Saint George – The Moorish Guardian Saint of England

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George the Ethiopian

St George is an Ethiopian Knight and Saint who ended up becoming the patron Saint of England, and the republic of Georgia.

The story goes that George was an Ethiopian born in Palestina, then a country owned by Muurs. Due to the exemplary life that he lived he very quickly became a saintly icon for a great many people who lived in the districts that he worked in.

Many legendary acts and stories are associated with St George, the most famous being the fable of the killiing of the dragon.

Below, in the carving that follows, St-George the Ethiopian Muurish Saint is killing the dragon, in an Ethiopian made mural. He is surrounded by soldiers. The young lady he is saving appears climbing a tree just above the horse’s head. At the top are two cherubs.


Fake “whitened” St George
fake george

Another fake by Donatello
fake g

Bulgarian Monastery on Mount Althos Greece:
George the miracle worker

In the history of our Church, we find an account related to a dragon and Saint George. This dragon threatened the idolaters in the area of Atalia. The people were forced to live inside the walls of their city. This prevented them from tending their fields and grazing their sheep. Every year, they would sacrifice a young girl to the dragon. When Saint George arrived in this area, the King’s daughter was about to be sacrificed. After subduing the dragon, Saint George placed a rope around its neck. He then gave the rope to the princess so that she could lead the beast back to the city. Thence, he slaughtered the terror and subsequently baptized thousands of the city’s inhabitants.

It is from the icon of Saint George, that this account has come. The icon depicts the Saint as an equestrian slaying the dragon with the princess in the background. The first iconographers of Saint George were probably trying to depict Satan as the dragon and Saint George conquering evil. Another explanation of this icon is that the artists were trying to depict Diocletian as the dragon and Saint George conquering him. The princess in the background could have been the Empress Alexandra who watched Saint George as he triumphed. She could also symbolize Christianity, or the Church itself. When the Crusaders journeyed through the Byzantine Empire, they saw this icon and from its depiction they interpreted the legend which they spread throughout western Europe

The fame of Saint George spread all over the East, and the Crusaders brought their devotion for the warrior Saint back to Europe. Through the Crusaders, Saint George became the patron Saint of England. He is also the patron Saint of Syria and Lebanon. The Emperor Constantine dedicated a church to him not long after his martyrdom.

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