Haplotype K2-M70

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Haplogroup K2-M70 – by Jide Uwechia

Haplogroup K2 (M70, M184, M193, M272) is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. It is a subclade of Haplogroup K.

Haplogroup K2 is present throughout Africa in varying degrees. Its highest frequency is also found in Africa, particularly Somalia. It is also present in Southwest Asia, South Asia, and Southern Europe, and, at an even lower level, throughout Europe.

For instance, Haplogroup K2-M70 has been detected in 8.3% (10/121) of Omani Arab, 8.2% (12/147) of Egyptian, 7.2% (10/139) of Iraqi and 10.4% (21/201) of Somali males, which is much higher than its frequency in other populations.

Other regions that have been found to contain a significant proportion of haplogroup K2 individuals include South India (18/305 or 5.9%), United Arab Emirates (8/164 or 4.9%), Ethiopia (6/126 or 4.8%), East India (14/367 or 3.8%), South Iran (4/117 or 3.4%), and Turkey (13/523 or 2.5%). One must recall that East India, Arabia, and south Iran have a huge population of Dark Brown people of African descent living there even today. Those are the K2 type people.

Without doubt, it seems clear that K2 is a marker of demic movement of a Brown/Black population moving from Africa outwards across the globe which explains why their descendants have varying degrees of dark complexion.

Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers of the United States was a K2; his Y-chromosomal complement received prominence through the Sally Hemings controversy.

Jide Uwechia
April 04, 2008



Eur J Hum Genet (2005),13:867-876.

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3 thoughts on “Haplotype K2-M70”

  1. thats why black people all over the world reply to themselves as brother. and the different color barrier is due to grafting color out of the black man. envy of the elders of the original blacks.and the understanding of genetics is the results of different colors.Let us make man in our image. became the toil of life and thats why you find groups of one color only in certain places and the black peole are in all or most places.

  2. ok, “george”….. grafting?/ get real. No one is “grafted”….. it’s called genetics. Please put down the drugs.

  3. my source says k came from asia, 30,000 yrs ago and migrated into africa not out of africa as you imply//mutations are M70 M184 M193 M272

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