The Black Gods: Ethiopia and the Origin of Civilization Part 4 – By John G. Jackson (1939)

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So far we have given little or no attention to the evidence of comparative religion. The study of ancient religious history is important, for religion, like philosophy, changes but slowly. Institutional religion, being conservative and static in its outlook, has preserved much ancient lore that would have otherwise been lost to the modern student.

The Greek philosopher Xenophanes (572–480 B.C.), pointed out a profound truth when he observed that the gods men worship very closely resemble the worshippers. In the words of this ancient sage: “Each man represents the gods as he himself is. The Ethiopian as black and flat-nosed the Thracian as red-haired and blue-eyed; and if horses and oxen could paint, they would no doubt depict the gods as horses and oxen.” This being the case; when we find the great nations of the world, both past and present, worshipping black gods, then we logically conclude that these peoples are either members of the black race, or that they originally received their religion in toto or in part from black people. The proofs are abundant.

The ancient gods of India are shown with Ethiopian crowns on their heads. According to the Old Testament, Moses first met Jehovah during his sojourn among the Midianites, who were an Ethiopian tribe. We learn from Hellenic tradition that Zeus, king of the Grecian gods, so cherished the friendship of the Ethiopians that he traveled to their country twice a year to attend banquets. “All the gods and goddesses of Greece were black,” asserts Sir Godfrey Higgins, “at least this was the case with Jupiter, Baccus, Hercules, Apollo, Ammon. The goddesses Benum, Isis, Hecate, Diana, Juno, Metis, Ceres, Cybele were black.” (Anacalypsis, Vol. I, Book IV, Chap. I.)

Even the Romans, who received their religion mainly from the Greeks, admitted their debt to Egypt and Ethiopia. This may be well illustrated by the following passage from The Golden Ass or Metamorphosis, by Apuleius. The author, as an initiate of the Isis cult is represented as being addressed by that goddess: “I am present; I who am Nature, the parent of things, queen of all the elements … the primitive Phrygians called me Pressimunitica, the mother or the gods; the native Athenians, Ceropian Minerva; the floating Cyprians, Paphian Venus … the inhabitants of Eleusis, the ancient goddess Ceres. Some again have invoked me as Juno, others as Bellona, others as Hecate, and others Rhamnusia; and those who are enlightened by the emerging rays of the rising sun, the Ethiopians, Ariians and Egyptians, powerful in ancient learning, who reverence by divinity with ceremonies perfectly proper, call me by my true appellation, Queen Isis.” (Doane’s Bible Myths, Note, p. 478.)

A study of the images of ancient deities of both the Old and New Worlds reveal their Ethiopic origin. This is noted by Kenneth R. H. Mackezie in T. A. Buckley’s Cities of the Ancient World, p. 180: “From the wooly texture of the hair, I am inclined to assign to the Buddha of India, the Fuhi of China, the Sommonacom of the Siamese, the Zaha of the Japanese, and the Quetzalcoatl of the Mexicans, the same, and indeed an African, or rather Nubian, origin.” Most of these black gods were regarded as crucified saviors who died to save mankind by being nailed to a cross, or tied to a tree with arms outstretched as if on a cross, or slain violently in some other manner.

Of these crucified saviors, the most prominent were Osiris and Horus of Egypt, Krishna of India, Mithra of Persia, Quetazlcoatl of Mexico, Adonis of Babylonia and Attis of Phrygia. Nearly all of these slain savior-gods have the following stories related about them: They are born of a virgin, on or near Dec. 25th (Christmas); their births are heralded by a star; they are born either in a cave or stable; they are slain, commonly by crucifixion; they descend into hell, and rise from the dead at the beginning of Spring (Easter), and finally ascend into heaven. The parallels between the legendary lives of these pagan messiahs and the life of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Bible are so similar that progressive Bible scholars now admit that stories of these heathen Christs have been woven into the life-story of Jesus. (These remarkable parallels are discussed and interpreted in a pamphlet, Christianity Before Christ, by John G. Jackson, New York, 1938.)

The late Mr. Maynard Shipley, President of The Science League of America, made a very scholarly study of the various mythologies and religions of the world, and in the concluding passage of a brilliant essay, Christian Doctrines in Pre-Christian America, he offers a profoundly thought-provoking statement:

That the ancient pagan creeds, legends and myths—part of the universal mythos—should be found embodied in the religion of the ancient Mexicans, and that all these again are found to be but the original sources of the modern orthodox Christian religion, is by no means inexplicable, and need not be attribute to the subtlety of the Ubiquitous Devil. The explanation is that all religions and all languages of the civilized races of men had a common origin in an older seat of civilization.

Where that original center of culture was is another story.

The evidence seems to show that the “original center of culture,” referred to by Mr. Shipley, was that vast domain known to the classical geographers and historians as Ethiopia. A study of religious images throws much light on this early civilization. The tau (T-shaped) cross is thought by many Christians to be a unique emblem of their faith. The fact is that this cross is of ancient Ethiopian origin. In the words of an outstanding student of symbolism: “The Ethiopic form of the tau is an exact prototype of the conventional Christian cross; or, to state the fact in its chronological relation, the Christian cross is made in the exact image of the Ethiopian tau.” (Sex Symbolism. P. 9, by William J, Fielding, Little Blue Book No. 904.) The cross was known to all the great ancient nations, and was sometimes shown with the image of a man upon it. The Church Father, Minucius Felix, writing in the early part of the third century, severely rebukes the Pagans for their adoration of crosses: “I must tell you that we neither adore crosses nor desire them; you it is ye Pagans … for what else are your ensigns, flags and standards, but crosses gilt and beautiful. Your victorious trophies not only represent a cross, but a cross with a man upon it.” Commenting on the preceding extract, the American scholar, T. W. Doane, notes that:

It is very evident that this celebrated Christian Father alludes to some Gentle mystery, of which the prudence of his successors has deprived us. When we compare this with the fact that for centuries after the time assigned for the birth of Jesus Christ, he was not represented as a man on a cross, and that the Christians did not have such a thing as a crucifix, we are inclined to think that the effigies of a black or dark-skinned crucified man, which were to be seen in many places in Italy even during the last century, may have had something to do with it. (Bible Myths, p. 197, 7th Edition.)

The same writer also refers to “the Mexican crucified god being sometimes represented as black,” and that “crosses were also found in Yucatan, as well as Mexico, with a man upon them.” (Ibid., p. 201.)

The numerous black madonnas and infants in European cathedrals are discussed in detail by Sir Godfrey Higgins in The Anacalypsis, Vol. I, Book IV, Chap. I, to which the interested student is referred. However, the remarks of Mr. Shipley on this point are worthy of our attention:

Very suggestive is the fact that representations of the virgin mother and infant savior are often black. This is true in the case of the paintings and images of Isis and Horus, of Devaki and Krishna, and in many cases of Mary and Jesus. The most ancient pictures and statues in Italy and other parts of Europe, which are adored by the faithful as representations of the Virgin Mary and the infant Jesus, reveal the infant draped in white, but with face black and in the arms of a black mother. … How does it happen that the Virgin Mother of the Mexican Savior-God so closely resembled the Black Virgins of Egypt and Europe? Had they not all a common origin?” (Sex and The Garden of Eden Myth, pp. 50–51, by Maynard Shipley, Little Blue Book No.1188.)

Mr. A. H. Verrill, an American archaeologist, visited an Indian shrine in a small town in Guatemala a few years ago, and found that on a special festival day Indians traveled to this little church to bow down to the image of a Black Christ. From the attendant ceremonies, Verrill judged the rite to be of Mayan origin. (see Verrill’s Old Civilizations of the New World, New York, 1938.) The Mayas possessed knowledge of the arts and sciences equivalent to that of the ancients of the Old World, but upon that we cannot dwell, since limitations of space forbid it. The reader is referred to Professor Paul Radin’s fine book on the American Indians, where after surveying the marvelous scientific achievements of the Mayas of Yucatan and Central America , Dr. Radin admits that: “No excavations have ever revealed to us any civilization of a simpler nature from which this very elaborate culture could possibly have been developed.” (The Story of the American Indian, p. 77, Garden City, 1937.)

Egypt and Western Asia tell the same story. “In each case we have a standard or measuring-rod of authentic historical record,” declares Samuel Laing, “of certainly not less than 8,000 and more probably 9,000 or 10,000 years, from the present time; and in each case we find ourselves at this remote date, in the presence, not of rude beginnings, but of a civilization already ancient and far advanced. We have populous cities, celebrated temples, an organized priesthood, an advanced state of agriculture and of the industrial and fine arts; writing and books so long known that their origin is lost in myth; religions in which advanced philosophical and moral ideas are already developed; astronomical systems which imply a long course of accurate observations. How long this prehistoric age may have lasted, and how many centuries it may have taken to develop such a civilization, from the primitive beginnings of Neolithic and Paleolithic origins, is a matter of conjecture. All we can infer is, that it must have required an immense time, much longer than that embraced by the subsequent period of historical record.” (Human Origins, by Samuel Laing, p. 30, London, 1913.)

Much more could be said on this subject, but since this essay is addressed mainly to readers who have little time for the study of history, it must be made as concise as possible. The numerous citations from standard scientific and historical works, it is hoped, will be of some benefit to students who are out of reach of large public libraries, or who lack the leisure time necessary for reading and research along these lines.

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66 thoughts on “The Black Gods: Ethiopia and the Origin of Civilization Part 4 – By John G. Jackson (1939)”

  1. as it is written ,the world was given to the devil to rule first , together with the white race.after the coming of the son of man( rastafari) , all things shall be taken back to the true ruler of rightiousnee (blackman). black people are the only nation with the heart closer to god. look at their ancient civilisatin.

    1. u make a very valid point when u say that our heart is closer god..look at language and we can see black, god, and love all intwined in the same the ancient lingua, they mean the same thing interchangeably..all the ancient gods were described as black, and the color of black(if there is such a thing as color) symbolizes the divine principle of god..when we return to what made us the jewel of creation, then we can get over this genocidal and mind altering poison that has us divided and in contrast to each other..even as we march along in this new africa, we must bear in mind how we got here and never forget our struggle or our brothers and sisters in it..we must educate ourselves and know what black means, what africa means, and what do we have in common with god, love and dominance mean..

  2. As for Samuel you have a lot of nerve. Blacks are not leaning on each other to search back in to the past to find that they were once great. They are great people and their history is written in stone. It is about appreciation, gratitude, respect and reverence and never forgetting where they (black people) came from. It is about inclusion and discovery, sounds like you want them to forget about who they are. It is ok for white people to discover, but, of course, not black people. Everything that has ever happened to them (black people) they have survived! They have shown the world that they can overcome anything. Yes that is right, anything including captivity! I don’t blame black people for realizing that there were once black gods, just like Mayan gods, Aztec gods, Olmec gods, Indian gods and pale face European copy cat gods. I certainly would not want to be a particular race praying, giving offerings and gratitude to a god that didn’t look like me. In truth, it has always been a shameful thing to be black and pray to a white Jesus!

    You wouldn’t dare tell a Jew to stop crying over the Holocaust and acting like the world owes understanding of their suffering! Hyprocrit!

    1. One of our first understanding in knowing GOD is that no mind, never mind how great can conceive him. However, all his MESSENGERS were AFRIKKANS who are : KRISHNA, ABRAM, BUDDHA, ZOROASTER, MOSES aka MUSA, JESUS aka HORUS aka ISA, MUHAMMAD, BAB, B AHAULLAH. Although the SPIRIT of GOD manifested in all the messengers we are to worship that which we cannot see and not the body for in time the body perish but the spirit is everlasting. With this it matters not what color they paint their GODS we know their is but one GOD. May ALMIGHTY ALLAH guide you unto all truth.

      THY WILL BE DONE. 11112011 – 11th NOVEMBER, 2929.

    2. You’re absolutely retarded….do you honestly believe that black people are the only ones that have been captivated? Do you not think that there were ever white slaves. Honestly I think this article serves no purpose if people are going to turn this into a right and wrong thing. If you really want to go there blacks fought blacks moses fought egyptians….and eventually everything got screwed up because people wanted power and entertained hate. Which will lead to the downfall of any race….or any individual for any matter. For so long people have always wanted power and to be the right ones…..and if everyone doesnt at least make an attempt to change we will never be anything more than a slave. Quit the black pride thing and be proud to be one of gods children, be alive, and have the power to make a change for the better. Or you could sit around and think because your skin black you can be a total asshole and for some reason you are going to be rewarded with good things.

  3. If anyone has any references to the blackman or woman in the ancient history of religion and the Bible please contact me at,
    I am curI am currently researching material for a book which is entitled “Keys to the kingdom”. I need all the help I can get because I know that the truth is shroulded in mystery and deception. I personally cannot believe all that white people or hristians say abut us or omit about us as a people. I hope to bring truth into the young peoples mind so that they can feel good as a race of people and pull away from the poison that has been duped on us from the avent of slavery. I believe in righteousness and a people who bear the same essence of wanting to know what is right and true in order that we wil finally find out what salvation is for us which stems to the rest of the sons of Adam (creation).

    1. There is a lot of referrences to the ancient history of blackman or woman.It is only written in a very subtle way that blacks or whites for that matter can understand us if it does not exist.For example, ancient Ethiopia is substtuted with Egypt or Nubia.Most of the ancient history you read is a black mans history,only you are not aware of it!

  4. Black the Alpha the Omega the beginning and the end and that is all. We were civilized while you were in caves………Having guns to spears doesn’t make you superior it makes you a bully……….Hiding the history of us was your goal to bad we now have Google now the truth will set us free.

    1. If you were so civilized why did egyptians have supposed black slaves aka moses that you beat with whips until they died….lol get real. You shouldve known someone was going to take you down after all you deserved it.

      1. Too bad the bible isn’t real. What is civilized? Do you know the definition? Everybody had slaves and that doesn’t mean the were uncivilized. How do we deserve what happen? Are you saying we went back in time and told our ancestors to enslave people so they could treat us a million times worse? Your an idiot!

  5. ancient ethiopia is not where ethiopia is today its in south america, its also well known that the egyptians were a colony of ethiopians. There were to egypts one on the west and one on the east. egypt on the west was the first egypt it was in mexico. the olmec heads they found in mexico are older than any other civilization. These are well known facts. The reason they can’t prove the bible is real is because in the bible they changed the names of people and cities by dropping letters. Jerselum is in peru. Atlantis the lost island was beside peru. the ethiopians are the jews and they were some of the pharaohs. the bible is accurate in all it tales its evident in peru, brazil, ecuador, mexico, belize, guatemala, and hondurus. don’t believe me google History of Ethiopia According to Herodotus, Diodorus Siculus and Strabo

  6. “truth”

    Who gave the country the name peru? Isnt it the ” monkey” Christopher Colombus and his devilsh pals who invaded europe? what was the name of that region before the”devils ” arrived?

  7. the name of peru was patagonia
    cm bey the clock of destiiny 1-2 wy asiatics could never be christians 1947
    muurish science from the truth the geographical flip makes all rguments bbout the east a black n bleac fake white fugazy cause most of what they said happened a in akebulan happened here in west as for greek egypt in the east
    evidence shohows the ffirst slavs in either kemet either egypt was caucasion ones the christian slavery was just payback they do everythimg e d to them except teach us , we was an stil slleep with them an teach the children,those are our european suns with fezzzs called masons nn shriners proof is right there , so we made very fair skin children who were only allowed to marry others in their own family after 1800s,,seed of autism

    egyptions with nubian slaves ,who were the egyptions compared to the kemetians . confusing ptolomy an alexander with ancient times,the greeks invade 338bc then u get these nubian slaves from dark skin greeks ,,john henrik clarke black athena ,those gay picture of ancient greek pedophiles being normal life at that time had men with hue not paleskin ,the greek invaders arab invaders ,they lie an say these were white men,,now they re falsely called that but they replcace who was that in ancient time like hthose masonic boule people fr from greek fretarnity society ,, initiations ,seal of solomon liars.egypt is from greek but we taught greek to speak greek,the word is a corru[ption of hwt ka ptah temple for ka of ptah,other named it after misram hams son then said all nergroes come from ham.egypt was used to write biible tha dissed egypt.but whe u her its egypt then u know the land as well as the word had been corrupted by invasion which led to slaves under islam for example an the fourth muslimm being bilal in their history bbooks even the ottomams got iin on it callling him a negro slave in their books ,, now thas a lie ,,heres what i mean when its talk of black slaves these ar slaves of the invasion pow`s where did they buy bilal from an bring him to nuhannad.the muurs were expelled in 649ad thats close to muhannads islam , so it was the muurs enslaved by mohammadins expelled or killed for doing magic by the sufi`s hashims,kemet is old kingdom egypt is new kigdom negro brand put on muurs an being the negro is new he is now last being created on planet acording to new kingdom like new testamen ,created races of the aaryans aryan man said it negro is one laatino hispanic indian blaack yelow white then they make camels eye treaty to try to seal in color doomination as if our foremthers agreed to that ,,testa means testacles ment means mind ,roman ,thats the etymology of the bible new an old testameent

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