The Brown Beautiful Faces of the Melanesians

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There are tens of millions of original aboriginal Muurs with brown and dark skins living in the Melanesian Islands. The name “Melanesia” implies the dark complexion of those southern pacific based brothers and sisters.





These beautiful brown and black people span Vanatu, New Caledonia, Paupa New Guinea, East Timor and large parts of Indonesia.

These Africoids are our brothers and sisters and just as the so-called Caucasians in the U.S., England, Europe, Australia, South Africa, Canada and New Zeland are brothers.

We must unite to protect our interests. We bring back the first love and treat one another as the original Gods and Goddesses of this earth.

We all from the Muurs of Marrakeshi (House of Kush) to the AfricanAmericans, to the Dalits and Sudras in India, the Australian Aboriginals, we are all the original Gods and Goddesses of this earth.

For all the original and oldest deities of the earth, and its saints and mystics and prophets are all depicted in brown and black complexions. For it was said that “Prophesy will never depart from the house of Ham.”

So unite in love and oneness, and spread your celestial mystical righteousness all over this earth and change back the vibrations to positivity.

Here Rasta Livewire presents to all yous, the Beautiful Black and Brown brothers and sisters of the Melanesian Regions:

The Muurs of the Southern Pacific Vanatu, New Caledonia, Paupa New Guinea:

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25 thoughts on “The Brown Beautiful Faces of the Melanesians”

  1. I am a Melanesia,from solomon Islands.Our race is colorful,we got people with natural blond,curly to wooly hair.Skin color – black,light black,brown and light brown all natural pure melanesians.I wonder how the Great king solomon came and took gold from us freely with no resistance.Becos what!! we have the connection there,life and well.

    Its no surprise that we name after a great king who rule with wisdom and wealth.
    God bless us all.

  2. I would not be able to tell the difference between melanesians and most black people whom
    i see yet they claim to be anything else but what they are. I have had cousins who were born with blond hair and we are not melanesians. Too bad they don’t know that what is. known as black people are indigenous to every continent. DNAs changefd when Europe introduced invasive species to wipe out the original inhabitants. There is too much hatred for self caused by Europe but there is enough knowledge available for those who desire the truth.

  3. All black Melanesian came from East Africa especially Ethiopia this is a real history, Ethiopia is one of the oldest country in the world, the country ancient history tells about the first black people lived in Ethiopia eg. LUCY…… . who ever see the website evidence the scull of Lucy is 4 million years age, all world black Association and intelligent group’s accept this reality
    Ethiopia is the Motherland of all black people!!!

  4. And what race do the brown/redish brown and sort of yellow people of Melanesia fits in? Are we Melanesians too? Many people think all Melanesians are black? Wish I was black than brown. Being part of a more dominant race either black or white is better than being of no race at all. May brown people comes from Mars.

    1. The brown/reddish brown people of Melanesia fit in where all the other brown/reddish brown black people from Africa and the rest of the world fit. I wish ignoramuses like you would read the articles on Rasta live wire prior to making stupid comments. Do you people honestly believe that all black people have black skin? The so called black people come in various shades, hair type and facial features. There isn’t a set look for black people. All racial features are represented amongst black people wherever they may be found.

      Europe’s rewriting of history is a fantasy, fairytale, make believe just like their Hollywood version of history, to suit their agenda. Look at how Hollywood romanticized the rape of 12 year old Pocahontas by a white man in his 40s by weaving a Walt Disney lie of romance and love. As a result of that Disney movie, many people view Pocahontas as a traitor to her so called race. Now, do you see what Europe’s fabrication of history can do to others and its damaging effects?

      Europe does not want the so called black people or anyone else to know that the earth was covered with black civilizations prior to Europe leaving the caves to go pillaging, murdering and raping. Look at how some of these white racist are all over the internet defending the lies and fabrications they call history even with death threats. I honestly think that they really believe that there were two sets of Europeans, who rose out of Central Asia (their birthplace), one set left for Africa to build great civilizations, while the other set went to Europe and remained in the dark ages until their white (with brown skin sometimes black but a pinch LOL) cousins from north Africa called Moors came and brought them civilization. Some of these white lunatics will even admit that the word Moor and its various spelling means black but just not black African or what they like to call sub Saharan African. In white fantasy, the word Moor (Muur) means white people from north Africa who happened to have brown skin. I am sorry but this is what I understood from the confusing nonsense they spew. Yes, there are others who believe that north Africa is just an extension of Europe and only pink skin. To be honest, I live in Toronto where which enabled me to meet people from all over the world. I have yet to meet a person from north Africa or the middle east with skin like a European. Most of the lighter skinned people were mostly light brown or olive skin – they can tan without burning. If you thought they were “white” they looked more like an Italian, Portuguese type (those mixed types) than they looked like someone from Western Europe. Some looked East Indian while others looked African yet we are to believe that the face of north Africa and the middle east has not changed in thousands of years despite invasions by other racial features. Again, white man’s fantasy that he originated all over the world and black people’s origination are limited to Africa.

      So wait because you are from Melanesia, there is no way you can be black even though your people look black because you have brown skin. I am from the Caribbean, I have brown skin while my father has red skin (there is not much brown to his skin) and just because someone claim that our ancestors came from Africa due to a slave trade, that makes us black right? Yet the makeup of Melanesia sounds like skin variation of black people around the world yet they are black and Melanesians are not black. Keep assisting the Europeans with promoting that fantasy they called history. They lied to the black Greeks and the black people in the middle east and told that they go there because of slavery so the people believe it.

      Your ancestors set sail out of Africa ions ago- long before there was ever chattel slavery and that makes them not black, especially if they have brown/reddish skin. And every person Europeans call a sub-Saharan African (subhuman, monkey, ape, sheboon, nitch, shitskin, niglet, etc.) really all look like animals with human like appearance? The people Europeans are calling subhuman can still find their look alike in northern Africa and all you have to do is do a Google image search of the people who live below the Sahara and you will note that many do look like so called north Africans. I wish people would Google that instead of the racist crap they do Google to suit their racist worldview.

      Once Europe meets upon black people in a particular area, they either claim the black people got there because of slavery or claim that they do not know how they go there. If there is another dominant group in the area such as the so called Arabs (not the originals) in the middle east along with the blacks, then they will say the black people got to the middle east because of slavery. They will never admit that the black people are originally from that region. In areas like Melanesia or the Adaman Islands where there was no known slave trade, they will say the people have no connection to Africa and therefore not black. Because they do not want the world to know nor can they admit to themselves that there were black civilizations that they stole from and are now interjecting themselves in and taking over black history i.e. Egypt and north Africa.

      Please visit if you want more information on the world’s first civilizations being black. There is even a YouTube channel if you search under ancienthistorian1 on YouTube.

    2. Oren,

      If you are really Melanesian, here is more European fantasy for you. Sick of whites claiming to be a particular race online.

      There is a group in Africa called the Dogons who had knowledge of astronomy when Europeans were still living in filth and ignorance or what they call the dark ages. No one seems to know the Dogons came about mapping the stars without technology or special equipment. I am sure the Dogons know how they came about astronomy without technology and good for them for not sharing it with Europeans because they would only pervert the knowledge like everything else they lay their hands. According to European fantasy, the Dogons were told of astronomy by French explorers who visited their region.

      Now, I am black, I do not speak slang, listen to rap music or watch basketball but whites assume that because of my skin colour, I do all of those things, despite the fact that I am female. I cannot tell you of the amount of times whites when interacting with me, speak slang to me because that is how they feel I should speak, share information about a rap artist or tell me of the latest basket score because in their worldview, that is the extent of my knowledge base. Or consistently ask me around Caribana time, are you going to Caribana? Do I look like I am from Trinidad? Trinidadians have a love for carnivals more than Jamaicans but I wouldn’t assume that they are all attending Caribana. Yet because I am black practically everyone at school or at work will ask the same question every year, “Are you going to Caribana?” I am an anti social introvert who do not like crowds but no one would guess that about me because all black people supposedly like the same things, look alike and have the same personalities. I even have a white friend who knows all of the above about me yet he wanted to share with me that Sisqo was visiting downtown Toronto. To be honest, I thought he meant cisco router was building wireless networks at the university where he works. My friend is a computer analyst. He noted my confusion and said no, I mean, the rapper, Sisqo. A few days ago, I was talking to customer service of a company I telephoned. The customer service agent and I got into some pleasant conversations so I mentioned to her I am from the Caribbean, all of her sudden her accent changed to some gibberish I knew not. LMAO Prior to me stating that I am from the Caribbean, she spoke to me in a normal white person voice. On the phone, most people assume that I am white. I can tell by the look of shock of the faces when I show up for job interviews or anywhere else and some have outright admitted that they thought I was white.

      The point of the above is this, if whites can apply stereotypes to every day black people who live and interact with them in their world and have been doing so for 500 years, why on earth would they be discussing astronomy with people they assume to be subhuman and savage? I do not believe for a second that French explorers taught the Dogons astronomy because the Dogons had knowledge of the dwarf star and others long before the Europeans built their telescope. It just does not fit with the white man’s worldview of black people or a people they define as subhuman, uncivilized savages. And most whites are not going to have that level of intelligent conversation with black people because they assume all black people are only interested in being entertained (rap and basketball) or being entertainers (rappers and basketball players). For example, I am reading the book Green Mansions: a romance of the tropical forest (1915) by W. H. Hudson which took place in the interior of Argentina. now, the narrator kept referring to the Native people he encountered in the interior as savages and the ones who kind of adopted European ways as semi savages with no regard for their humanity or respect for their way of life. I was never introduced to any that was deemed savage as person, except the girl he wanted to copulate with. And even then, what was she to him but a cum receptacle to help him fulfill his sexual fantasies based on his perverse view that non white woman are overly sexual. Yes, even Native women of North America was referred to as having more sexual freedom than white women, if that is the case, I wonder how it came to be that the foremost stars in pornography are white women.

      In any event, after high school, I have read many classical books and the same theme follows when it comes to the way in which non white people were regarded. Look at Joseph Conrad’s depiction of the Congo in his novel, Heart of Darkness (1899). Even when I mention to these whites that I enjoy reading classical novels they look at me in disbelief. Where on earth do they think I went to school? Anyone who has gone to school in Ontario was reared on books written by what my Taiwanese professor referred to as “dead white men” and that is where I developed a love for reading classical novels. The Taiwanese professor went against the grain and introduced his mostly white class to African and other authors from around the world. But yea, we are to believe that white men were discussing astronomy with “black African savages.”

  5. Global black family unite! We need to first: recognize our diverse and unique histories, cultures, languages and roots. Secondly, take pride in our colors, facial features, hairs. Thirdly see beauty and power in one another and lastly strive towards improving ourselves so that we could link up and rise up! What scares the powers that be most is the global black/brown family waking up and regaining strength. It makes them pee their pants when they imagine dignified, strong, intelligent and peaceful but uncompromising individuals united for the common good of all humanity. Let us recognize each other as brothers and sisters. Notice we share music easily? Look how hip hop from America and dancehall from Jamaica has called to people all across the globe? Look how Martin Luther King Jr and Nelson Mandela have inspired people on other continents? Look how our intrinsic rhythm matches up and catches up?

    Racism is real. And it is getting worse. I wish I had more power to make a change. It’s why I like to wear my afro. It represents everything they fear. The untamed, the wild, the un-enslaved… The savage! And I am a proud savage. European admixture or not it doesn’t matter. I got the black experience.

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