Racist Nation, racist babies: The Blood of the Pink Viper! – News Report

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An article in News week just reported that racism appears to run deep, even in the children of the so-called white people. The article reported that “at the Children’s Research Lab at the University of Texas — located in liberal Austin, the Berkeley of the Southwest — Birgitte Vittrup attempted to measure how effective propaganda is at instilling multiculturalist ideology in small children. She found that despite parents’ multi-cultural sympathies, progressive intentions and “the homogenous political correctness” of everything they see on TV, children 5 to 7 years old tended to consider blacks but not whites to be “mean.” Another researcher discovered that this racist passive aggression occurs even in so-called white babies as early as six months old.

“Asked how many white people are mean, these children commonly answered, “Almost none.” Asked how many blacks are mean, many answered, “Some,” or “A lot.” Even kids who attended diverse schools answered the questions this way.”


For more: News-Week

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