Ancient African Kings Of India – By Dr. Clyde Winters

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Ancient African Kings Of India


Dr. Clyde Winters

Ethiopians have had very intimate relations with Indians. In fact, in antiquity the Ethiopians ruled much of India. These Ethiopians were called the Naga. It was the Naga who created Sanskrit.

A reading of ancient Dravidian literature which dates back to 500 BC, gives us considerable information on the Naga. In Indian tradition the Naga won central India from the Villavar (bowmen) and Minavar (fishermen).

The Naga were great seamen who ruled much of India, Sri Lanka and Burma. To the Aryans they described as half man and snake. The Tamil knew them as warlike people who used the bow and noose.

The earliest mention of the Naga, appear in the Ramayana , they are also mentioned in the Mahabharata. In the Mahabharata we discover that the
Naga had the capital city in the Dekkan, and other cities spread between the Jumna and Ganges as early as 1300 BC. The Dravidian classic, the Chilappathikaran made it clear that the first great kingdom of India was

The Naga probably came from Kush-Punt/Ethiopia. The Puntites were the greatest sailors of the ancient world. In the Egyptian inscriptions there is mention of the Puntite ports of Outculit, Hamesu and Tekaru, which corresponds to Adulis, Hamasen and Tigre.

In Sumerian text, it is claimed that the Puntites traded with the people of the Indus Valley or Dilmun. According to S.N. Kramer in The Sumerians, part of Punt was probably called Meluhha, and Dilmun was probably the ancient name of the Indus Valley. (Today some scholars maintain that Oman, where we find no ancient cities was Dilmun and the Indus Valley may have been Meluhha).

Ancient Ethiopian traditions support the rule of Puntites or Ethiopians of India. In the Kebra Nagast, we find mention of the Arwe kings who ruled India. The founder of the dynasty was Za Besi Angabo. This dynasty according to the Kebra Nagast began around 1370 BC. These rulers of India and Ethiopia were called Nagas. The Kebra Nagast claims that ” Queen Makeda “had servants and merchants; they traded for her at sea and on land in the Indies and Aswan”.  It also says that her son Ebna Hakim or Menelik I, made a campaign in the Indian Sea; the king of India made gifts and donations and prostrated himself before him”. It is also said that Menalik ruled an empire that extended from the rivers of Egypt (Blue Nile) to the west and from the south Shoa to eastern India”, according to the Kebra
Nagast. The Kebra Nagast identification of an eastern Indian empre ruled by
the Naga, corresponds to the Naga colonies in the Dekkan, and on the East
coast between the Kaviri and Vaigai rivers.

The presence of Meluhhaites/ Puntites in India may expain the Greek tradition of Kusites ruling India up to the Ganges. It would also explain the Aryan traditions of Mlechchas ( Sanskrit name for some of the non-Aryan people) as one of the aboriginal groups of India. Many scholars associate the name Mlechchas with Meluhha.

The major Naga tribes were the Maravar, Eyinar, Oliyar, Oviyar, Aru-Valur and Parathavar. The Nagas resisted the invansion of the Cholas. In the Kalittokai IV,1-5, the Naga are described as being “of strong limbs and hardy frames and fierce looking tigers wearing long and curled locks of hair.” The Naga kings of Sri Lanka are mentioned in the: Mahawanso, and are said to have later become Dravidians, as testified to by the names of these people: Naganathan, Nagaratnam, Nagaraja and etc.

The major gift of the Naga to India was the writing system: Nagari.  Nagari is the name for the Sanskrit script. Over a hundred years ago Sir William Jones, pointed out that the ancient Ethiopic and Sanskrit writing are one and the same.

William Jones, explained that the Ethiopian origin of Sanskrit was supported by the fact that both writing systems the writing went from left to right and the vowels
were annexed to the consonants. Today Eurocentric scholars teach that Indians taught writing to the Ethiopians, yet the name Nagari for Sanskrit betrays the Ethiopia origin of this form of writing. Moreover, it is interesting to note that Sanskrit vowels: a,aa,’,I,u,e,o, virama etc., are in the same order as Geez.

The Ethiopian script has influenced many other writing systems. Y.M. Kobishnor, in the Unesco History of Africa, maintains that Ethiopic was used as the model for Armenian writing, as was many of the Transcaucasian scripts. Dravidian literature indicate that the Naga may have introduced worship of Kali, the Serpent, Murugan and the Sun or Krishna. It is interesting to note that a god called Murugan is worshipped by many people in East Africa.

It is interesting that Krishna, who was associated with the Sun, means Black, this is analogous to the meaning of Khons of the Kushites. Homer, described Hercules as follows: “Black he stood as night his bow uncased, his arrow string for flight”. This mention of arrows identifies the Kushites as warriors who
used the bow, a common weapon of the Kushites and the Naga.



The Naga or Ethiopians were defeated by Dravidian speaking people from Kumarinadu. Kamarinadu is suppose to have formerly existed as a large Island in the India ocean which connected India with East Africa. This landmass is mentioned in the Silappadikaram, which said that Kamarinadu was made up of seven nadus or regions. The Dravidian scholars Adiyarkunallar and Nachinaar wrote about the ancient principalities of Tamilaham, which existed on Kamarinadu.

Kumarinadu was ruled by the Pandyans/Pandians at Madurai before it
sunk beneath the sea. The greatest king of Kumarinadu was Sengoon.
According to Dravidian scholars the Pandyans worshipped the goddess Kumari Amman. This Amman, probably corresponds to the ancient god Amon of the Kushites.

The Kalittokai 104, makes it clear that after the Pandyans were forced to migrate off their Island home into South India, “to compensate for the area lost to the great waves of the sea, King Pandia without tiresome moved to the other countries and won them. Removing the emblems of tiger (Cholas) and bow (Cheras) he, in their place inscribed his reputed emblem fish (Pandia’s) and valiantly made his enemies bow to him”.


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158 thoughts on “Ancient African Kings Of India – By Dr. Clyde Winters”

  1. India has relationship with Africa bcoz as everyone know all our ancestors came from Africa. migration Africa started some 75000 yrs ago, there people from African descended, in Andaman,Kerala,Tamil nadu and Gujarat and Maharashtra but it doesnt mean that all people or even half the people are from Ethiopian origin, there only 3 to 5-% of the population are direct descendents from Africa in entire south india. most of south india from indo aryan and indigenous population and there are also people of Greek, roman and sumerian origin. People in goa, kerela and some Western ghat region and east tamil nadu are direct or indirect descended of portugal and french people, who traded and looted the indian people in these parts of india and there also anglo-india in western part of the country, there there are mixed race from north-western india who are descended from alexander the great’s army (pathans and other tribes from north west pakistan are the eg) there are also mixed race in north east india whch extents upto bengal bcoz common ground with india – china. and sanskrit did not originated from african but on the religious ground serpent has it origins from africa which not only india and also in far east in indo-china its an important religious symbol and swastika which is also an important religious symbol in hinduism is found in european countries, south and central american and sumerian civilization , though it remains a mystery where are its origins from .

    1. Interesting post. Hindustan is certainly a melting pot.
      Just remember that most people of caste are Indo-European, while scheduled castes are mostly aboriginap people (Australoids) and Sino-Tibetans. The Indo-European groups in the North West are mixed with Persian and Arab, due to the trade and wars, so apart from the high caste Kathri Punjabis, Rajputs and Kashmiris, most Hindus are mixed with the R1a1 haplo group type.

  2. This relationship is obvious between Hausa (african language) and original sanskrit. One Indian man made this remark. Just a few examples:
    The king in Hausa is SARKI – Priest ruler in Sanskrit is SARKI;
    the term “MARTABA” means prestige in both Hausa and Sanskrit;
    Both the two called women MATA;
    red colour is “JA”;
    Town GARIN or GARI;
    Prince is MAHARAJA in Sanskrit , his Excellency is MAI-DARAJA in Hausa;
    Path is Hanya
    most of Hausa are R1b1 haplogroup.
    If you tape one Hausa word on google the first results is of this part of Asia.
    The warrior title “KAURA”= lord of war in Hausa is present in India in example of Maharaja Kaura Mall. The term Khan may be Cain (Kano) or Kona a chieftaincy title in one Hausa group in Niger (ARAWA MAORI= Northeners) and some parts in Africa.

  3. If “Yima” the first Aryans emperor was “Noah” of muslim, juish and christian holy books, so, the country of Aryans was first Africa, precisely ” Borno” which means “land of Noah” according to the bible anthropologist Alice C. Linsley. She said that Bornu is the only land on earth which claims to be Noah’s place of origin and where the most ancient great canoes were discovered. Another fact is that Bornu is the only area in the world where one Prince named ” Ary” fled to DauRA where he married a princess of Daura. His descendance today are the hausa particularly those of Arewa (Ariwa or Arawa which means “sons of Ary”. The Aryan “Yima” is also so closed to”Yerima” word which till today is used to signify a “Prince” in Bornu and Hausa land. Bornu and Hausa kingdoms have lists of kings which can be retraced back to ancient Mesopotamia and ancient egypt. Herodotus said that egyptians called persons they didn’t understand their languages” Bar-bar” so, we got the term hausa for “Bornuan” which is still “Bare-bari”: Baya-jida(he doesn’t hear us) language became Barebari for hausa people. Sosestris was said to bear Ariwa facial scarifications. One of their king in the list is Manakhare which resemble to pharaoh Menekhare.

  4. What is also strange with this Hausa sub-group, the Ariwa, is their praise by griots: “Ariwa zabin farin” which means “Ariwa the first Choice”

  5. Sir, nagas were the dwellers of ancient island called sambo island. the greatest scientist of the world came from the naga tribe.he is mayan. he has written lot of tamil literatures such as aintiram,pirazhnavam and tamil grammer. which have been discovered in 1986 and published. when the tsunami distroyed their island they escaped to many places like africa,south america and north india. these naga were ancient tamils. and the word aryan is not sanskrit word. when tamils traded with foreigners the foreignors looked different from the tamils because tamils were dark to light complexion and foreignors were white and the colour of their eyes were different. so tamils called them ariar(rare people) this term is in the poems of sangam literatures.

    1. Jacob you are wrong about Naga. Naga is a Sanskrit word. Cobra is called Naga in sanskrit and there is a state in India in north-east called Naga Land. The people of Naga Land called as Naga. Nagas are physically different than Tamils. Aryan did not come from anywhere. The word arya appeared in India in Vedic period. The word “arya” means who has leant a lot, a very educated, noble man, like a Ph.d. Those who are very knowledgable they are called “Araya” “Aryan”.

      1. I would also like to say that dsu is correct about aryan. I have found in my research that it was a description for the kushites,Ethopians, Assyrians and africans who bought trading and language and other great knowledge to India.

  6. What is the best book I could find on the black Nagas of India? Indians have put themselves in and claiming. Chinese are also doing the same thing. So Chinese on the New Year with the symbol of the serpent are really practicing black people’s invention. Is there a relationship with the words Nigger and Nagas? Thank you.

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