White Supremacist Terrorist Eugene Terreblanche meets his death: South Africa..

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Mr Terreblanche, 69, was attacked on Saturday evening at home on his farm near the town of Ventersdorp, North West province.

His body was found with facial and head injuries on a bed, after he was apparently attacked with a machete and a wooden club.

Police have arrested two farm workers who they suspect beat Mr Terreblanche to death in a dispute over wages.

Mr Terreblanche was a convicted terrorist, a murderer and an unrepentant white supremacist. He had founded the white supremacist movement, AWB in 1973 to urge for increased repression of African people.

He was opposed to the end of racial apartheid in the early 1990s, and the AWB was infamous for its swastika-like symbols and neo-Nazi anthems.

He became a full blown white-supremacist-terrorist in 1990s and was finally convicted for the attempted murder of a farm worker in 2001.

Since his release in 2004 after a prison sentence for beating a black man nearly to death, he had been pretty obscure until 2009, when he attempted a comeback, announcing plans to rally far-right groups and to apply to the United Nations for a breakaway Afrikaner republic.

It appeared he did not learn very much from that imprisonment though, as his penchant for mistreating his African workers, beating up staff, and getting into near fatal disputes with his farm workers continued un-abated, until this incident.

Mr Zuma’s office denounced the murder. “The murder of Terreblanche must be condemned, irrespective of how his killers think they may have been justified. They had no right to take his life.”


AWB spokesman Andre Visagie said: “We will decide upon the action we are going to take to avenge Mr Terreblanche’s death,” adding that next steps would await a party meeting in May.

Earlier, he had blamed the killing on the recent singing of an apartheid-era song – “kill the Boers, the racists” – by a firebrand ANC leader.

ANC denied any linkages between the song and the death of Mr. Terreblanche.

Boer is Afrikaans for a farmer, but is sometimes used as a disparaging term for any white in South Africa.


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19 thoughts on “White Supremacist Terrorist Eugene Terreblanche meets his death: South Africa..”

  1. glen you are a mere simpleton steeped in hatred and fear of Black People.

    I feel sorry for you as you wallow in your misery and emptiness.

    Who on this planet has spread diseases/shot/raped enslaved and grabbed other peoples lands and continents?

    And come around to call such bloodletting “heroic explorations & discoveries?”


    1. Yep its no use telling you anything since you are a black racist and you have all always been.The sight of this fellers men plweading for their lives is of no interest as you try to deciece the world as usual again!!! DID YOU FAIL TO MENTION THAT THEIR HANDS WERE RAISED IN SURRENDER WHEN THEY WERE BRUTALLY EXECUTED?oh you did ….ho hum..Glen

  2. Innocent South Africans are killed by so-called natives everyday…….Terblanche however will not be missed. The AWB are a bunch of idiots and represent the worst segments of Afrikaner society. The best thing to happen to the AWB is Terblance´s death….they were anonymous up until this week.

    The murder of Eugene Terblanche admittedly has some political ramifications.
    It is no surprise that his death comes shortly after calls by pseudo-politician and semi-retard, Julius Malema. Such things should never happen in a civilised society.
    The AWB has vowed revenge….for them to be taken seriously,….. [incitement and hate-speech edited]

    1. “The murder of Eugene Terblanche admittedly has some political ramifications.” Eugene Terre’bitch thought he had got away with his crimes. Good riddance. Of course his death has political ramifications and we are just waiting to see what those boer pigs will do. Our foot soldiers did a great job. Good riddance. South Africa does not and will not belong to settlers. This is our land and you whites better leave when there is still time. There is only ONE type of African so parasites have no place in Africa. Good riddance.
      We will continue to sing our liberation songs and nothing whites say or do will stop us. Eugene Terre’bitch was a f@king racist criminal and deserved that death. Good riddance. Our aiports are open for business. We are busy frying the big fish before we turn to their Indo-Paki slaves like you Khalashoid. KILL THE BOER! KILL THE WHITE FARMER! One settler one bullet.

  3. @ Kemetian the Congoloid fool.
    Apartheid is over……u have been liberated for almost 20 years already !!

    The AWB are living in the past and represent a small insignificant minority of white Afrikaners. However Terblanche´s death will now just boost their political standing.
    What idiots like u fail to realize, is that without the white Afrikaner, South Africa is doomed. South Africa was built by the blood and sweat of the Indo-European people.
    The Indo-European is different from the Congoloid…….he has a culture of professionalsim, works harder and understands the meaning of Standards and Accountability !
    Congoloids are just reaping the benefits of this and by bringing politics and race into the debate, they are taking South Africa down the road followed by Zimbabwe and every other crackpot congoloid dominated African country.

    1. KILL THE BOER! KILL THE WHITE FARMER! One settler, one bullet.
      “South Africa was built by the blood and sweat of the Indo-European people.” Let the Indo-Europakis go and use their “blood and sweat” for their hellhole their forefathers came from. You don’t belong here and NEVER will. Our people did not fight for reconciliation. You thought we would give into the reconciliation nonsense initiated by sell outs like Mandela and Tutu. We shall NEVER forget and we shall NEVER forgive untill the last pale skin leaves OUR land. One settler, one bullet. Nobody invited the Indo-europakis to come to South Africa. Our airports are open 24h for business.
      The ANC sell outs can do nothing to stop us from driving you out. In fact they are so afraid that they cannot even stop us from singing our liberation songs. NO reconciliation EVER, not even in thousands years.
      The security gadgets won’t stop our foot soldiers to take you out. Good riddance. Terre’bitch murder’s was a challenge to the indo-europakis and we are now waiting to see what they will do. The boer pigs first called for revenge and quickly came back and are now calling their people to stay calm. What a bunch of cowards! We won’t put down our hands untill the last pale skin leaves our country.
      KILL THE BOER! KILL THE WHITE FARMER! One settler,one bullet.

  4. There are things that are left unsaid in “polite society” (“international community” media/academia/universities/corporations.

    Never up for discussion even! How devilish is that?

    As His Imperial Majesty said” Until there no longer first class & second class citizens….war”

    Inspite of all the tomes & yarns of “developmental economics” and such other bogus nonsense one fact is glaring:

    BLACKS ARE POOR & WHITES (whether european extractions or asian or arab-persian-turk) ARE RICH.

    And not just in Azania/South Afrika. Zimbabwe/Kenya/Zambia/Botswana..name it.

    No amount of silly clever-sounding explanations can erase this fact.

    Today Afrikan youth are impatient. True, they sometimes self-destruct as they deal with this blatant unfairness.

    But the trajectory will alwayts be TO RIGHT WHAT IS WRONG.

    Nobody can defy nature. IN SPACE & TIME nature demands BALANCE.

    So lets quit the pretended shock-indignation at the demise of this killer bigot.

  5. glen u are the true savage. thats why whites have a low birth rate fact. pope said it and cnn stated it, as well. millions of blacks die every day.and yet we still have a high birth rate. that includes india as well. u crackers can’t kill us off. u can try but in the midst of it you are dying off. white people think they are excluded from karma and nature. you guys get cancer from the sun.

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