The Black Jews Of Africa (Part 1)

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The Black Jews Of Africa (Part 1) –

Introducing the Hebrew Tribes of Africa

By Jide Uwechia

Proto-Hebrew tribes and historical Jewish communities have existed in Africa over thousands of years. This series of essays on Africa`s Black Jewish communities has been written to highlight a part of Africa`s heritage that is rarely if ever acknowledged by the stage managed account of history promoted by the mafia-like western educational establishemnts which control the institutions of learning and research.

That the roots of the Hebrews lie in Africa is attested to by this famous saying in Numbers Chapter 22 verse 5 (often distorted beyond recognition) to wit: “There is a people comeout from Egypt: behold they cover the face of the earth…”  Another biblical verse goes: “When Israel was a child, then I loved him and called him out of Egypt”. Hosea Chapter 11 verse 1.

Even before the advent of Abraham, it appears that a body polity known as the tribe of Dan existed in Kushitic Africa for the book of Genesis narrates in Chapter 14 verse 14 that Abraham pursued some Caananite army until he arrived at a place known as Dan. Prof Ben Johanan has aruged that the Falasha Jews of Ethiopia are part of the ancestral tribe of Dan.  See Ben Johanan, “We the Black Jews.”

During the sojourn of Abraham (the pilgrim from Chaldees) to Kushitic North Africa, the book of Genesis Chapter 13 verse 1 suggested that Abram left Egypt and headed south (which geographically speaking points into Africa) towards the place of “his original tent” (a term which indicates original home land). This verse appears to propose that Chaldeans were originally from the land of Africa, and Abram seemed to have made somesort of pilgrimage into the land of his origin.

This should not be too confusing if one recalls that the first King of Mesopotamia was Nimrod the great, acknowledged in the bible and the Quoran as a black man from Africa. Nimrod famously laid the foundations of one of the earliest civilizations of man known as Sumeria or Shinar in the bible. Nimrod’s black African kingdom later morphed into the kingdom of the Chaldees, from where Abraham is said to have commenced his many journeys. See Genesis Chapter 10 verse 8 – 11.

Thus the first geographical location where one encounters the tribe of the Israelites as a nation or a nationalistic expression was in Egypt, Africa. The traditions of the ancient Israelites who supposedly left Egypt for the land of Caanan were a codified strain of the ancient traditions of the Egyptians who had maintained the ways of their first ancestors who lived inside Africa, around the head waters of River Nile. Moses was reputedly very learned in Kemitic science, arts and traditions as noted in Acts Chapter 7 verse 22.

Chapter 19 of the book of Exodus makes it abundantly clear that the God YHVW the god of the Hebrews was originally an African based diety whose special abode was on top of an African mountain known as Mountain Sinai in North East of Africa.

Thus this ancient Israelite presence in Egypt and the ancient Kingdom of Kush suggests that this African tribe rose from the depths of Africa and has maintained an unbroken continuity in Africa since the beginning of living memory.

The Exodus

Even after the so called exodus from Egypt and their settlement in the land of Israel, the Israelite tribes retained certain numerous thriving communities throughout Africa including the ones mentioned in the varous books of the bible such as Exodus, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc.

Moses’s father in law Jethro the Midianite whom traditions regard as an Ethiopian appears as the real founder intellectual and spiritual founder of the Israelites.  He thought Moses and inspired him to fight for the freedom of his people. He introduced him to his God and gave him the basic laws which governed the lives of the Israelites and formed the basis of all their later laws and traditions.  See Exodus Chapter 3 and Exodus Chapter 18 verse 23.

The Midianites, a prototypic Israelite tribe of Ethiopia remained behind in Africa during the so-called migrations to Caanan. See Exodus Chapter 18.  The original Danites of the South who introduced Abram to the tenets of Hebrewism remained in Africa, they did not migrate to Caanan.

As well, many Israelites refused to leave Egypt with Moses whereas many others returned back to their African food basket as they quickly tired of the rigours of frontier life on the edges of the Sinai desert. There were also those who had ideological disagreements with Moses, some of who were among the many implicated in the carving of the golden calf (i.e. Horus). Those ones equally did not proceed with Moses to the so-called promised land because they were not willing to modify their ancient African ways and norms to match the version Moses was supposedly seeking to propagate.

Exile and Diapora

By the 10th and the 9th centuries B.C.E., Hebrew communities had thrived for many centuries and was widespread in Africa. It was a veritable network of traders and craftsmen.

Various potentates sought to use this network to further their interest. Kings David and Solomon purportedly sought to utilize this network of different communities to further the trading interests of the Israelite state. Often, in joint venture with the Caananites (i.e. Phoenicians) trade contacts were opened or consolidated in Africa through the mediation of some of those old African Hebrew communities. In addition to this older segment, many relatively recent Israelite immigrants settled in communities found throughout Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia, Eriteria, Kenya, Tanzania, Mocambique and Southern Africa.

These settlements were intermittenly augmented with new influx of migrant refugees from the so-called holy land driven by insecurity, famine and regional conflicts. Following the conquest of Israel in the 8th century B.C.E. by the Assyrians, and the 6th century destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians, even more Jewish refugees fled into their older communities in Africa. At this time, black Kingdoms in and around Africa were overflowing with migrant Jews. Kingdoms like Yemen, Ethiopia, and the North African Punic Kingdoms up to Mauritania had substantial Jewish settlement.

If one were to pause and ask at this point: What ethnicity were those refugee Jews and why flee to Africa of all places? The response to these queries immediately underline the deep roots of Africa relative to the Hebrew tribes. Those fleeing Jews of the 8th and the 6th century B.C.E. were clearly depicted as Black African men and women with tight curly hair (the hair type of a typical west African) in the Assyrian and Babylonian bas-reliefs commemorating the respective conquests. For example, a sculptured wall relief excavated at ancient Nineveh illustrates the fall of Lachish by the army of king Sennacherib of Assyria. The Hebrews depicted therein were all black men. See image:

Salman Rushdie citing Indian history books claims in a book Last Sigh of Moor published in 1995, that three waves of Jewish refugees has landed in India in the past.  The first Jewish refugees, that had settled in India, arrived after Nabuchadonezer, king of Babylon conquered their land in the 6th century BC and expelled some and enslaved the others. They were dark skinned people, probably of the AFROCOIDAL RACE.

It then becomes clear why segments of that population would seek refugee in Africa…because that was the home land…the motherland…the baseline. It was only within the protective embrace of the African motherland that the harried Jew could be safe from the Babylonian depredations.  As an aside, the significance of this epoch must be recognized. This was the first group of Black people in history ever taken and sold into chattel slavery outside their territory.

To be continued…

August 7, 2007.

Jide Uwechia

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34 thoughts on “The Black Jews Of Africa (Part 1)”

  1. All those who have ears to hear ,hear My father had many other sons besides Solomon.I speak with the authority I am descended from David .King Solomon advised his son Menelik 1 st to take the Kings children with him back to Ethiopia with him.they did not stay in Ethiopia which was another Solomonic dynasty.Instead my fathers went to Mt Zion -a city built by David himself.

  2. I love reggae and rasta culture, but just because you want to be jewish and claim to be by manipulating the bible doesn’t make you jewish. It’s okay, be proud of your own heritage but don’t try to exclude people from theirs. One Love.

  3. Cameron

    I refer you to Professor Shlomo Sands of Tel Aviv University or Read about Ben Gurion and what he said about Igbo’s. You can even contact Riz Khan of Aljazeera who interviewd Sands.

    By the way Swazis, Ndebeles, Zulus, etc have the surname Dhlomo.

    You do the Maths and figure it out.

  4. I realize this is late, but just in case someone comes back>>

    I know the Y-DNA E* has been covered for the Falasha (Beta Israel, ‘Black Jews’). I thought it important to also include the matrillineal lineage most dominant also.

    Ethiopian Mitochondrial DNA Heritage: Tracking Gene Flow Across and Around the Gate of Tears

    “Approximately 10 miles separate the Horn of Africa from the Arabian Peninsula at Bab-el-Mandeb (the Gate of Tears). Both historic and archaeological evidence indicate tight cultural connections, over millennia, between these two regions. High-resolution phylogenetic analysis of 270 Ethiopian and 115 Yemeni mitochondrial DNAs was performed in a worldwide context, to explore gene flow across the Red and Arabian Seas. Nine distinct subclades, including three newly defined ones, were found to characterize entirely the variation of Ethiopian and Yemeni L3 lineages. Both Ethiopians and Yemenis contain an almost-equal proportion of Eurasian-specific M and N and African-specific lineages and therefore cluster together in a multidimensional scaling plot between Near Eastern and sub-Saharan African populations.

    “A majority of mtDNA lineages of Ethiopian Jews (Falasha or Beta Israel) derive from African-specific clades L0–L5 (Shen et al. 2004), including exact matches with Ethiopians sampled in the present study. Consistent with Y-chromosomal findings, this fact points to extensive admixture of Jews with the local population. A specific haplotype match in haplogroup (preHV)1—which is also widely spread in the Near East—between Ethiopian Jews and non-Jews is more problematic, because it is also possible that the non-Jews obtained the lineage from the Jews. This particular (preHV)1 haplotype, with a rare transversion at np 16305, (1) has not been detected, so far, among other Semitic populations of the Near East; whereas, (2) in Ethiopia, it occurs both among Cushitic and Semitic speakers; and, (3) in Ethiopian Jews, there are many sub-Saharan African lineages from haplogroups L0–L3. It is more likely, therefore, that the matching haplotype does not represent the incursion of Jewish maternal lineages into the Ethiopian gene pool but that this haplotype instead substantiates the extent of Ethiopian admixture in the Falasha population. Taken together, the influx of the elements of the Hebraic culture in the first centuries a.d. probably did not have a major impact on the genetic pool of Ethiopians, and the present-day Jews of Ethiopian descent probably assimilated genes from the local non-Jewish populations through conversion of the latter to Judaism. The other two episodes of intrusion of Semitic influence, related to contacts with southern Arabia, are weakly supported by our data. This is because, among the haplogroup N lineages present in high frequency in the Tigrais and other Ethiopian ethnic groups, only a few revealed close relationships with equivalent lineages present in southern Arabia.”

  5. Great article. You cleared up a lot of confusion for me. The enemies (Europeans and Arabs) did not count on Arican people getting together. That is why they will continue to do everything in their power to divide us. We must be vigilant to prevent this from happening. We all, regardless of ethnicity, have a vested interest in restoring Africa’s glorious history. Our future depend on it. Our children must not grow up in darkness, thinking they are the scum of the earth when in reality they are the kings and queens. Thank you again for all your hard work towards our emancipation.

  6. Sure people all over the world don’t understand why Yemen, Syria, and Iraq are ruined? And why terrorists destroy archeological sites instead of looting them?
    The answer is simply “unwanted History”.
    The Promised Land to Abraham was shown to Moses while he was on the top of mountain in Yemen after he received the Torah, and the Exodus was from Ethiopia to Yemen via Bab El-Mandeb in 1438 BC.
    The Promised Land was Asir region, in Saudi Arabia. They never went to Egypt. The Israelite rejected the gift of God and forged the Scriptures. They invaded and colonized Canaan without any reason.
    Joseph was sold four times, the first was in Yemen and he ended up to be raised in a rich Ethiopian house. Later he was imprisoned then became the king’s chief assistant in a small Ethiopian kingdom. Few decades later the Israelite fled drought and lack of pastures in Yemen to Ethiopia and they were treated with generosity and given pastured in Ethiopia.
    They stayed in Ethiopia for more than 400 years and they married Ethiopians. The Israelites became aggressive and caused troubles and another junior king ordered their evacuation and expulsion. They were not allowed to take with them Ethiopian gold, silver, and cattle. The Israelites refused and took them in their Exodus.
    After few centuries in 605 BC Turkic Persians defeated the kingdoms of Judea and Samaria and in 585 BC took 300 from the ruling house of David captives to Noe Babylonia and after 60 years Turkic Persians sent hundreds of thousands of Turkic settlers claiming that they were the decedents of the ruling house of David. Those new settlers were called Jews.
    The Turkic Persians replaced the Torah with the Talmud and controlled the Israelites with the Jews. The Israelite were forced to divorce and marry the Turkic Jews and made it among their new unholy laws. The Israelite were unfaithful and the Jews were criminal. The Jews are not a nation, ethnicity or religion. Jewishness is a political association and culture, the older form of Zionism.
    When Jesus came the Jews were furious and hostile fearing Jesus will free the Israelite and revels the corruption and foreign origin of the Jews. That is why the Jews crucified Jesus.
    On this basis, it is very important to draw clear distinctions between three different groups. First: the ancient Hebrews “sons of Israel” and who remained faithful to the scriptures, few of them are in southern Arabia, Yemen, and Ethiopia. Second: the unfaithful ancient Hebrews “sons of Israel” who invaded, colonized, and mixed with the Canaanite. And third group: the “Jews” and “Judaism” who were invented by Persia after a fraudulent return from the Babylonian Captivity, present day Jews.
    There three groups differs from each other substantially in ethnicity, culture, faith, language, and legality. The only genuine true teachings of Moses and Jesus can only be found in Ethiopia together with Ark of Covenant.
    Modern day Israel and Israel at the time of Jesus both are illegitimate creatures. The modern was made by Turkic Persian invaders and colonizers, and the older was made by unfaithful Israelite invaders and colonizers.
    The Promised Land that the unfaithful Israelite rejected is surely in Saudi Arabia, between Mecca and Yemen. Ethiopia was only a refuge for them for more than 400 years. And Ethiopians were very generous to them.
    The Israelite didn’t step on Egyptian soil. There is no remains, no writings, no mention in all records, and no possibility to accommodate cattle herders in a country like Egypt. There was never a walled city with gates in Egypt. The geography and names are irrelevant to Egypt, but much related to Yemen and Ethiopia.
    More than 400 years without a trace is just unbelievable. This is another grand forgery and not just misinterpretation. Jewishness is a Political Organization for Turkic Mongolians
    Researchers say the DNA of Yiddish speakers may have originated from four ancient villages in north-eastern Turkey. They also proved that Yiddish is not “bad German”, but it is a Turkic language mixed with Hebrew, German, Persian, and East European.
    It can be stated with confidence that the Jews of northern and eastern Europe – normally known as Ashkenazim Jews – are the descendants of earlier Turkic raiders mixed with enslaved natives from the regions all around the Black Sea from Volga-Don rivers to Anatolia, Balkan, and Thracia in 650 BC.
    At that time they were pagan Tengeri. Judaism (Talmudic Pharisees) was not yet invented as it began to form since 530 BC and continued till 220 AD. But, Moses’ faith (the written Hebrew Scriptures) existed before that time by about 550 years, since 1200 BC.
    The Turkic raiders and colonizers of Eastern Europe were not called Jews by that time. Ashkenazi Jews became organized Jews in a political group only after 650 AD when they received members form other Turkic groups who came from Arabia, Levant, Mesopotamia, and Persia with the start of wars with Arabs in those regions.
    All of the new comers to the Turkified Eastern Europe were politically Jews, as they were established in Judea and Samaria by the Turkic Persians. They were ethnically Turkic Mongolians, and religiously followed Judaism (Talmudic Pharisees) to rule over the Hebrew Sadducees and Israelite.
    The combined Turkic groups worked together both from within and from the outside Arabia and Levant to stop and influence Islam and finally to control it.
    Genetics and linguistic research proved that Turkish villages –Iskenaz, Eskenaz, Ashanaz, and Ashkuz were part of the original Ashkenazic homeland. It is believed that the word Ashkenaz originally comes from Ashguza – the ancient Assyrian and Babylonian name for the Iron Age Eurasian steppeland people, the Scythians.
    Unfortunately, geographical name changes in Turkey have been undertaken, periodically, in bulk from 1913 to the present by successive Turkish governments. Thousands of names within the Turkish Republic or the Ottoman Empire have lost or departed from their popular or historic alternatives.
    The governments have argued that such names are foreign and/or divisive against Turkish unity. The policy commenced during the final years of the Ottoman Empire and continued into the Turkish Republic. Approximately 28,000 topographic names were changed, which included 12,211 village and town names and 4,000 mountain, river, and other topographic names. The name ??kenaz was changed to Skena and many other name changes were enforced.

    Historians and researchers must find the relationships between the Torah with Yemen and the Exodus with Ethiopia. They must notice that the Hebrew language could had passed through 4 fundamental changes due to Hebrew movements and Turkic colonization. (Yemeni era; Ethiopian Era; Post-Exodus era; and the Post-Babylonian era)
    While it is clear that the Israelite presence and Exodus from Egypt never happened there are explanations for geographic name similarities (copying) between Asir and Palestine, as Prof. Salibi proved. It is most probably that the unfaithful Israelite who rejected Asir renamed many places in Canaan to match those in the original Promised Land in Asir to make their case stronger.
    The late historian Kamal Salibi claimed in his book “The Bible Came from Arabia” (1985) that Asir near Yemen was the original Promised Land
    Research and analysis of the Old Testament place names, corroborated by contemporary Pharaonic and Mesopotamian sources, Kamal Salibi locates the ancient land of Israel, not in Palestine, but in the Najran province of what is now Saudi Arabia. The unfaithful Israelite rejected the original Promised Land then after sometime invaded Canaan and claimed it is the Promised Land. And to convince the Israelites renamed many places with names from the original Promised Land in Asir.

    Thus, as the ancient Hebrews became extinct through their assimilation into other peoples, the religion founded by Moses disappeared. The Hebrew Judges and prophets continued to spread among other peoples who had no connection with the original Hebrews of the Old Testament. In the Israelite leaders created alternative Promised Land and unholy scriptures. Then few centuries later the Turkic Persian took over that land for the Turkic Jews and invented Judaism.
    It is also important to notice that The Implication, of course, is that the Jews of today are not descendants from the Old Testament tribes and, consequently, that they have no claim to the “Promised Land”, whether it is located in Palestine or elsewhere.

    After looking through a gazetteer of Arabia given to him as a gift, Kamal Salibi was struck by the number of biblical place names found in the province of Asir. To satisfy his curiosity he correlated the names of places to the distances travelled according various Old Testament books of the Bible, and found that there was a close correspondence in the distances between all places in Asir and those in the Old Testament, not the discrepancies found between such places in Palestine.

    His research led to the publishing of his first book on Asir, The Bible Came from Arabia and to some scholarly resistance but mostly to his ideas being completely ignored by the academic world.
    Moreover, when one remembers that Jerusalem in Palestinian Israel is often referred to as “the daughter of Jerusalem”, one feels there may indeed be an original Jerusalem here in Asir. Unfortunately, to date there has been little archeological research in Asir, though the state is replete with ruins. How fascinating it would be if the Promised Land did turn out to be Asir.
    Salibi’s book “The Bible Came from Arabia” is out of print, but his second book, “Secrets of the Bible People”, is still available. They make interesting reading — although, personally, I would be more interested in some credible scholastic criticism of his theories; there has been little to date.”
    Through a minute analysis of Old Testament place names, corroborated by contemporary Pharaonic and Mesopotamian sources, the author locates the ancient land of Israel, not in Palestine, but in the Najran province of what is now Saudi Arabia.
    Professor Kamal Suleiman Salibi (Arabic: ???? ?????? ??????? ??) (2 May 1929 – 1 September 2011) was a Lebanese historian, professor of history at the American University of Beirut (AUB). He wrote these books:
    “A History of Arabia”, Beirut, Caravan Books, 1980
    “The Bible Came from Arabia”, London, Jonathan Cape, 1985
    “Secrets of the Bible People”, London, Saqi Books, 1988
    “Who Was Jesus? Conspiracy in Jerusalem”, London, I.B. Tauris, 1988
    “The Historicity of Biblical Israel”, London, NABU Publications, 1998
    “The Historicity of Biblical Israel” (second edition), Beirut, Dar Nelson, 2009
    Other sources include:
    “Abraham’s Pharaoh was not King of Egypt” Posted on January 3, 2016 by Dr. Ashraf Ezzat,
    “Ancient Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor any Israelites” by Dr. Ashraf Ezzat, Kindle Edition, 153 pages, Published March 3rd 2015
    “Palestine is not the Jews’ Promised Land” (2015 book) by Dr. Ashraf Ezzat, available on US Amazon for only ($4.99) and at a lower price on Kindle Unlimited.
    Books in Arabic include:
    “Moses and Pharaoh in the Arabian Peninsula”, 2007, 136 pages, by Ahmed Aldbash
    “Geography of the Torah Egypt and the Children of Israel in Asir” by Ziad Mona
    “The Arabic Bible and Jerusalem” by Faraj Allah Saleh Dib. Beirut. : Dar Nawfal
    “Yemen and the prophets of the Torah”, 1, 211 pages, Published October 11th 2012
    A great source about the Ethiopian history with Israelite is Bernard Leeman:
    “The Queen Of Sheba & Biblical Scholarship” – July 21, 2015, by Bernard Leeman, 276 pages, Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; First Edition edition (July 21, 2015), ISBN-10: 1515169618, ISBN-13: 978-1515169611 ( also ( 268 pages (Printed in Thailand)
    “The Queen of Sheba and Africa: A Reassessment of the Sheba-Menelik Cycle of the Kebra Nagast in the Light of the Salibi Hypothesis”, Bernard Leeman
    “THE ARK OF THE COVENANT” (16 August 2016 update), Bernard Leeman
    “Second Sabaean Inscription at Adi Kaweh ca 800 BC mentioning Hebrew”, Bernard Leeman
    Here are four published articles describe the findings of a research and contradicts earlier theories that Yiddish is an old German dialect or of any European origin. The study, titled “Localizing Ashkenazic Jews to primeval villages in the ancient Iranian lands of Ashkenaz” was conducted by researchers from three universities in the U.K., U.S., and Israel. It was published in the journal Genome Biology and Evolution.
    Important Notice: The four articles, for unclear reasons, try to justify the Turkic presence in the region with trade along the Silk Road, while ignoring the raiding, colonization, and enslavement of Western Asia, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, the Balkan, and Anatolia.
    The creation of the Slavic group, the mass migration and invasions of the Sea people, and the simultaneous collapse of several great civilizations that occurred in 1177 BC all might be linked to earlier Turkic raids.
    The four articles are HERE

  7. The Turkic Mongolian-African Israelite Joint-ventures
    How Persians Cooked a Cult and Called it Judaism Part 2
    Many genuine African Israelites joined the Turkic Mongolian Judaism as willing partners, so the Hebrews also contains African Israelite as junior partners.
    The Israelites and Turkic Mongolians worked together since the Hyksos period (1630-1523 BC) attacking Kemt from the north in the Delta by Turkic Mongolians and from the south in Kerma by Israelites.
    Sabaeans in Yemen, D’mt, and Kush in Africa were joint ventures between Turkic Mongolians and the Israelites. Until that time there was no Jews or Judaism.
    Following their successful cooperation many African Israelite leaders were invited to the newly established Turkic Mongolian colony of Neo-Babylonia to work out the grand project of inventing Jews, Judaism, and Aramaic colony called Israel.

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