The white slaves of Europe and Americas Pt 3 – By Nehesy

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In Rome slave traders bought slaves from different countries, ethnics backgroung and languages just to avoid the slave revolts…The slave traders in the new world used the same techniques it was an heritage from European not so glorious past (Antiquity)…

I was in Puerto Rico a month ago if you read scholars like José Antonio Saco (Historia de la esclavitud de la raza africana en el nuevo mundo y en especial en los paises Americo Hispanicos), according to the spanish archives of that time the first slaves in Santo Domingo of the 15th century (actual Dominican Republic & Haiti, because the French were not there yet) were whites.

I saw the official document of white slaves in Puerto rico owned by spanish slave owners in el Museo de nuestro raiz Africana in Old San Juan !!! I took a picture of that document.

Guys I will share with you once again, the truth

If you read the first decree in Santo Domingo in January 1522, against the slave rebellions after the first black slave revolts of the wolofs of Senegal ( who were part of the almoravides) in December 1521. This decree reports also WHITE SLAVES or ESCLAVOS BLANCOS ( you can find it in Carlos Esteban Deive “Los guerrilleros Negros”)

But they want BLACK people to accept this “SLAVE STATUS” when it’s not the truth ( SLAVE = a white man from Eastern Europe so slave traders replaced it by the N word which by the way was also used against the Poor whites i.e white niggers).

In Sumer the slaves were called SARKU, a term for scholars like Sir Henry Rawlinson ( who translated the cuneiform scriptures) or George Smith designed a WHITE MAN… The blacks in that area were called ADAMU like their black father ADAM (peace be upon him)

In Phoenicia Joseph MacCabe will tell you that the bulk of slaves were also from the North (i.e whites)

They hide the truth about slavery in Antiquity and Middle Age in Europe for the following reasons :

– Shame for the white supremacy myth;
– Christians enslaved christians (included their monks who had slave plantations in Europe) : scandinavians vs english, Franks vs slaves, French tribes vs French Tribes;
– Christians and Jews (Radhanites) sold slaves to the Muslims during the Middle Age ( armies of slaves in Muslim spain, domestics, servants, concubines, enuchs);
– Venitians and Genoans sold white slaves to the muslims in North Africa until the 15th-16th century at least;
– They want us to show that Europe was a continent with High Morality which is not the truth ( One slave = One Horse or One Beef);
– They don’t want africans to know that there were internal tribal wars in Europe which produced a huge internal slave trave for centuries (Henri Alexandre Wallon, Moses Finley, Charles Verlinden, March Bloch etc): remember this is what the LIE they spread against us (i.e we africans are the savages who sold themselves to European slave traders), when they enslaved each other for centuries in their continent without any mercy…


For references:

I. Slavery in Ancient Rome, Greece / Byzance


1.1 Moses Finley : Ancient Slavery and Modern Ideology
1.2 William D Philips : Slavery from Roman Times to the Early Transatlantic Trade
1.3 Youtman Roval : Byzantine Slavery and the Mediterranean world


1.4 Henri Alexandre Wallon : Histoire de l’esclavage dans l’antiquité (Vol 1, 2,3)


1.5 José Antonio Saco : Historia de la Esclavitud des los Tiempos Mas Remotos Hasta Nustros Dias ( Vol 1& 2)

II. White slavery during the Middle Age


2.1 William D Philips : Slavery from Roman Times to the Early Transatlantic Trade
2.2 Pierre Bonnassie : From Slavery to Feudalism in South Western Europe
2.3 March Bloch (The pionner on that field) : Feudal Society
2.4 Robert Bartlett : The Making Of Europe
2.5 Charles Verlinden: The Beginning of Modern Colonization


2.6 March Bloch : La Société Féodale
2.7 Pierre Dockès: La Libération Médiévale
2.8 George Duby : L’europe au Moyen Age
2.9 Jaches Heers : Esclaves et Domestiques au Moyen Age


2.10 José Antonio Saco : Historia de la Esclavitud des los Tiempos Mas Remotos Hasta Nustros Dias ( Vol 2 & 3)

III . White slavery in Muslim Spain / Muslim world


3.1 William D Philips : Slavery from Roman Times to the Early Transatlantic Trade
3.2 Reinhart Dozy : A history of the Muslims in Spain
3.3 Robert C Davis : Holy War and Human Bondage
3.4 Robert C Davis: Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters , White slavery in the Mediterranean, The Barbary coast and Italy 1500-1800


3.5 Charles Verlinden : L’esclavage dans l’Europe Médiévale Tome 1, Péninsule Ibérique er France

3.6 Charles Verlinden : L’esclavage dans l’Europe Médiévale Tome 2, Colonies Italiennes du Levant – Levant Latin – Empire Byzantin

3.7 Evariste Levi Provençal : L’espagne Musulmane au Xème siècle


3.8 José Antonio Saco : Historia de la Esclavitud des los Tiempos Mas Remotos Hasta Nustros Dias (Vol 2 & 3)

IV . For The slave Trade started by selling the Tainos AYITI ( actual Haiti + Dominican republic)


4.1 Jack D Forbes : Africans and Native Americans
4.2 Las Casas : History of the Indies ( 3 Volumes)
4.3 William Howitt : Colonization and Christianity


4.4 José Antonio Saco : Historia de la esclavitud de los indios en el nuevo mundo seguida de la Historia de los repartimientos y encomiendas

4.5 Carlos Esteban Deive : Historia de la Esclavitud de la raza India

4.6 Carlos Esteban Deive : Los Guerrilleros Negros ( Indians and African slaves in la Hispaniola against the spaniards)

V. For Slave Trade in JAVA

5.1 Thomas Stamford Raffles : The History of Java

VI. For whites slaves : 1st in Puerto rico & Santo Domingo :


6.1 José Antonio Saco : Historia De La Esclavitud De La Raza Africana En El Nuevo Mundo Y En Especial En Los Paises Américo-Hispanos

6.2 Carlos Esteban Deive : Los Guerrilleros Negros

6.3 Carlos esteban Deive : La esclavitud del negro en Santo Domingo 1492-1844

For references:

I. Slavery in Ancient Rome, Greece / Byzance


1.1 Moses Finley : Ancient Slavery and Modern Ideology
1.2 William D Philips : Slavery from Roman Times to the Early Transatlantic Trade
1.3 Youtman Roval : Byzantine Slavery and the Mediterranean world


1.4 Henri Alexandre Wallon : Histoire de l’esclavage dans l’antiquité (Vol 1, 2,3)


1.5 José Antonio Saco : Historia de la Esclavitud des los Tiempos Mas Remotos Hasta Nustros Dias ( Vol 1& 2)

II. White slavery during the Middle Age


2.1 William D Philips : Slavery from Roman Times to the Early Transatlantic Trade
2.2 Pierre Bonnassie : From Slavery to Feudalism in South Western Europe
2.3 March Bloch (The pionner on that field) : Feudal Society
2.4 Robert Bartlett : The Making Of Europe
2.5 Charles Verlinden: The Beginning of Modern Colonization


2.6 March Bloch : La Société Féodale
2.7 Pierre Dockès: La Libération Médiévale
2.8 George Duby : L’europe au Moyen Age
2.9 Jaches Heers : Esclaves et Domestiques au Moyen Age


2.10 José Antonio Saco : Historia de la Esclavitud des los Tiempos Mas Remotos Hasta Nustros Dias ( Vol 2 & 3)

III . White slavery in Muslim Spain / Muslim world


3.1 William D Philips : Slavery from Roman Times to the Early Transatlantic Trade
3.2 Reinhart Dozy : A history of the Muslims in Spain
3.3 Robert C Davis : Holy War and Human Bondage
3.4 Robert C Davis: Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters , White slavery in the Mediterranean, The Barbary coast and Italy 1500-1800


3.5 Charles Verlinden : L’esclavage dans l’Europe Médiévale Tome 1, Péninsule Ibérique er France

3.6 Charles Verlinden : L’esclavage dans l’Europe Médiévale Tome 2, Colonies Italiennes du Levant – Levant Latin – Empire Byzantin

3.7 Evariste Levi Provençal : L’espagne Musulmane au Xème siècle


3.8 José Antonio Saco : Historia de la Esclavitud des los Tiempos Mas Remotos Hasta Nustros Dias (Vol 2 & 3)

IV . For The slave Trade started by selling the Tainos AYITI ( actual Haiti + Dominican republic)


4.1 Jack D Forbes : Africans and Native Americans
4.2 Las Casas : History of the Indies ( 3 Volumes)
4.3 William Howitt : Colonization and Christianity


4.4 José Antonio Saco : Historia de la esclavitud de los indios en el nuevo mundo seguida de la Historia de los repartimientos y encomiendas

4.5 Carlos Esteban Deive : Historia de la Esclavitud de la raza India

4.6 Carlos Esteban Deive : Los Guerrilleros Negros ( Indians and African slaves in la Hispaniola against the spaniards)

V. For Slave Trade in JAVA

5.1 Thomas Stamford Raffles : The History of Java

VI. For whites slaves : 1st in Puerto rico & Santo Domingo :


6.1 José Antonio Saco : Historia De La Esclavitud De La Raza Africana En El Nuevo Mundo Y En Especial En Los Paises Américo-Hispanos

6.2 Carlos Esteban Deive : Los Guerrilleros Negros

6.3 Carlos esteban Deive : La esclavitud del negro en Santo Domingo 1492-1844

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