Kemet (Ancient Egypt), the Black Civilization

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3 thoughts on “Kemet (Ancient Egypt), the Black Civilization”

  1. Excellent! Critical Mass is needed in Afrika in the reclamation of Our Black Civilization.

    Once we come to KNOW that WE BEGUN CIVILIZATION from Spirituality to Science & Technology, we will Rebuild again.

    “egptyptologists” in their malice/ignorance/self-serving postures have written tomes of bogus nonsense insinuating (apart form Kemet being white/alien/WTV) that Kemetians were overly-obsessed with death, primitive and that the pyramids were tombs.

    Yet not a single pyramid was found any body of any pyramid!

    We Afrikans must really grasp and grab BLACK OUR TECHNOLOGIES

  2. In Ijaw a tribe in Southern Nigeria.. Kheme or theme means spirit Otu means people and hence Keme otu or Kheme otu or kheme tu means Ijaw man… Oru means God and could be the horus of Egypt.. Iruah or Ruah means sun and could be Rah the sun God.. Feru means great storm in Ijaw and Pharoah is pronounced Feroo which is a title meaning great one in ancient Egypt…

    1. It is interesting to know about black civilizations and how over time (or deliberate omition by historians) the evidence has been lost. I have read other books about Destruction of Black Civilzation and The Black Pharoahs and think it is about time that the rest of the world aknowledges that Africa has a lot to contribute to the making of man.

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