Moors, Melanin and Negroes … by Oguejiofo Annu

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Melaneo denoting priesthood, nobility and black skin … derived from Old Greek origins … form of Melanio … not in the top 1000 names …

Melaneyo denoting priesthood, nobility and black skin … origin is Old Greek … variant form of Melanio … not regularly used as a baby name for …

Melanio denoting priesthood, nobility and black skin …The origin of Melanio is Old Greek … unusual as a baby boy name …

Melaniyo denoting priesthood, nobility and black skin … language of origin is Old Greek … variant transcription of Melanio …

Note that Melas means mystic dark light.

Melaneos or Melanopodes (black feet) was the name the old Greeks called the ancient black Chemists of Africa (the ancient and wise Egyptians).

Melanesians is the name used to describe the black skin west-African people of the Solomon islands in South Pacific. Why then do they call you blacks, Negros, and Africans today? In some old Greek maps, the African continent was called Asia.

Note also that:

Melanthios means dark flower … of Old Greek origin … unusual as a baby boy name … not listed in the top 1000 …

Melanthius dark flower … of Old Greek origin … variant transcription of Melanthios …

Melantheos Black God!

The black females were called:

Melanie … black skin woman

There is also the ancient and modern Greek word Mauro, meaning man with black skin. Its variants are:

Morris … denoting priesthood, nobility and black skin

Maurice ….. denoting priesthood, nobility and black skin

Mauritzio …… denoting priesthood, nobility and black skin

Moore/Muir …… having black skin

In the language of heraldry, the Moor is used to symbolize priesthood, primacy, honor and divine nobility.

the black skin females were called:

Maureen or Morena

When they passed the Slave Codes beginning from the 17th century in the colonies in America, they changed our name to their name, the blaccas, and the slaavs.

They took onto themselves our ancient title-names such as Moores, Muirs, Melanie, Melaneo.

They gave us their names, the blankes, blaccas, the blacks. These later names denote a lack of colour, a bleac, bleached, bleak person. A pale thing. A thing without color. Blanc means a pale person in the old language of French. In most continental European languages, Blanke is the word used to describe a very fair person.

We are not blankes, or blacks, or blaccas.

When we accepted those false names, we became disoriented, dislocated and denuded in terms of our identity, our history and our culture.

We got lost. We slept. We forgot the Moorish history, science and culture. We lost our identity and others stole it.

And they turned this world upside down.

Wake up to your true identity. Search out your true Moorish history. Who taught physics and chemistry to Newton and all the other European scientist? It was the Moors. You, your ancestors, your blood!

You are not a Nigger, or a Negro, or a Mulatto or mule.

You are a Muur! A Melaneo. Maureens! Mauritanians! You can do what you will.

You are also Ethiopians because we all come from Ethiopia. You are the children of Aethiops, grandson of Noah, great great grandchildren of Enoch.

Ta Murians, for we come from Ancient Egypt, also known as the Holy Land of Tamuri (Tameri).

Ancient Chemists, cause you are from the land of Khem (Ancient Egypt).

Know thyself!


Oguejiofo Annu

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6 thoughts on “Moors, Melanin and Negroes … by Oguejiofo Annu”

  1. Thank you for your intense research i have did my home work on the same things you are talking about i told my friends in the lexford o.e the word black mean bleached up and pale
    so that cant be us.
    love ya!

  2. This is so deep, I can’t even see My phone.
    Srsly though, this really is amazing. So we’re Africans who are muurs, who are Ethiopians, who are actually from ancient, alchemist Egypt.

  3. la paciencia un llave mestra para la siguiente …vuelta… para izquierda… donde tocan l as campanas… dig.. dog..el corazon late…para llever un buen zon… ya tu sabes… aqui caminando suave al viaje…tranquilo trace…una coneccion al Padre…;:¨*

  4. Love this info like majority of the info on this site is usually correct, only issue I had which makes us all Muurs is going by saying it’s because of Noah & Enoch which these fictional characters are taking credit for what comes from the ancient Twa and Khosians which seems to never get credit and always overlooked

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