The DNA Hoax

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51 thoughts on “The DNA Hoax”

  1. But every so called African American can trace their DNA back to somewhere in Africa so they still not African ? Yall promoting fuckery str8 up and down .

  2. the fuckery is what they taught about slavery black n white an you an me all being from east an what africa was before 204 ad akebulan ,this was africa here amexums ,civilization was here in terra cognito, atlants islands are carroibean island ,,,black masons teach afrocan ameriocan negro history to protect their uropean son ,by telling us to call him white an grant him our land he didnt come to 1492.we spoke latin an arabic when they got here an they started eating us ,thansgiving is bout eating moors turkish moors an the muurs her miscalled indians an african americans ,,we gopt no fuckery here ,.we not a;; from the eat that is dark skin ,my family was talken into slavery in north carolina ..elizabeth city is by the water ,taken to boriqua then to portugal an sold again to wherever ,,back to africa or europe ,,they dont teach that in school ,the top shriner in nortjh america in 12901 was john g jones called colored in the noble shriner mystic order book,the ones of my family not taken were given surname white cause they was from the land not cause thy skin was ,,dark olive are they ,albion is rna ,,he is saying we came from here before europeans got here ,which thu are now first admitting cause we have shown an proved we all aint from the east an theu switched named from here to afrioca to teach the slaves of commerce today 13 14 amendment citizens ,,we come before the citozen we were the counts counters an them the counteess of the land ,thas why we still have counties all over american states ,we was her first before the resrvaytion people who were subjects of te muurs ,we forgot who wewere in slvey an lying ass alex haley stole roots from albion boojk ,he plagerized that like they s tole the matrix from sophia stewart pace qupd insulaverbum est vinculum deus

  3. i am a scribe

    my key board is f up pace quod insula verbum est vinculum deus.peace an ioslam word is bond god ,,this is how we spoke 1\in 1492

  4. Very intriguing.I liked the sheer logic of it all.

    However, Africans in the diaspora should not become hopeless and cynical about finding out about their ancestry.

    We also need to understand that there is no such thing as a DNA that marks a community or nation (tribe-if you like the colonial term) in Africa. Africans have been mixing and mashing for eons and eons. Note dear diasporan sistren & brethren, that even for us in Africa, it may be impossible (via current DNA knowledge) to find out where our ancestors came from 1000 years ago! Big deal. This is why our oral history is crucial and not to be shunted aside.

    “Tribe” is nothing but a SOCIAL CONTRACT-not an extant, real BIOLOGICAL ENTITY.So DNA on its own is quite useless at precision village/town location of ancestry.

    Its probably not so important to find out the EXACT place from whence your ancestors were kidnapped from at this moment. Africa is your home. You can chose anywhere you like and adopt it as your roots. The crime happened in all of Africa from the time the marauders destroyed KEMET nearly 3000 years ago!

    African history does not begin with the bloody entry of islam in the 7th century and the vicious incursions of the european christians in the 15th century…..

    As Ayi Kwei Armah says-WE ARE NOT A PEOPLE OF YESTERDAY! People should not sneer at you when you search and fail-hissing in your ears you to give up on “Africa”. You know for a fact that your ancestors came from Africa, build your soul on that and NEVER GIVE UP.

    1. Thank you so much for your inspiring comment. When I watched this video a few weeks ago, I was very disheartened. I thought, “If I’m not from Africa, then where am I from?” Even though this felt like a major setback in learning my history, I continued to press on. Your comment confirmed something I already knew: that I’m on the right course. Thanks again.

  5. pace quod insula WE ONLY DO ORGANIC LAW AS MUURS IN THE WEST my brother BUILD UR SOUL THATS EMOTIONS AN THATS THE FREQUENCY THATS LOW IN AMERICA ,,MY MUTHERS WOMB BUILT MY SOUL WHICH AFRICA DO U MEAN muurish africa or european africa after 204 ad ,we was in the west before 204 ad,,atlantis is no myth but it existance interferes with the lie of africa being in the east first , we are from the west ,so we know what was here an there before 1492 columbus ,,us they saod were a;l;l fropm the east ,,ITS A ;LIE AN PEOPLE GET paid MONEY TO TEACH THAT LIE TO THOSE THEY ARE RULING LYING TO ,TO KEEP AMERICAN SLAVERY GOING ,,U DO KNOW SLAVERY IN AMERICA IS STILL GOING ON RIGHT ,CAUSE PEOPLE SAY THEY AFRICAN AMERICAN TO THE CORPORATION USA ,AN ITS GOING ON CAUSE OF WHAT YOUR PROMOTING SAYING we COME FROM YOUR AFRICA IN THE EAST AN THERES NO WAY I WAS HERE BEFORE THAT HERE IF I ASFOR MY FMILY WAS IN THE CAROLINAS THEY DIDNT GET THERE 100,00 YEARSAGO FROM AKEBULAN ,,THATS THE NAMRE OF THE EAST ,THEY GAVE NAME MORROCO AN AFRICA TO THE EAST ON MAPS AFTER 1700 FROM THE WEST ZIONISTICALLY.IF U DONT HAVE ACESS TO LIBRARUY O CONGRESS OR STATE DEPT THEN ITS NOT PUBLIC AM HISTORY IS FLAT OUT LIE AN ANY REFERENCE TO IT IS A LIE .ITS A TERM USED AS UNITED NATIONS NATION STATE CONTROL THEY HAVE AN FOR BLACK POWER,,ITS A ROMAN TITLE GIVEN TO HIM FOR CONQUERING HANNIBLE ,THEY LIED BOUT WHERE THAT HAPPENED TO ,,PEOPLE FROM EUROPE CANNOT TELL US IN ENGLISH WHERE WE CAME FROM FIRST .SKIN COLOR IS USED TO SELL BLACK PEOPLE ON THE STOCK MARKET ANN WE THE MUURS ARE TIRED OF PEOPLE ACTING LIKE THEY DONT KNOW THAT WHO SAY THEY ARE AFRICAN AMERICAN NEGRO COLORED BLACK HISPANIC LATINO //SHRINER SELL OUT PROMOTES CHRISTIANITY WHILE INITIATING WITH THE KORAN ,, CHRISTIAN MASONIC SHRINER MINISTERS ,,CANT PUT JESSE JACKSON OR RANGEL,,we not gonna give up that we were called africa first an akebulan wa s the east before africa was s moved there by hizzztory ,,your govvt where u live may be able to call them self black but in america we cannot an be freewwith euro all caps corporation christian cretan names ,,so our facts hidden will not be denied by anyone an the albion man knows moor then the black peeoplke i am right cause he wears our crown an we p[raiuse the god he gave us of himself callin ourself negro african aamericaan ,,im not signed into that nor are my family here,they lied an got the moors to go back to the east an name some place in akebulan liberia for them an they wasnt from there ever ,,we do not go by the conquored european dialect that repklaced us an who we really are not just in akebulan ,AFRRICA IM TAKIN BOUT IS IN WEST IT SAYS THEY ARE TAKEN FRTOM CSAROLINASTO PORTUGAL THEN SPOLD BACXK TO AFRICSA OR WHSATEVER back to africa means the carolinas the amexums ,they never came from akebulsan or i would have put that ,,they didnt get to north amexums east coast .now called carolinas from west akebulan an we were nott sold into or from there first ,,thats what albion christian church ,rabbi yteach to hide them berong grafted in yucatan peninsula not india or egypt by yacoub but yacoub in the west nation of islam switched it around from whst it wasw first the west ,noui had to say we were bought here lies opf shriners a,we wasnt all bought here ,,the albions was all bought here on boats ,as indenture servennts/slaves,,pace quo insula verbumest vinculum

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