The Moorish Kings of Europe: King William III of Scotland, England and Wales

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King William III House of Orange King of Scotland, England, and Wales

Commissioned in 1692

Portrait of King William III of England, Scotland and Ireland, 1692. William of Orange (1650-1702) was invited by a conspiracy of English notables to depose the Catholic James II and assume the throne in his stead. The invasion, which was virtually bloodless, was successful and became known as the ‘Glorious Revolution’. James fled to France and the Prince of Orange was crowned William III of Great Britain and Ireland on 11 April 1689. He co-ruled with his wife Mary II from 1689, continuing as sole ruler after her death in 1694..

Wood Engraving 1702

Stunning Photo Gifts From Heritage Images

-The National Archives/Heritage-Images

Willem van Oranje, omstreeks 1555. Schilderij door A. Mor. Staatliche Kunstsammlangen, Kassel., Foto Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Whitened William of Orange from an 1850 Woodcarving:

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One thought on “The Moorish Kings of Europe: King William III of Scotland, England and Wales”

  1. He was a very unattractive man.. reminds me of Howard Stern. The female in the photo with him? CERTAINLY looks like she has at least one African grandparent. She kind of reminds me of one of my relatives.

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