Amazing ancestry of “abairu” of Ankole revealed – By Dr Adyeri Muchori

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Amazing ancestry of “abairu” of Ankole revealed.

I was inspired to write this article following the statements by the president of Uganda to the effect that “the people of ankole do not need a king.” The president of Uganda is a well read man and given the growing controversy of these Ugandan “kings”, he must have a strong reason for coming out with such a statement.

In the first place, since museveni is a professed advocate of east African federation, we have always wondered why he brought back majimboism in 1992 by crowning the kabaka of Buganda. We in Kenya, and at least we know that this is the same position of our Tanzanian brothers, strongly disagree with these kingdoms and in the event of an East African federation, it is clear to us in Kenya that this shall be the first institution to go away.

In time, we have learnt to respect that the president of Uganda was created with a unique mind and only God knows how this man reasons things out, because in his own way his positions make sense.

In this particular case, we have been pleasantly surprised to learn that museveni has some deep historical facts on his fingertips and they appear to play a role in his clear rejection of a kingdom status in ankole. For the benefit of those who are interested in history, we provide below only part of this background information, revealing some of the amazing facts of the history of a people that has been concealed for long, and therefore with both hind and foresight, some of the reasons behind the president’s firm position. It all appears to revolve primarily around museveni’s firm commitment, belief and fear of God. Relatedly, we now realize that this is also because of museveni’s shared ancestry with the indigenous people of ankole.

President Museveni stated in the Sunday monitor of 11th April 2010, the people of ankole have been successful without a king. Now if you fill in the blanks of what the president is shrewdly avoiding saying; it is that;-

“These people suffered when a king was imposed on them after the 1905 agreement. When Uganda became a republic after 1967, the abairu of ankole were released from bondage and since then, Bushenyi their nucleus has since grown to become a model district. Can you compare this performance to that of greater Mbarara district which had the benefits of patronage from the imposed king and the colonial government?”

Reason; The “abairu” in ankole are actually descended from “Hebrew”, and an analysis of their current fortunes explain why only the strong abiru Christians are successful on this world. It is their destiny; if the abairu (Hebrews) honor only God, he rewards them; if they serve any other lesser gods or kings, he does not bless them.

The history; you see, most of the people of present day ankole were not part of it until Ankole was forced onto them after 1900. This includes present day Bushenyi, Ntungamo, Rukungiri, and the greater Rukiga (kabala & kanungu). These were all part of Mpororo kingdom and were added to ankole in a manner similar to the way Buganda was expanded from Bunyoro land.

We shall explain to assist those who have forgotten their history. Buganda was rewarded by the colonial government for its role in subjugating Bunyoro, by the allocation of large chunks of Bunyoro to the Buganda kingdom. These were the counties of Bugerere, Buruuli, Bulemeezi, Singo, Buwekula, Buyaga, and Bugangaizi. Don’t get me wrong here; we are not taking these counties out of Buganda but merely stating how they came to be part of Buganda. This history is well recorded here in Kenya since most of the process of the colonization of Uganda was headquartered here. Let us leave this at that, otherwise we shall open many wounds (esp., the fact that Buganda and the colonial government committed something close to genocide in these transferred counties, and forced people to convert from their allegiance to Bunyoro).

After being successful in Buganda, this principle of rewarding cooperative kings was also applied to Ankole.

Now in the case of Ankole, this had never been a strong monarch or kingdom really; the Luo lineage here was so embarrassingly weak that they had even failed to manage their own personal household affairs, a situation that we understand persists in the Ankole royal families to date. In the past, this situation was so bad, that the royals had to stop marrying from the abashambo / abairu groups altogether because these bashambo girls / women have a very strong character and could not be fooled around by weak promiscuous men. We gather from oral history, that there is a mushambo queen who killed a royal, and thereafter this incident, the royals realized that it was in their best interest to avoid that group altogether and find another that could be subservient. That is when they started marrying principally from the bahima groups. These people were predominantly cattle keepers, but what was important at the time is that this group posed no risk to the weak monarch.

Such was the weakness of the Ankole monarch. Anyway, Ankole kingdom, through its own weakness and lack of authority, had by then lost many grazing lands (let us call then counties) to a stronger Buganda. This included the lands of Kabula, Kinoni, Karungi (now called Kalungu) (all these went as Buddu / Masaka region), and Bwera (Sembabule & Mairu – Gomba). Unfortunately, the “king” could only grumble quietly and politely lest he gets a thrashing from the all too powerful Buganda – remember that Buganda had White mercenaries / allies! With guns! So who could touch it, scold it, or complain about its excesses! Everyone neighboring the Buganda kingdom had witnessed the happenings in Bunyoro and the example was a clear message to any who challenged Buganda’s position.

So when the British went to ankole, they pacified it by giving it almost the entire loose confederation of Mpororo kingdom and that was more enough. This included Bushenyi, Ntungamo and Rukungiri, and would have included Karagwe; only that according to the partitioning of Africa, the land below this parallel that marks that border between Uganda and Tanzania had been allotted to Germany.

In addition to being given a large kingdom to rule over, the weak monarch in Ankole was aided with expatriate administration from Buganda to shore up their rule over the old and new kingdoms. This is the origin of the Baganda settlers in many parts of ankole.

Now just tell me; where the Ankole monarch was coming from, what more could they want or ask for? They had just jumped from almost collapse to paradise! So they went to sleep and really have never understood the fundamentals of managing society. Speke to any of the royals and all you can hear is some reference to their rights to have their monarch restored and nothing about the people’s well being.

But when you speak to the people, what you shall hear however, is that following the advent of colonization and balkanization with ankole, the indigenous people were now being referred to as abiru! That was the surprising turn of events; the presumably harmless bahima had brought up reference to these indigenous people as abiru. So where did the term come from?

What the royals of ankole did not realize was that these presumably harmless bahima have a long heritage themselves. These hamites of ankole also trace their ancestry to the Luo, and all of these together from Cush (– son of Ham, son of Noah) from present day northeastern Sudan, where they had an extensive kingdom. And their affinity for power dates back to those days when Cush ruled over Egypt. This shall be the subject of another day but this detail of migrations and empires is well recorded in African history and in the bible (Genesis; 10 all).

Now, it transpires that that during the time when the Hebrew were slaves in Egypt, the reigning monarch was Cushitic (read “Luo”). History; According to Egyptian archeological findings (reference to Microsoft Encarta encyclopedia 1999), the Hebrew people were a group of tribes of Semitic stock that, according to (Egyptian) tradition, migrated from Mesopotamia to Palestine during the 2nd millennium BC. Some scholars, however, trace their origin to the Wilderness (that is, the Sinai) rather than to Mesopotamia.

These two views may both be true because according to the bible (Genesis 11; 31 – 32) Abraham the founding father of the Hebrews came from Mesopotamia.

And then for the second view, the biblical story of the exodus is quite well known to everyone; the Hebrews moved to Egypt, where they were enslaved. When released from bondage in Egypt under the lawgiver Moses, they journeyed through the Wilderness and thereafter, under Joshua, conquered and settled in Palestine. It is during this exodus time that there were offshoots of the main group that either did not leave with Moses, or deserted the main group somewhere in the Sinai desert. This group went south eventually settling in the hinterland of what is referred to in the bible as Ethiopia but we know as Africa.

So it is quite established that the term Hebrew is applied in the Bible to Abraham (see Genesis 14:13). What most people don’t know is that the term “abiru” / “habiru” is actually the same as “Hebrew”. The Encyclopedia states – and this is most amazing part – that;-

“Although denied by some scholars, the Hebrews are the people called Habiru or Habiri in the tablets found at Tall al ‘Amârinah, Egypt; written about 1400BC, these were found in 1887. This assumption coincides with biblical tradition; the Amarna correspondence, however, makes no reference to the origin or ethnic character of the Habiru. In Genesis 40:15, Joseph explains to the Egyptians that he had been kidnapped from “the land of the Hebrews”; in Exodus 2:6, the daughter of Pharaoh recognizes Moses as “one of the Hebrews’ children.” The implication of these sources is that in early times the Israelites were known to foreigners as Hebrews. In later times the Israelites applied the name to themselves, as in Jonah 1:9.

So you now know how the bahima knew that these habiru are supposed to be their slaves – because that is what they were in Egypt. The bahima knew that these habiru were there slaves in Egypt, and believed they still had to be overlords over them. Wrong. Because subsequent to the Egyptian episode of their lives, God had broken that bondage of slavery, provided that the Hebrews / Habiru stick to a certain formula – observe the Ten Commandments, and the most important ones being the 1st two commandments. Once these are fulfilled, then no one could be allowed to lord it over the Hebrews / abiru.

Effectively and to cut a long story short, the abairu of ankole, who are descended from the Hebrews, could only be successful if they – like the Jewish brothers – recognize their relationship with God the almighty as per the commandments delivered to Moses. i.e., if they recognize the sovereignty of God the almighty who delivered them out of bondage, and if they bow to no other gods. If they do this, God blesses them. If they don’t, then tribulations and damnation as promised in the commandments.

Fast forward; when Moses delivered the Hebrews he told them to serve no other God. So, given his knowledge of the facts, when Museveni restored kings in Uganda, he was clear in his mind that his cousins the abairu shall not be put under any other king but God. (Exodus 20: 1 – 17, and Deut 5: 1- 21). Recall that Museveni is very well remembered for his strong Christian values when he was young. Whilst he claims to have disagreed with his religious leaders somewhere down the line, he has never renounced his commitment to Christian values and principles – especially the Ten Commandments. In addition, the president has all the statistics in front of him; ordinary accident reports and even intelligence reports have already shown that most of the people who break commandment number 2 by visiting shrines and honoring those pagan gods are always getting into problems.

On the contrary, it is also interesting to note that a lot of the emancipation of ankole has come from Christianity; most of Ankole rejected all their pagan gods in-mass and embraced Christ. If you speak to all the learned elders of Ankole proper (Bushenyi, Ntungamo, etc) you shall discover that most of them went to school because of the churches, the catholic establishments and their provision of free schooling facilities. You shall also discover that that these same people were denied bursaries by the Bahinda / colonial government. A very good case in point was the late Proff Enoch Rukare. In Ankole, the cross over to Christianity was so serious / absolute that most of the names in ankole are now Christian / faith based; Mugisha, Mujuni, Tumwine, Tugume, Kangume, Twinamatsiko, etc. Compare this with Buganda where the names still refer to the pagan gods; Mukasa, Mugerwa, Mpanga, Walugembe, etc. incidentally, it has been proposed by some Christians that this pagan worship in Buganda is the main reason why Buganda is the source of most of Uganda’s troubles, and the reason why baganda die the most in causalities such as accidents.

All this is in addition to the fact above that after release from bondage in 1967, the abiru have demonstrated that they can rise from ash to a strong force to reckon with. So even when you look at museveni’s cabinet, after heavily rewarding Buganda with many positions, most of the positions from his home tribe are actually given to the abiru group, not to the bahima where he is supposed to come from. Well, err sort of; because he actually is descended from both!

Yes; the abiru / Hebrews are museveni’s cousins. Many people have heard by now, that the great leader of Uganda is of very mixed heritage. Well, this appears to be true; and he therefore owes no specific allegiance to any group and can afford to be a national leader. How do you explain the fact that the president’s own brother, general Saleh, is better trusted by the acholi people – simple; that blood is thicker than water. That shall be the chronicle of another day, and only if the president himself prompts us to come out.

So if only most of these facts had come out earlier, then the fortunes of Uganda would be very different from what it is today. But it is never too late for anything; as you can see, the facts about the ancestry of abairu are just beginning to fizzle out of the archives of history, explaining why the abiru people have given birth to some of the most industrious people in the world. It is really a blessing to be one of the abiru / habiru / Hebrew; the people can really work and you can now understand why the success of coffee in Buganda’s plantations only happened after expatriate labor came from these people. You can piece the rest together.

Next time we shall talk about the intercessors for Israel. Did you know that it was not by accident that Uganda was thought of as a possible home for the Jews in diaspora; and that it was the next best location they could accept? And that the difference is that they had selected a place in current day southern mubende district and refused karamoja? Did you know that the Uganda chapter of intercessors for Israel is one of the strongest chapters in the world, and that its strong pillars are all of abairu descent (though with mixed blood but this still makes them descendants of Hebrews)? And that these people are mainly found in the Watoto church, formerly KPC? Did you know that Museveni has privately admitted to prayer groups that he is struggling with corruption and has asked for their help? Did you know that through their prayer it has been revealed that Museveni may be the last president of Uganda and only president of expanded East Africa (including Southern Sudan and Somalia) before Armageddon?

Cest la vie!

Dr Adyeri Muchori

Kisumu – KENYA.

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“Hebrews (people),” Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Dr Adyeri Muchori is retired and hails from / is resident in Kisumu, Kenya. He specialized in African History while in studying and working in Cairo, Egypt.

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47 thoughts on “Amazing ancestry of “abairu” of Ankole revealed – By Dr Adyeri Muchori”


  2. Truth will always prevail how ever much you hide it.The good lord of the hebrews/habiru/abiru of ankole has started to bring light to his people who have been living in Denial for a very long time.
    The bahima have always denied being called biru at the same time they want to be branded Israelites .how can you deny being called biru/habiru/hebrews and at the same time you want to be called the sons of Abraham who is a hebrew/habiru/biru!!!!just wishful thinking.I know envy is eating them up but they just have to accept the truth.being hebrew/habiru is a pride though it may sound itching to those who have always denied history.who doesn’t want to hear that he has a lineage (sons of) with the habiru/hebrews!!!!!???
    Ankole hebrews/biru still bare their names since the days of Moses and abraham in Egypt.very hard working and fear and worship no man apart from GOD because since the days of moses we were told to do so by our lord.Thats why we as biru/habiru shall never embrace the colonial and established kingdom of ankole because it was all about worshiping gods and a human being which is against what we agreed upon with God in Egypt”worship no man .worship your GOD and you will be set free from bondage”You can’t mix gods with GOD.
    I know that this post is a thorn in a thigh amongst the bahima(luo descedants) who benefited so much from the faked kingdom of ankole but you just have to accept the truth.
    This is Not propaganda but the truth lies from days of moses and for more confirmation you can refer to the old testament (hebrews/habiru) in Egypt.
    Just check the name of our tribe.leav alone the bahima who imposed themselves on us but I mean the indigenous hebrews/habiru/abiru of ankole,we are banyankore and in the bible it is well stated that banyankore are sons of hebrews/habiru in Egypt.
    “Ban”(sons) “ya”(of) “kore” =banyankore .kore was a hebrew /habiru/abiru .it is well indicated in the bible.this is not something that you can grab along the way and you start farmenting.the evidence is clear in the bible.chronicles also talks about it.
    So how can you deny being called biru/habiru at the same time you want to be called Israel descedants like most bahima claim.That’s a clear lie in a broad day even if you try to bake a strory it can’t work.As it has always been ,the bahima impose themselves to (ban)sons of kore but they ‘re not becoz they are descendants of luo not hebrews/abiru/habiru as they claim.Lou are good people but i don’t see why they always deny them.I my self I have a lot of friends who are luo and good in character.
    We people of Bushenyi and the rest of indigenous banyankole from other districts shall never at one time honor or embrace the kingdom of ankole because it was established(colonial era) and we know our routes.the routes of the so called ankole kingdom are far different from the routes of buganda kingdom.
    The hebrews/habiru were blessed with intelligence and are hard working.they don’t like free things like the can check the latest israelist technology and other great countries that were occupied by the hebrews/habiru/biru in the whole developed because they(hebrews)were not interefered by the selfish and jealousy leaders like the way it is in africa.they are using their God given talent (intelligence) and they will always thrive no matter’s just a matter of time.
    If you think I am lying go to western uganda and see the students who perform better in’s habiru/biru/hebrews students not bahima.ask your self why!! It’s biblical not forgetting ugandans model district bushenyi which had lagged behind because of the ankole kingdom which was full of greedy and jealousy leaders.
    In the whole of Africa it’s only”ban” ya “kore” banyankole “sons of kore “the Hebrew who bare the name habiru/abiru/hebrews right from the days of pharoah up to you think it’s a coincidence.we know these things and dnt ask yourself why banyankole have always denied kings of the’s against the will of God.
    Original banyankole are peace loving people,christians in nature,welcoming,intelligent,hardworking and have respect for other tribes not the bahima who call other tribes sub human.God created all of us in his image and there is no way you will take away that dignity from his people because of your wishful thinking.
    Why is it that the first king of ankole was called Rwot Onono.does that name have anything to do with the banyankore names?? when we tell you that the kingdom was established then you start screaming.just accept the truth and you will be set free.I know some of you will not feel comfortable with my post but that’s the fact.if you deny then you are against the bible and will of God.
    And if you want to believe what i am saying,dnt only look at my post basing on perspective of the locals but also the international level.those people are intelligent by nature.take it or leav it.its not me who wrote the bible.
    What I advise you people ,learn to be torelant and have respect for each other.For God and my country.

  3. Folks, your origin does not matter, it is what value you have added in the space on earth you occupy, many may want to claim greatness and having come from “Superior lands”, does your character support that? just a brief observation here, most people assigned the so called Hamite or Nilo-Hamatic origin like the Lango, Iteso, Karamojong, Turukana, Tutsi, Masai, etc have one major characteristic, CATTLE KEEPING, this points to a group that once lived in a desert and the only means of livelihood was animal and animal products, similarity in words alone is not enough to determine your origin else all of us here would claim origin from England, secondly is the morphology of the various ethnic groups, most Hamites or Nilo-Hamites are tall and slender and darker than the Bantus while the Nilotes are tall darker with broader future, eg. Acholi in Northern Uganda, and the Bantus are short and stout and sometimes lighter although inter-marriage with the Hamites like in Buganda have resulted in a generation of some taller generation but its not enough to qualify the Buganda or Ugandan Bantus to originate from the Egyptian Nile Valley.

    1. Ethiopians/tutsi/hamites and cush arenot jews.they are liars.they faught jews/israel several times 2 CHRONICLES 14:9-13.they hate real jews [black Americans and some Bantu tribes].they are champions of segregation,discrimination.go to africa you will prove it yourself.they refer to non ethiopians/hamites as subhuman.very proud,jealousy and blood thirsty people.real devils.they are lazy but love acquiring fortunes through effortless means.Ethiopians faught israel/jews alongside egypt though were defeated .EZEKIEL could they claim the Jewish identity at the same time!!!!!the ethiopians-cush/hamites sold the jews/hebrews to slavery.they love jumping on the bandwagon and nentanyau is aware that they arenot the biblical Jews.let him kick them out of Israel.he is right100%.they are just escaping poverty from ethiopia.GOD promised to slain a sword to ethiopia for mistreating his children(jews/habiru).they should be careful.I just feel like bursting into a loud laughter when I see those ethiopia or hamite goons claiming the Jewish identity.what were they thinking when they were selling jews to slavery!!!!!!.let them feel the wrath.they descriminate black africans who arenot hamites let them be discriminated by Israel govt and they understand how strange it is.bring your asses back to Africa.stop claiming what doesn’t belong to you.the truth is that Ethiopians are far far from being jews.Moses(black negro jew) married a cush woman though miria and Aaron never liked it .NUMBERS 12:1.but that relationship doesn’t make ethiopians jews.Ethiopians were pegans biblically that’s why a jew like Moses marrying an ethiopian/cush was seen as a wierd act full of shame upon the israelists.ZEPHANIA 2:10-12 tells us how GOD is going to punish ethiopians-cush with a slain of sword for mistreating and fighting his children (jews) but the Ethiopians still claim to be Jews!!!!.so funny.ISAIAH 45:14 tells us how God is going to put ethiopia in chains for being against the jews but Ethiopians still claim to be jews!!!!
      ISAIAH 20:3-4 tells us how GOD punished ethiopians for fighting jews but Ethiopians still claim to be jews!!!! 2 CHRONICLES 12:2-7 tells us how Ethiopians faught israel/Judah/jews/hebrew/habiru/abiru but Ethiopians/hamites still claim to be Jews!!!!.Ethiopians still deny for being enslaved up-to-date which is okay.that’s why we insist that Ethiopians are not DEUT:28:15-68.This clearly shows who the real jews are.Ethiopians wake up from that deep wishful thinking.the verses above are enough to disaprove your claims.they are still very many verses in the bible which I never quoted that dissaprove your claims.You arenot the jews the bible talks sold hebrews/habiru/jews.We understand that you wish you were jews but it’s not about must be born a jew to die a can also read [OBADIAH 1:2-4] [OBADIAH 1:8-18] [REV 3:9 & REV 2:9].Ethiopians/hamites please stick to your selfish hearts and swallow the burning painful biblical facts.I know you can’t take it but do you have anyother choice anyway!!!! You have despised ,faught real hebrews[black americans,habiru] for so’s now your turn to feel the burning wrath.shalom.
      “STEWART” I understand that you can’t take it but your grandfathers lied to you that you come from the greatest tribe on earth that’s why you will keeping consoling yourself even after knowing the truth.jesus wasn’t a man of stature as u may want to claim .ISAIAH 53:2.
      Jews/hebrews/habiru ran away from Israel to africa during fearce roman Wars that were associated with slavery.some jews were sold to slavery in the current north america and other nations.some ran towards east africa.Stewart this post is dedicated to you [hamite] .I want to prove to you that the people you have despised for so long are the greatest people on earth and in the eyes of GOD despite receiving punishment for not keeping the ten commandments[Deut 14:15-68] Mr.Stewart the hebrew/habiru/abiru people fit exact

    2. Stewart my witness is in the bible.quote me your biblical facts too that claim hamites &ethiopians to be Jews.You are proud but you are nothing before GOD .proverbs 12:15 .all that happened to jews/habiru/hebrews shall come to pass .deut 28:64.they are suffering because of lack of knowledge about who they really are .Hosea 4:6.GOD understands habiru/hebrew poverty but they are rich .Rev 2:9 .GOD promised to slain a sword to ethiopia,hamite for mistreating his children [habiru/hebrews] Dont laugh at jews when they are suffering.their enemies will be destroyed and judah/hebrew will rise a gain.Obadiah 1:8-18.Hamites [ethiopia,cush,tutsi] faught jews/hebrews/habiru /israel alongside egypt but GOD Defeated and punished them overwhelmingly Ezekiel 30:4-9.the only greatest nation on earth z hebrew.the rest will follow.stewart am waiting for your biblical facts to battle my own facts.dont tell me the historical books written by attetion seekers.we refer to the holy book.a book of perfect prophesy and revelations.wake up from your poisonous dream.we are appproaching end times and a lot will be revealed and you will be shocked but don’t hung

    1. Shem (bantu) that’s where you’s shem who fit in the deutoronomy curses that defines a hebrew unless you are bantu converts or wanna be like the tutsi/hima

    1. Read deutoronomy 28:15-68 you will understand why so called bairu(banyankore) are hebrew will understand why they are despised by their neighbours hamitic all starts with deutoronomy as the God of israelites prophesized but it shall come to pass (isaiah 11:11).bairu(servants)come from a great background but because of their transgression in Israel salvation crossed to gentiles (romans 11:11).Rember every one on the earth planet fights to be refered to as an israelite but its by blood not faith. (Rev 3:9/2:9).The bible is there ancestral book and non else though they are still ignorant about it.As God said that his people are suffering because they lack knowledge.indeed they lack knowledge but the lord of israel prophesized that nothing hidden that won’t be revealed in end times.indeed more is being revealed slowly by slowly.If you come from the bairu (banyankore) background,that’s how great you are on the face of the earth.praise the lord,and one and only of the bible and understand it.The people you despise most they are the people you envy their identity unknowingly.revelation of Jesus christ (1:15).israelites were black and they will always be (Jeremiah 14:2 kjv) despite their transgression but it shall come to pass.PRAISE GOD.Its banyankore who use alot of “sh” in their language instead of “s”.That’s why baganda call them basheshe because of their “sh”.Check what the israelites (judah) did to ephramites(northern kingdom) after failing to pronounce the word “shibboleth” since they couldn’t pronouce “sh”(judges12:5-6).There neighbours(bahima) are hamites (genesis 10:6) not shemites.They just learnt the kinyankore language as hamites used to learn hebrew during Israel hey days.israelites would be discovered by their curses (deut 28:46) and non else.Not by names,not by height,language but curses since you can’t adopt someone’s shall come to pass.Alot of the signs have started to show up as GOD of israel prophesized.The people you see as great come from a zero background but they succeded in deceiving the world(jeremiah 16:19).The great people havenot been restored to their throne but time is up as their GOD and the holy one of israel the bible please.shemites (israel) were to be sold as slaves (deut28:68) for their transgression.That’s the origin of that dregatory name (bairu) which is a passionate word for bahima hamites.Remember being called dregatory names was part of the curse for israelites because of their transgression in the promised land(canaan).Now that knowledge has set you free from physiological torture endeavour to read the’s your ancestral historical book,written by your ancestors.Nobody else should again tell you about your’s only the bible book that tells bairu history.The rest of the books are lies.And bairu(servant) is never a tribe but a social class.All praises goes to the lord of israel.His people will finally wake up.If there were no israelites there wouldn’t be a bible.

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