


The father of the “n” word was the word used by the ancient Egyptians for “God.” That word was “N-g-r” and as one can see, there are no vowels in this word. In the ancient African and even the present African languages (the Afro-Asiatic linguistic family) vowels such as “a,e,i,o,u” are not found in many translations, particularly of ancient Hebrew and Egyptian languages.

In the translation of ancient Egyptian and Hebrew (which is heavily influenced by Egyptian), one will not always find vowels, therefore, very few people will realize that the word for God, which is “N-g-r” pronounced “en-ger” was the Egyptian word for God. In fact, the Egyptian word for “nature,” is also the word used for God. That word is “ntyr,” (pronounced net-jer.” Now prounce the word “nigg..” and the word “net-jer,” and one sees the clear connection.


In many African languages particularly the Niger-Congo language family. Words that connects with people, Gods, and groups begin with “n” and that word is always the first word. For instance, the word “Nkosi” in Xhosa is “God.” The word “Ndaba,” in another South African language is “counsil” (or gathering of elders). Many common names also begin with “N”.


N-g-r (Egyptian;pronounced en-jer) = God
N-t-y-r (Egypt; pronounced net-ger) = God, Devine
Negash (Ethiopia; ne-gash) = King
Negus (Ethiopia; ne-goos) = Emperor
Nkosi (Xhosa; en-kosi) = God
Ndaba (Zulu; en-daba) = Counsil/Officials,
Naga (East Indian, Nubian = People
Nugarmarta (West African = People (See the writings of Ibn Buttata’s journey to West Africa)


The Romans are probably the first Europeans to misrepresent the word for God, which was “N-g-r”

About the early part of the First Century, Romans tried to invade Ethiopia. (see BLACK HISTORY CHART or go here for a list of Nubian Pharaohs and Queens.

The Romans who were speakers of Latin always knew of Blacks, there were Blacks in Rome, Italy had an ancient Black presence long before the Latins migrated from Central Asia and North Eastern Europe during the ‘Aryan’ migrations. In fact, the Latin ethnic groups is still in existance in the northern part of Italy even today. This part of Italy still grips about Hannibal’s invasion which happened about two thousand two hundred years ago!!!!

The Romans had a name for Blacks, it was “Niger” and it meant Black or people of African origins. Thus, Septimus Niger would have meant, Septimus the Negro. Yet, how did the Romans connect the word “Niger” to Black.

In ancient times, Blacks were worshipped as Gods. The Gods of Greece came from Egypt. The worship of the Black Madonna is connected with the worship of Isis, the Egyptian Goddes. Moreover, Blacks in Egypt called their Pharaohs “En-ger” or “N-g-r” he was literally referred to as “THE GOD.”

It is very possible that when the Romans tried to invade Nubia, they asked for the name of the God and the term “N-g-r” was probably used in place of “leader” or “king”. In Angola, the same also happened during the 1600’s when the word “N-gola” which means “King” (notice the “N” and the “g” in this word as well), came to be “Angola,’ the name of a kingdom in south western Africa.
(Read more on Nubian, Egyptian, West African and ancient American trade and commercial connections in ancient times; see the book, “Susu Economics: The History of Pan-African Trade, Commerce, Money and Wealth,” published by 1stBooks Library, also see


A Roman general invading Nubia from Egypt would probably have used the Egyptian term for Pharaoh, which was “N-g-r” (God). This term then was used to refer to all Blacks and as time went by, the word N-g-r became Niger. In Fact, the Romans also classified their Emperors as “Gods,” to follow the Egyptian style. Moreover, as the History Channel poointed out, “Rome was a collection of villages before the Egyptians built it up.”(paraphrased).
The word “em-peror” sounds very close to the word “en-jer.” That is not a coincidental connection…………

For more see:

Original: The Original Meaning of the “N” Word — by Pianke Nubiyang

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99 thoughts on “The Original Meaning of the “N” Word — by Pianke Nubiyang”

  1. Bottom line is Yahshua/Jesus of Nazareth was and is a black man with dred locks. Time will tell and the truth will be revealed…The God of Abraham made a covenant with us black people because we are the chosen race…but Satan, through the Brotherhood, Ilumminati, sisters of light and Yah alone knows what other satanic groups are out there doing their best to keep the black man’s history lost. Remember Psalm 126…

  2. for those moving in the positive vibes; YHWH has promised to bring knowledge back to us in the days before He returns to gather His People from all the corners
    of the earth, were He scattered us. I see prophacy fullfilling with each person bring words of enlighting to our people, YWHY’s people in diaspora.

  3. I think it is sad that everyone has to point a finger at someone else for the responsibility of how this word became so corrupt. I don’t really care where it came from or how people in the far past have used it, but I do know that since the Revolutionary War era, in America, it has been used and connected to black people. I believe that it was used not due to their color, but do to white people seeing them as worthless, no good, piece of sh*t excuse for human kind. It was mainly free labor back in those days and no matter how hard a person worked it was not good enough. It then became associated with the back person. We treat each other the same way now days, just in a bit, different manner, but never the less, we are all guilty of discrimination. I don’t see a black, white, tan, red, green, blue, or any other color, person different. As long as they are a good human being then we are all the same, but I do see murder’s, rappist, thugs, gangs, thiefs, ect. as this kind of person that would fit into that category as a “nigger” no matter what their color. We all our guilty of being prejudeous whether we are looking at color, religion, politics, morals, or just simply points of view. Next time you hear this word be used stop, listen and note how most people use the word and what real meaning they put behind their comments if you take out the persons color. Just something to think about.

  4. I approve of this article, sadly I can’t say the same about a majority of the negative feedback on here but I suggest to many studying etymology because I assure you this man isn’t re-writing the history of anything, especially a word once thought derogatory..etymology seriously deserves it’s own course in school so idiots like the ones above won’t fill the internet with their stupidity, I’m sure we can use the megabytes for something more useful no?

    And just in-case a couple of you ignoramuses are too lazy to look up the definition for etymology it means:

    the history of a linguistic form (as a word) shown by tracing its development since its EARLIEST recorded occurrence in the language where it is found, by tracing its transmission from one language to another, by analyzing it into its component parts, by identifying its cognates in other languages, or by tracing it and its cognates to a common ancestral form in an ancestral language
    2 : a branch of linguistics concerned with etymologies

    So STFU, and get the studying..This is the best site ever!

  5. Originally, the word nigger meant “a filthy dirty person”. But, because blacks were called the word 95% of the time, it eventually came to mean a racial slur toward black people. But, because white people now call them buggers, that word will also one day become the mean the same thing and its original meaning will also be forgotten.

    1. I used to have an old dictionary. The definition of the word nigger said… a trashy person. That is all it said, nothing else.

    2. I’m 35 years old and when I was about 7 I asked my mom what a nigger was she said look it up in the dictionary so I did. It said in short an incompetent person, at that time I couldn’t figure out why blacks said it was a racist word. I knew a few incompetent people already. And I still think that way to this day. It’s not a color or a religion it’s just stupid.

      1. Blacks thinks its racist because the people who use the word are trying to be racist! You think when they ( black people ) were being hung while being called a “monkey nigger” is not racist? What about when their houses or churches were being burned, the whole time hearing a mob yelling “NIGGER”! What about when they were forced to have sex with their family members while while people chanted NIGGER.

    3. Opiel says, Originally, the word nigger meant “a filthy dirty person”. This is possibly due to a misunderstanding between the word “nigger” and the word “niggard” which are unrelated to each other. The words niggard and niggardly are sometimes misinterpreted as racial slurs because they sound like the highly offensive word nigger. However, niggard dates back to Middle English. The first element nygg-, nig- was borrowed from a Scandinavian source, and -ard is a pejorative suffix. The English word niggardly is a modern English formation from niggard. Therefore these two words are not etymologically related to nigger.

  6. I am overwhelmed I see a mans heart ,not his skin Nor do I judge men God will judge me and man amen.

  7. why are u people so obsess by religion always quoting from the bible,quran,&EGYPTIAN animism,…….isit not the case that the word NIGGER ….is derived from LATIN..? take note NERO,NEGRO. ……italian,spanish……please can somone make sense?

    1. To peter,… we like it or not we do judge people by apperance,the first sense is the image through your eyes,…..his actions……….then sounds you hear which is speech which makes LANGUAGE &then&only then can judge what”s in a person”s mind………we all have preconcived ideas of people due to culture&media……..culture&media is part of the make up of a person”s mind so which ever part of the world you are from you are going to judge………..a german is………a french is… arab is…… american is…….a whiteman is……..a blackman is…….a chinese is…….an indian is……..or whoever is…….this seems to be the norm OK. stop refering to GOD or quoting the BIBLE

      1. WAYNE Was My Comment Not Good Enough, I Do Not Judge You Or Your Comment, I Will Talk Of GOD Your Words Have No Affect, But Please Comment Your Comment Tells Me A lot About You But Judge, Your Not Worth Effort If You Feel You Need To Troll Me Brill.

    2. So basically your saying that the word “niger/nigger” means just what the person appears to look like in colour as is”black” or dark for that matter. I do very much agreed from other extensive research. Peace!!!

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