Marc Washington’s Perspectives: The Celts of Ancient Britain

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2 thoughts on “Marc Washington’s Perspectives: The Celts of Ancient Britain”

  1. The name Celt (Keltoi) is more than likely derived from the Keftiu (of Minoan Crete). They like numerous other African populations migrated west along the Danube River ahead of the invading White barbaric hordes that overran Hatti (Anatolia, Turkey), and preceded west throughout southern Europe on binges of conquest and plunder – 1400 -1200 B.C.

    The Keftiu were descendants of Nubians and Libyans (Tehenu) that settled and developed societies on Crete, Cyprus, throughout the Aegean, and Mainland Europe. They can be identified by their buildings, pottery, animal husbandry, and grave centers – correspondences for which are found in Western Europe – including the islands of Britain and Ireland.

    The efforts on the part of Eurocentrist to identify the Celts (Keltoi / Keftiu) with the Sythians, who were but barbarian invaders, has no substantiation. Additionally, the name of the Keltoi / Keftiu is found no further east than Crete, and the areas they frequented in trade and commerce, including Kemet, Canaan, Ugarit (ancient Syria), Mycenaean Greece.

    T. W. Rolleston (Celtic Myths and Legends), though stating three groups identified as ‘Celts’ address two of them. Of the first ‘Celt of the Plains’ he says: They were the founders of lake-dwelling in Switzerland, in the Danube Valley, and in Ireland. They knew the use of metals, and worked in gold, in tin, in bronze, and towards the end of their period in Iron.” Of the second group the ‘Celts of the Mountains’ he says: It was at the beginning of the sixth century that if first made its appearance on the left bank of the Rhine… the earliest home in which we know them was the ranges of the Balkans and Carpathians. Their organization was that of a military aristocracy… they lived by tribute or pillage… Agriculture and industry were despised by them.” Yet, he say: “They had in them the making of a great and progressive nation.” (p. 55-57) The latter statement is non-sense, and does more to prove the people he is talking about were not ‘Celts’.

    So, hopefully, one can see the Keltoi / Keftiu who left their original civilization/society to begin anew were the people now called ‘Celts’, and those, White barbarians, that followed for conquest and plunder were in no way ‘civilized’ or capable of imparting civilization or settled (agricultural / pastoral) societies to Europe. There is much more evidence to substantiate this conclusion, however, I seek mainly to address the name and briefly the origin of the ‘Celts’.

    See: Celtic Myths and Legends – T.W. Rolleston; Celtic Mythology – J. A. MacCulloch.

  2. It seems the encient Africans populated the whole of Europe and scandanavia the Irish who complained about a mixed race couple from a lidle advert has African ancestry and African DNA after all.

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