Nigerians Pursue Pfizer In US Court For Human Experimentation

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Nigerians can sue US drugs firm

Nigerian families can sue the Pfizer drugs giant in the US over its alleged role in the deaths of children, a US appeals court has ruled.
The decision overturns ruling by a lower court that the case must be heard in Nigeria.

Pfizer is accused of killing 11 children and injuring 181 others when an antibiotic was tested on them during a meningitis epidemic in 1996.
Pfizer denies the claims, saying they were victims of the outbreak.
The epidemic killed 12,000 children in Nigerian in six months.

The families say that Pfizer tested out an oral antibiotic called Trovan on some 200 ill children in hospital in Kano, without first getting the consent of their parents.

They say the drug killed 11 children and caused blindness, deformities and brain damage in others.

More @:

Nigeria Charges Pfizer with illegal Human Experimentation causing Death

Criminal Charges Against Pfizer for Illegal Human Experimentation in Africa

Against A Pernicious And Racist Agenda – Part 2

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4 thoughts on “Nigerians Pursue Pfizer In US Court For Human Experimentation”

  1. Americans go on about foreiegn drugs being shipped to them and toys with metal paint.Pfizer would you test these drugs on French,Russian,Italian,orEnglish patients let alone the nation that thinks the sun doesnot rise unless it says so?You are scum Pfizer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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