The Black Mother of All Europe: Black Goddess/Black Virgin

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3 thoughts on “The Black Mother of All Europe: Black Goddess/Black Virgin”

  1. This world is steeped in irony of unspeakable proportions.


    Black Mother of Horus, a Afrikan Narrative told eons & eons before white Mary and Jesus were edited into history by Emperor Constantine and his hacks.

    How they continue to convince or confuse Our Afrikan Peoples in the Motherland & Diaspora is a continous marvel if you like.

    BLACK GOD. We Afrikans must revive ourselves, study ourselves out of this white stupor and STAND UP AGAIN WITH NO APOLOGY.

  2. She is not a African Woman. Please stop confusing Africans with Black People. Schwarze Mutter is a Native Eurasian (Black European) and has nothing to do with Sub Saharans
    Yes Schwarze Mutter is God and Jesus loves her breast milk. Hence African American tribes are really the Germanic Tribes / Aryan Alamanni-Celts.

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