The Original African Americans – per: New York Times 1922

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Special to The New York Times.
New York; Dec 30, 1922;
Pg 8

Dr. Dixon Startles Scientists by Asserting BlackTypes Were Among Indian’s Ancestors.

Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 29.

A new theory of the origins of the American Indians, which puts Negroes or Negroid types among their ancestors.
Dr. Roland B. Dixon of Harvard said that a study of the earliest Indian skulls indicated that some were descended from blacks or negroids, others from primitive Australian stock, others from whites resembling the Nordics and others from Mongol or Turkish strains, all of whom crossed the Bering Straits in prehistoric time.
Many other important and interesting contributions to science were made at a score of sessions during the day.

Dr. Dixon’s paper, in which he declared that negroid groups which crossed the Bering Straits were among the American Indians’ ancestors caused a great stir in the anthropology section.  From his statement negroid peoples would appear to have been the first discoverers of America.

Others who crossed the Bering Straits thousands of years ago to become the ancestors of the American Indian were people of white stock related to the so-called Caucasian group, according to Dr. Dixon. Turkish tribes and other Mongolians and the black Australians, blended in various proportions, formed the different races of America by the infusion of white blood.

Based on Skull Measurement.

The earliest skull of the Iroquois and some other Indians show some strong negroid features, continually modified from age to age as the Iroquois extended their power and territory, taking captives from other tribes and absorbing them.

The whole theory is based on the minute measurement of skulls. The different types of man in the Old Stone Age, according to this theory, differed sharply in the shape of their skulls. The middle type, combining the characteristics of the long heads and the broad heads, was probably rare in early times and was formed by the blending of sharply differentiated ancient types, according to Dixon. His method was to measure thousands of Indian skulls of the present day and thousands of years ago in the effort to trace their characteristics to earlier Asiatic and European stock. The formation of the nasal bone played a prominent part in the inquiry.

Dr. Dixon, who is a scientist of high standing, had hardly finished his paper before two noted anthropologists, Professor Franz Boaz of Columbia University and Dr. Ales Hrdlicka of the United States national museum at Washington were on their feet to oppose him, denying that such far reaching conclusions could be adduced on the basis of skull measurements, though hailing the paper as an important contribution to anthropology.
After explaining his method of tracing racial genealogies, Dr. Dixon continued as follows:

“For Europe, Asia and Africa, the outcome was, in general, in close accord with the best conclusions reached by other students, although in some instances the results were decidedly novel. It was in the new world, however, that the method led to conclusions most at variance with accepted doctrine and which may be described as revolutionary. It is therefore of these conclusions which I wish to speak briefly.”

“The current orthodox theory in regard to the aboriginal inhabitants of the American continent seems to be that they constitute a single race, allied most closely to the people ordinarily grouped together as Mongoloid and that they were derived originally from the Asiatic continent.”
Bering Straits Migrations

Dr. Dixon asserted, however, that his investigation indicated a series of migrations across the Bering Straits. The variations of the Indian types, which had been regarded as random varieties, formed a distinct pattern and indicated something about the history of the various types, according to the speaker, who said:

“They show a striking arrangement analogous to that found in Europe or Asia, in that some are relegated to extreme marginal positions or refugee areas, as if they were the surviving members of ancient groups, while others occupy central positions such as befit more recent and dominant types.

“Historically , also, the several types show a definite and orderly sequence, repeated in both North and South America. On this basis, I believe we assume that the aboriginal population of America at the period of earliest European contact was the result of the blending of a series of different racial types, coming into the North American continent at different periods across Bering Straits from Asia.”

After giving a technical description of one type of Indian skull found in different parts of the geographical pattern, the speaker continued:

“In both continents thus this type is clearly an ancient one, as shown both by archaeological evidence and geographical distribution. The affiliation which is suggested for this type will, I know, meet with incredulity and strong opposition, for on the basis of the method followed its nearest relatives are to be found in the negroid and australoid populations of Melanesia, Australia and portions of Southern Asia.

“By this I do not mean to imply, however, that it means a trans-Pacific drift from Melanesia to American shores, but rather that it had reached the new world at an early date by way of the Eastern Asiatic coast and the Bering Straits. While at present day there is not much superficial evidence of negroid and australoid peoples in Eastern Asia, there are, I believe, clear indications that peoples blended of them once extended all along these shores. In Neolithic times such types were present in Cambodia and Tonkin, and some of the wild tribes of Indo-China still show unmistakable evidences of their survival there. For China the data are as yet too meager to be of much value, although traces of the type seem to found. In the Ainu of Japan, and especially of Sakhalin, the evidence of its persistence is unmistakable: moreover certain supposedly ancient crania from the Aleutian Islands afford still another link.

Hopeful of Substantiation
“If one follows this type geographically from Southern India, for example, east and north along the Asiatic coast to the American areas in which it occurs, a progressive weakening in the superficial negroid characteristics may be observed, the minimum pigmentation growing lighter, the hair straighter, the face less prognathous and certain well recognized negroid characteristics of the skull, such as the nasal fossae, become more and more attenuated, until they almost wholly disappear.

“Absurd as the suggestion appears at first sight, I believe that with fuller archaeological material from America and Eastern Asia, the fact of a very early negroid-australoid stratum will be fully substantiated.” …

New York; Dec 30, 1922

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6 thoughts on “The Original African Americans – per: New York Times 1922”

  1. September 22, 2007
    While I do not doubt this report, I couldn’t locate it in the New York Times archives.

    Might you help me find a copy of the Special to the December 30, 1922 page 8, New York Times article? This report is consistent with some of what has been published by David MacRitchie, and I’d like to know more about Dr. Dixon and his research.

    Thank you,

    Dr. Jones

  2. This makes so much sense to I, fromthe research I have done and the things heard that ring true to date….
    Australian Aboriginal people say they were always here…since the Dreamtime, the time before things were solid as they are today…the most Ancient of people, and genetic scientists are now telling us that all people link back to an African bloodline, except there is a different strain that is Australian Aboriginal…So perhaps there are two most Ancient Original people here, Australian Aboriginal and African….????
    Blessed Love
    Sistren Nyah I

  3. NyaInIJahLove,

    I’ve seen it said that all people link back to the African bloodline, but I’ve never heard of this alternate Australian strain. Where can I find this?

    The last I heard, the African haplotypes were found in the Aborigines as well.

  4. in da time of slavery there were many indentured servants ie slaves coming from portugal. them people originally left northern india bringing with them ganja from the shores of mata ganges. ages travelin on both sides of med they again in portugal go to new world. some made it to jamaica but most cast ashore in florida for severe misbehaviour etc ha ha. but from dere up to ga then carolinas whole time mixing wid am indians cherokee and had own country called goinstown from va down to tn den english and irish came fought dem until finally settled in de mtns of east tn and sw va. the french discovered them in 1500s called dem melungeons they call themselves portyghee. mix of east indian turkish euro den new world am indian and with escaped slaves buffalo soldiers. until 1939 not able to own land vote classified as free people of color. yet my cousin hanged by mob 1939 for looking at white woman. so now resurgence by my generation in history culture tradition we grew up with oral tradition told me by my grandfather and other elders. so now we are called mtn mulattos by the whites in our land.
    so rastas all over the mtns. Jah love.

  5. I suspect that Africans were in America centuries before Europeans showed their faces.

    There are dozens of place names with African roots (Mandinga, Guineo, Congo) that are hard to explain away by slavery.

    Only people of power or influence can name places.

    How come slaves were able to give the name of their ethnic group to so many places?

    El Congo, Hacienda
    El Congo,
    Lago El Congo

    El Congo (El Salvador),
    Municipio de El Congo
    El Congo in Santa Ana
    Río Mandinga

    El Congo
    Quebrada El Congo
    Ubigantupo Mandinga San Blas
    Mandinga in Herrera
    Cerro Mandinga
    Isla Mandinga

    Cerro El Congo,
    Punta El Congo, Lomas El Congo,
    Cerro El Congo, Cañon El Congo,
    Río Congo
    El Congo in Chinandega

    El Congo
    Mandinga, Punta
    El Congo, Guayas

    El Congo, Hacienda El Congo,
    Quabrada del Congo,
    Lomas El Congo
    Hacienda Mandinga
    Mandinga Airport

    El Congo, Mandinga Oaxaca
    Mandinga de Agua
    Cerros de Mandinga
    Laguna Mandinga Grande
    El Congo, Durango

    Loma El Congo, El Congo
    Arroyo Congo
    Mandinga, Santo Domingo
    Mandinga in San Cristoba
    El Congo in La Altagracia
    Loma el congo

    Arroyo del Congo
    Bajío del Congo
    Chuquisaca, Mandinga
    Cadena Mandinga
    Cordillera de Mandinga

    EL Congo
    Mandinga in Cienfuegos,
    Congo in Granma


    Congo Pariaba


    Mandinga, Corrientes
    Mandinga Mine


    Congo Hills
    Bajo Congo in Cartago

    El Congo


    Other place names of African origin (guineo)

    Mata Guineo, Panama
    El Guineo, Panama
    Mata de Guineo, Cartago, Costa Rica
    El Guineo: Sancti Spiritus, Cuba
    Mata de Guineo Quineo Honduras
    El Guineo in Petén, Guatemala
    El Guineo Weather, Dominican Republic
    El Guineo, Columbia
    Lago de Guineo, USA
    Guineo Grande Ecuador
    El Guineo El Salvador El Salvador,
    El Guineo Panama
    La vega del guine, Honduras
    Arroyo los guineos – Columbia
    El Guineo , Mexico
    El Guineo Cabanas, El Salvador
    El Guineo Peru
    Cerro Guineo, Peru
    Sierra de Guineo, Venezuela
    Quebrada El Guineo, Venezuela
    Lago El Guineo, Puerto Rico
    El Guineo, Guatemala.
    El Guineo , Mexico.
    Río El Guineo Nicaragua
    Caño El Guineo, Nicaragua
    El Guineo Paraguay

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