African Genetics Revisited: Europeans are genetically inferior to Africans

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Published February 22nd 2008
The in depth studies can be found at the article’s source, here:,2933,331949,00.html

“White Americans are both genetically weaker and less diverse than their black compatriots, a Cornell University-led study finds.

Analyzing the genetic makeup of 20 Americans of European ancestry and 15 African-Americans, researchers found that the former showed much less variation among 10,000 tested genes than did the latter, which was expected.

They also found that Europeans had many more possibly harmful mutations than did African, which was a surprise.

“Since we tend to think of European populations as quite large, we did not expect to see a significant difference in the distribution of neutral and deleterious variation between the two populations,” said senior co-author Carlos Bustamante, an assistant professor of biological statistics and computational biology at Cornell.

It’s been known for years that all non-Africans are descended from a small group, perhaps only a few dozen individuals, who left the continent between 50,000 and 100,000 years ago.

But the Cornell study, published in the journal Nature Thursday, indicates that Europeans went through a second “population bottleneck,” probably about 30,000 years ago, when the ancestral population was again reduced to relatively few in number.

The doubly diluted genetic diversity has allowed “bad” mutations to build up in the European population, something that the more genetically varied African population has had more success in weeding out.

“What we may be seeing is a ‘population genetic echo’ of the founding of Europe,” said Bustamante.

The Cornell team hopes to study other population groups in search of similar results.

For example, Native Americans show even less genetic diversity than Europeans, having descended from a few thousand people who entered North America about 10,000 years ago.

That fact was reinforced by a larger-scale study, also published in Nature, led by scientists from the Universities of Michigan and Virginia who analyzed genetic samples of 485 individuals scattered around the globe whose DNA is recorded in a French databank.

As would be expected with the “out of Africa” theory, the researchers found Africans had the greatest amount of genetic diversity, followed in turn by Middle Easterners, then Europeans and South Asians at about equal levels, then East Asians.

Native Americans had the least genetic diversity of all, indicating that part of the world was settled last.

“Previously, we’ve been able to look at the genome and say, ‘This part is from Africa, this is from Asia,'” explained Virginia research Andrew Singleton to Wired News. “Now we can look past that and say, ‘It’s from this part of Africa or Eurasia.'”

A third study, published in the journal Science on Friday, may be the most fascinating of all.

Drawing on 935 individual samples from the French databank, a Stanford University team found deep traces of long-ago population movements, all originating from a “ground zero” in Ethiopia, Kenya or Tanzania.

For example, the Pygmies of the Congo forest were found to be quite close to the Bushmen of Namibia — but both were very different from most other sub-Saharan groups.

The fierce and proud Bedouin nomads of the Middle East actually have a lot of European and South Asian blood.

The Asian-looking Hazara of Afghanistan are correct in claiming ancestry in Mongolia, but the Han, the dominant ethnic group in China, may be disappointed to discover they’re actually two peoples, one north, the other south.

Native Americans have at least one closely related group in Asia — the Yakuts of eastern Siberia, who themselves are related to other hunter-gatherer Siberian tribes, some of whom build wooden teepees.

The Basques in northeastern Spain and southwestern France may be right to demand their own nation — they’re not closely related to anyone else. Surprisingly, neither are the residents of Sardinia off the coast of Italy.

As with the other large-scale study, the Stanford team found the greatest diversity outside of Africa among people living in the wide crescent of land stretching from the eastern shore of the Mediterranean to northern India.

Not only was the region among the first colonized by the African migrants, they theorize, but the large number of European and East Asian genes among the population indicates that it’s long been the human highway, with large numbers of migrants from both directions conquering, trading and generally reproducing along its entire length.”


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120 thoughts on “African Genetics Revisited: Europeans are genetically inferior to Africans”

  1. Just to declare some perplexed & misplaced transparency overall the origin of the “HUE” man or the “Black” man and wom(b)an or “Mu’urs” is that of “Dark Energy” which is the most dominant “Sub atomic” substance in the MULTIverse not “UNI” (meaning one) “verse” (meaning dimension or realm) which is “Melanin” which is a condensed form of sub atomic matter which results in matter….!!!!! Caucasoids and their self manifestations such as the concept “PSUEDO” which means “FALSE”….!!!!! Only those who are “FALSE” in creation and existence can project, concoct and manifest a concept such as “PSUEDO” (FALSE) and pure “FALSEHOOD”….!!!!! And that cosmic axiom you cannot ESCAPE eqiuvalent to LIGHT energy trying to ESCAPE a supermassive DARK or BLACK hole….!!!!! Your nature is Savagery, Deception, Distortion, Evil, Contamination, Disease, Poisonous, Treachery, Theft, Misinterpretation, Reconfiguration, Reverse Engineering, Imitation, Emulation, Replication, Envy, Hate, Greed & Destruction amongst many….!!!!! The reign of this Satanic, Zionist, MONARCH PROGRAMMING influence will be cleansed from Mother earth and returned back to its pure origin….!!!!!!! Of all which has been mentioned is pure Multiversal, Metaphysical, Scientific and Historical FACT not OPINION….!!!!! Do some extensive and exhaustive RESEARCH on the Mel(ANIN) Molecule and ONLY then can you commense to assimilate, process & comprehend the Genetical, Metaphysical and Biophysical superiority of the ethereal “Black” man and “Wom(b)an” & true origin of THYSELF….!!!!! Peace be unto you….!!!!!

  2. Whites are genetically inferior and born with an inferiority complex. I mean one look at them and you can tell. They burn in the sun and look 50 by the time they are 25, Their hair doesn’t protect them against anything(they actually get lice). They have recessive genes. Blacks have DOMINANT genes. They just aren’t built to last .
    No wonder they go so hard on black people. They see power in blacks and have to work overtime to try to take the power away. You don’t obsess or feel threatened by someone if you REALLY thought they were inferior.

    As someone said, how does enslaving someone and abusing them make you superior? Needing to use weapons and lies to hurt are traits of an inferior person. If anything that just shows someone is very wrong mentally with the majority of whites. There is no humanity is whites and now I can see why they are coined the term”white devil”. I honestly don’t consider the majority of them even human. I mean what kind of creature enslaves another human being and continues to oppress them through institutional racism?What kind of creature rapes nature the way whites have and are continuing to do? They claim that blacks have lower IQ’s supposedly but who is giving the tests? Who is creating these rules and standards? WHITES! Why did they work so hard to shut blacks out of education? Please just stop. No one believes you. Let us all start out on a FAIR playing field(no lies, deception, other forms of racial tactics, discrimination,weapons that whites like to use) and you will see who the superior one is both mentally and physically. You will have your answer right in front of you. BLACKS ARE. Whites have set up a system of placing minorities at a disadvantage and then using the problems they created to continue to support white racism. Its sickening and twisted.

    I wish a tsunami would just wash whites away. The world would be a better place. Wow I never admitted that out loud.

    1. I believe that globally “whites” are now a ethnic minority. I think “Me” above lives a parallel universe. Funny how the “atom” was mentioned. Will “blacks” ever take humanity to space or will they every terraform this planet that they love so much?

      1. Real human beings never needed to travel to outer space because everything necessary for human life was provided according to the laws of nature and all creation. It’s what the Divine Pymander refers to as Providence. Real humans understood a long time ago (before the Bible) that nature, and Hu-Man beings are of nature, is corruptible or changeable; and that only the spirit, which isn’t of nature, is Eternal.

        1. Sounds nice and great until some global catastrophe happens that wipes out all life, like a meteor or a Gamma-ray burst.

          We should take care of the planet that gave birth to us, that I believe wholeheartedly, but we were never meant to simply stay here on Earth permanently. We are part of a much larger picture than Earth, and it’s all of our responsibilities collectively to realize that.

    2. I am white and get a good tan in the sun and am 40 years old but look younger. I have never had lice and have a full head of hair that keeps my head warm in the Canadian winter and protects me in the summer. I have nothing against black people, white people, indians, asians or any other people. People are people and there will be the good and the bad. It only takes a few bad apples to spoil the entire barrel.

      1. right you are. It’s a shame that my fellow rasta brethrin promote the quite unenlightened view of making race this wedge that mitigates brotherhood amongst those of whatever color who love justice and hate aggression. This is the true template for brotherhood and not the color of a man’s skin or color of his eyes for that matter. I believe HIM has made it abundantly clear that racism is a no no. Racist views are a great sin and should be expunged from Rasta consciousness as to do otherwise is to put HIM on trial because one then questions Gods authority and allows ones bitterness to control them. Shame one you Jahdey, although your presentation and research is diligent and some of it is true, your promotion of race hatred is attrocious and I pray for you Brethrin to alter your view and realine your attack to the evil powers and spiritual wickedness in high places. This is the heart of the matter(not skin color.)Jahdey, you ever hear that song,’they never loved poor Marcus?” Well it’s not white people being referred to here but Black people. It was boot licking Black devils(enemys within our own household)that got Garvey in trouble for sedition and mailfraud. I know all too many blacks who are like that. They would sell thier own mothers out for a free pass to a Giants football game,or maybe an order of Chicken Mcnuggets so to speak if not literally. As for you Smythe, we’d appreciate a little intelligence on this website. OK?

        1. Pink boy

          Stop pretending that you are an Ethiopian or a Ras. We smell your lizard scent a million miles away. You fool noone but yourselves.


          1. yeah Jahdey, dogs have a very keen sense of smell. I hope this is not a clue as to you’re species. But if it is, go have another bowl of Mcnuggets. You think that by being a malicious advocate of hatred you’re a qualified Ras or Ethiopian? I advocate for the good of all and color does’nt matter. If that makes me Pink and not a ras, fine. After all now, to be a ras or ethiopian is to turn away from the teachings of the great Zion King and follow the vain imagination of ones own heart. That sir, from what I surmise is what your advocating. Now go ahead and and spew out your venom. That’s all you seem to have anyway You say I’m a lizzard, but it’s the snake that has venom. Wake up and smell the coffee. You’re the one whose not an Ethiopian and not a Ras. Atleast that is the way you come off! Now let’s see your malicious devilish repley and thereby circumvent the question I raised about Garvey, to say nothing of HIM’s utterances on race. No one chooses the way they are. Lineage predisposes us to physical characteristics beyond our control. But you see character…aah, that we control so please Mr. Jahdey for own souls sake turn your control on. Pearljahson has spoken! PEACE

          2. Fake ass lizard and wannabe wigger.

            It is not given unto you underground reptiles to use the name of the King or the great prophet in vain for you are guilty of great crimes.

            In Africa they say that when the story is about dry scaly skin, the old lizards get uneasy.

            Pinkass boy, truth is for everyone both Moors and pinks, your angst and venom notwithstanding.

            Pink scientists have spoken the truth about pink people in this write-up above. But it is Jahdey your pink ass turns to blame.

            Fake pink ass lizarda…run back into your underground sewer, and chill!

  3. Well, coming from a person of European descent this is a powerful message that I would love to keep secret. That all of us Europeans would like to keep secret to prevent genetic annihilation. The truth is we Europeans haven’t the ability to perform the arts that can only be performed by Africans and their close descendants. We depend on technology only because that’s all we have. We enslave due to fear of ostracism and ridicule. We take because we have an insatiable hunger for power and control. Although, a lot of my brethren in the know are conscious of this, we do nothing to uplift the peoples of the of the world. I don’t think that we are 100% at fault; however, we merely exploit the problems already present. The root of the problem is misedeucation of your people.

    It is because they are not informed of our true nature that we will continue to rob, cheat, lie, kill, rape, and obliterate. We have to, or else we will die off. Global Warming is our biggest scare right now, so the ones in the know who control the media are making the caramel and white relationship mixture so appealing so that the masses will interbreed, but there is one con: Whites will disappear. So, in the future we will try to pull out the gene to roam the earth once again. We know of our fate, hence integration. But realize this, whites exploit problems to a colossal degree— we don’t create them. That’s why Buddha Siddhartha Gautama went to Asia to spread peace. He studied under the Sufis/ Kemetic Mystery System/ Dogon whatever you’d like to call it. The Africans were killing those priests who attained the highest of ascension to bring in a new structure. Buddha left. Arabs sold the blacks all over the world. Who were the first Arabs, Black people. The majority of these blacks were priests. Why you might ask. Well, because if the spirituality of a nation is based on gobbledegook then the people can be controlled. That’s why Isa or Yeshua or most commonly know Jesus left. Jesus ascended, so we killed him and then told his people over a couple of millenia that he was white to destroy their rationale and spirituality to manipulate and control. In China young children are sent to factories to make merchandise. How the hell did we profit from that? China sells it’s children’s labor to us so that we can make Walmarts and become billionaires and enslave all people. We managed to get the world’s economy to use the US dollar. Who controls the US Dollar? Us. We print money and exchange it for gold. Now many governments have a bunch of phoney bologna to use as currency while we maintain dominance. And guess what it doesn’t matter when we die off because we have manipulated a system to such a degree that it will continue on without us.

    The problem isn’t just us.
    1) Your people are miseducated
    2) Your people keep the secret which perpetuates the secret and enslavement
    3) Your people get into arguments with us on stupid blogging websites while we are continuing to enslave the peoples of the world instead going out and teaching your people
    4) Your people shun Africa— the heart of the world
    5) Your people’s diet
    —You all started raw veganism and we were cannibals. But now you all are eating soul food (what a misleading title)
    6) Your people idolize idiots like Lil’ Wayne, athletes, and others that we own
    7) Your people think that people such as Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama, Will Smith, and Oprah give a fuck about you… they don’t
    8) You all have accepted our ways while we learn from your original ways and better ourselves
    9) You all watch things made by Tyler Perry when you really should be watching documentaries like the recently published one by Tariq Nasheed (and no it’s not about getting your mac on— he’s known for that— it’s about African origins around the world) it’s called Hidden Colors
    10) You people fight each other when you should just leave the country and leave us to perish
    11) You guys no longer know martial arts Don’t you know you invented capoeira and 52 blocks which all martial arts come from today
    12) You are the founders of alchemy, but can’t even spell it
    13) You know how to read, but the only things you read are Want Ads instead of books by Muata Ashby and others like him
    14) You shun Africa your home and think you come from monkeys— how stupid are you it’s obvious from the hair of a monkey that white people are more closely related to monkeys
    15) You don’t know your legacy and the few that do keep from you for nothing more than status and because of this we will always win that is until nature runs its course

    Tamuramaro, Bodidharma, Lie Tieguai, Siddhartha Gautama, Lao Tsu, Moctezuma or Mansa Musa, just to name a few of you blacks

    Oh! and excuse my white brethren on this blogsite who have yet to grasp the truth. They’re just as stupid as the enslaved blacks. And the only reason why I’m saying all of this is because I know that you won’t do a damn thing about it.

  4. Oh and truth is if you guys didn’t join Freemasonry or any other form of it we wouldn’t be able to do a damn thing to stop you. You get initiated and we sleep with you. We stick our penises in your ***es and tell you if you want money wisdom and honor you have to do this. We take your wives and children. Everyone knows that we all are sexual and devious I mean go to Europe there are commercials of people trying to find sheep to **** in the ***. We are the creators of homosexuality and bestiality. We ridicule you for being this stupid. We tell you that your hair is ugly and bad and that ours is better while our women are buying products to thicken their hair and lips. Get bigger breasts and bigger ***es. We take all of your history and repaint the faces of your people in a nutshell. It’s amazing how stupid you blacks are. We allow you to join our groups when really if you had some common sense you wouldn’t join. You’d study sufism or join the dogon priesthood or something else you guys created that we will never be able to recreate. So, we take what you made for ourselves and tell you that we made it and make you hate your home and in essence hate yourself. It’s obvious while we were enduring the Dark Ages you guys were teaching algebra and mad many advances in schools of thought. Everyone knows of the legacy that is the African in Eastern countries, but it’s because of your own people that you will continue to be enslaved. Sure we provide jobs, but you’d be much better off without us. But it’s not just you blacks it’s the slant eyes too. We tell them that in order for their literature to gain world wide recognition they must make their characters white. Look at many of their first sketches. Sailor Moon is a white woman. Show me one Asian that looks like her. Show me one Asian that looks like Naruto. In India we manipulated the caste system making us on top and the blacks (untouchables) on the bottom when in actuality it represents the color of your chakra not the color of your skin. White being of dvinity and black of negative ether. The Indians on top know this, then why don’t their people. Because we control it. But what about the gurus, they know, and we pay them off and the ones that don’t conform we kill and the survivors run to the Himalayas. We have power only because the people of the world are under the delusion that we have it which is perpetuated by their own people for money and honor. You all allow us to be on top. We may be genetically inferior, but we have managed to make up for it for the last 200 years when people realized we were dying off. Stupid s*** d***s.

    1. to john

      THE name of KRISHNA means??
      THE name of LORD rama means??

      it means BEAUTIFULLY BLACK, The highest state of god, is krishna and the model human being is Lord rama

      what you said is COMPLETE LIES ABOUT indian caste system get your facts right LIER. The caste system has been proven to be a development of tribal groups.

      Johnathan Regal is a Christian, Christian through history have divded people on racial lines …why??…its easy once you realise their history….

      Christians, jews, and muslims believe in NOAH, from Noah came three sons, shem, ham and japeth

      Now shem and japeth where light skinned and became the european christians and the arab muslims, and according to their faith which all three agree on, ham was cursed, and he was blackened for his wrong doing, and it STATES, that the children of ham will be cursed forever and be slaves to the sons of shem and japeth. It was called HAMS curse, and started slavery and promoted it as a devine right!..

      Now the christians and muslims created and started racism and the slave trade, when the christians invaded india, they realised that these brown/dark skinned indians, had a greater civilisation than europe, which was against their biblical texts, that everything came from the sons of shem and japeth , christians and muslims, so the christian invented the story that white european ‘sons of shem’ came down all the way from europe , and attacked the the brown skinned indians, So people like johnation regal is the TRUE PUPPET WHO REPEATS THE WORDS OF SLAVE OWNER, CHRISTIAN TALIBANIST AND PURE NUTTERS…

      GENETICS has proved that aryan invasion was false, and also proven that indian population have a genetic similarity that europeans, east asians, dont have. Their is no genetic difference between low and high castes, what people like this fool states, is that north indians have european genome, which is in fact half truth, europeans have north indian genome is the actual truth. R1a1 geneome group has the highest diversity in india, and nowhere else. Europeans are a genetic inferior group, they are the rejects. Thats why africa, india, and china, have never invaded or seeked to enslave others, this is the old world, the ancient world, But europeans and arabs, have a religous ideology that promotes racism and then these fools, like this john, try to push and lace this racism on to EVERY SOCEITY ON EARTH, and make it seem like it was a normal thing.. it wasnt, it was a purely christian and islamic, trait. The reason why people like john like to distort past events is to hide the origins which lead back to his people….

      so john tell me why the names KRISHNA AND LORD RAMA, who are worshipped in every part of india, to asia, japan, korea, burma, literally MEANS BEAUTIFULLY DARK!!

      explain that you prick. What he also doesn’t add is that under the Islamic and Christian invasion of india, the biggest transfer of wealth was taken from india to europe.

      Now ask yourself, when a society has been raped, looted, and humiliated does that create a more prosperous and progressive society or does that promote anger and hate…

      the reason why africa and india are struggling, is because of christian and islamic plunder, invasion and then distortion of our past….NOTHING ELSE.

      ( AND PLEASE DONT USE WE INDIANS, COS YOUR A CHRISTIAN, YOUR MIND WAS BEEN WARPED BY MISSIONARIES TALIBAN ACTIVITIES THAT STEM ALMOST 500YEARS BACK, whos gona belive the words of a people that created the african slave trade based on racial profiling and a religous ASSERTION that it was the devine right of whites to attack and degrade the CHILDREN OF HAM….the darkies.

      so please…KRISHNA and LORD RAMA means BLACK is beatiful

      The feminine form of the adjective, r?m?? is an epitheton of the night (Ratri), as is k?????, the feminine of k???a, viz. “the dark one; the black one” Both names LORD Rama and KRISHNA means black is beautfill, Indian soceity has NEVER been created along racial LINES!

      so JOHN go and divide and conquer some one else….IF you want i can show you the genocide the Christian did in india…spanning 200years.

      1. Arjen, your entire theory is wrong.You don’t know what you’re talking about. The curse of NOAH was not against Ham! It was against Canaan who was one of Ham’s sons! You’re propigating that Ham(Africans) are cursed. Get it straight! This is just not true.

  5. What I don’t understand is how Cornell University gets behind fundamentally racist “research” like this. This is obviously political and agenda based science. We need to know a little more about the origins and people involved in this study. It doesn’t serve the interests of Black Folks to further the legacy of scientific racism that served to render us “inferior” for centuries. It doesn’t serve the interests of ANYONE to promote “scientific studies” that use “genetically inferior” in their headline.

  6. Wow. Reading the responses to this white-written article (and how whites are arguing with a group not responsible for writing it) just reminds me how irrational whites are. It’s sad.

  7. Needlessly insulting article.

    I could go on about inheritable IQ and crime statistics stratified by race, yet if I once mentioned blacks were inherently inferior. I’d be called a naziwhowantstokill6millionjews

    Whoever decided on the title needs to kill themselves.

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