African Genetics Revisited: Europeans are genetically inferior to Africans

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Published February 22nd 2008
The in depth studies can be found at the article’s source, here:,2933,331949,00.html

“White Americans are both genetically weaker and less diverse than their black compatriots, a Cornell University-led study finds.

Analyzing the genetic makeup of 20 Americans of European ancestry and 15 African-Americans, researchers found that the former showed much less variation among 10,000 tested genes than did the latter, which was expected.

They also found that Europeans had many more possibly harmful mutations than did African, which was a surprise.

“Since we tend to think of European populations as quite large, we did not expect to see a significant difference in the distribution of neutral and deleterious variation between the two populations,” said senior co-author Carlos Bustamante, an assistant professor of biological statistics and computational biology at Cornell.

It’s been known for years that all non-Africans are descended from a small group, perhaps only a few dozen individuals, who left the continent between 50,000 and 100,000 years ago.

But the Cornell study, published in the journal Nature Thursday, indicates that Europeans went through a second “population bottleneck,” probably about 30,000 years ago, when the ancestral population was again reduced to relatively few in number.

The doubly diluted genetic diversity has allowed “bad” mutations to build up in the European population, something that the more genetically varied African population has had more success in weeding out.

“What we may be seeing is a ‘population genetic echo’ of the founding of Europe,” said Bustamante.

The Cornell team hopes to study other population groups in search of similar results.

For example, Native Americans show even less genetic diversity than Europeans, having descended from a few thousand people who entered North America about 10,000 years ago.

That fact was reinforced by a larger-scale study, also published in Nature, led by scientists from the Universities of Michigan and Virginia who analyzed genetic samples of 485 individuals scattered around the globe whose DNA is recorded in a French databank.

As would be expected with the “out of Africa” theory, the researchers found Africans had the greatest amount of genetic diversity, followed in turn by Middle Easterners, then Europeans and South Asians at about equal levels, then East Asians.

Native Americans had the least genetic diversity of all, indicating that part of the world was settled last.

“Previously, we’ve been able to look at the genome and say, ‘This part is from Africa, this is from Asia,'” explained Virginia research Andrew Singleton to Wired News. “Now we can look past that and say, ‘It’s from this part of Africa or Eurasia.'”

A third study, published in the journal Science on Friday, may be the most fascinating of all.

Drawing on 935 individual samples from the French databank, a Stanford University team found deep traces of long-ago population movements, all originating from a “ground zero” in Ethiopia, Kenya or Tanzania.

For example, the Pygmies of the Congo forest were found to be quite close to the Bushmen of Namibia — but both were very different from most other sub-Saharan groups.

The fierce and proud Bedouin nomads of the Middle East actually have a lot of European and South Asian blood.

The Asian-looking Hazara of Afghanistan are correct in claiming ancestry in Mongolia, but the Han, the dominant ethnic group in China, may be disappointed to discover they’re actually two peoples, one north, the other south.

Native Americans have at least one closely related group in Asia — the Yakuts of eastern Siberia, who themselves are related to other hunter-gatherer Siberian tribes, some of whom build wooden teepees.

The Basques in northeastern Spain and southwestern France may be right to demand their own nation — they’re not closely related to anyone else. Surprisingly, neither are the residents of Sardinia off the coast of Italy.

As with the other large-scale study, the Stanford team found the greatest diversity outside of Africa among people living in the wide crescent of land stretching from the eastern shore of the Mediterranean to northern India.

Not only was the region among the first colonized by the African migrants, they theorize, but the large number of European and East Asian genes among the population indicates that it’s long been the human highway, with large numbers of migrants from both directions conquering, trading and generally reproducing along its entire length.”


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120 thoughts on “African Genetics Revisited: Europeans are genetically inferior to Africans”

  1. That is what i suspected and that explains also why whites to invent this “white supremacy” nonsense,they must have felt their inferiority long ago and was a kind of defence strategy.

    Thanks to black historians like Cheikh Anta Diop and John Henrik Clarke we are well aware of the great past of black people and our contribution to the world,like the western civilization was highly influenced by Africans. So we have a history that we could be proud of and a present that is full of challenges mainly because of the fact that whites control the world for the last 500 years,at present this influence (which was almost always was negative and destructive) is felt through international organizations like world bank,IMF,WTO,UNO and the likes. It is a misfortune for Africa that whites have been so influential in the last centuries. So the social,political,economic and other problems that affect the black world and in particular Africa today are directly the result of
    this white global influence and power.

    Many of us normally being consumers of the western media are not well aware about the very destructive roles played by whites in individual African countries. Just take DR Congo for example,when you closely observe that country you understand how devastating white influence was in that country,murdering the democratically elected and black nationalist Patrice Lumumba in 1961 and installing the puppet Mobutu. Another example is Ethiopia where the role of western countries in the last 40 years was as destructive. They say diplomatic actions taken by then emperor Haile Selassie in the 1960ies and 1970ies, like his role in creating the organization of African Unity(OAU),the support of anti-colonialist independence movements in countries like Kenya,Angola and Mozambique,the leading role he played in bringing China instead of Taiwan,which was the wish of the western countries, as member of the united nation and also the united nations security council with veto power,etc had angered the western powers so much that they threatend to revenge, and as powerful as they were and still are managed to remove him from power in mid 1970 ies,they played roles in a series of military conflicts
    the country had with Somalia in 1977 and rebel wars from the 1960ies to 1991. In may 1991 they installed their puppet in Ethiopia which is still ruling the country and ruining it.
    So Ethiopia is under proxy US colonialism since may 1991 and has resulted in the secession of the northern province Eritrea(by the way in his book Bill Clinton proudly stated that he helped Eritrea become independent ) and the landlocking of the 2nd most populous African country, and as worse the US puppet regime introduced a policy of bantustanization,dividing Ethiopia in about dozen ethnic homelands, although the country has some 80 different ethnic groups and intermarriage is very high.You can learn here about the destructive role played by the USA in Ethiopia for some 40 years.

    So in general western involvement is greatly responsible for the economic and other conditions in Africa today,were it not for the very destructive role played by the west in the last 50 years or so Africa would be a better place today. And dont forget,Africa had always good and patriotic leaders,but all were killed by the west. An African nationalist leader now the west is at war is Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, and you can see there how big white influence and power still is in Africa and how whites could make or break African countries.
    So present day economic problems are not indication of African inferiority as whites like the Grux claim, the present day problems of Africa only indicate how big white influence is still in Africa, and we have to destroy or minimize that white influence on Africa for things to improve in Africa.
    Should i remind you that Africans were highly civilized and advanced while whites were living in caves in Europe few thousand years ago ?

    1. Every president of the United States in the 20th Century has been a Jew or been controlled by the Jews except one. His name was John F. Kennedy, and we all know what happened to him. A Jew, Harry S. Truman, signed the legislation that established the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), an agency that either works for the president or if the president deviates from the Illuminati, who are Jews, works directly for the Illuminati. The leaders of African nations are controlled by the CIA, and if there are any who differ from the CIA, they are struck down.

      When I contacted Ethiopia in 1995, the man to whom I spoke told me that any journalist who endeavored to write the truth, was arrested and in jail. He said that all the journalists there are in jail as a result. In the United States any journalist who strives to get the truth out is terminated from their job. Examples of this are in my work at at the icon that says Magazine.

      Anyone who blames governments doesn’t know whereof they speak, because it is those who control governments who are responsible for the problems that all countries experience. And it doesn’t matter which party is in the White House either since all of them are controlled by the Illuminati.

      Those who control government control everything else too. That includes education at all levels straight up and including universities. So your comment that some scientist at Cornell University provides the truth is questionable since Cornell is a university and thus under the control of those who deceive. Specifically, the Rockefeller Foundation.

      The first year I was a publisher, which was in 2001, I gave my internationally acclaimed e-zine to every university, college, technical college, and community college that is in Peterson’s Guide with the request that the next year they subscribe. Not a single one of them did. Only one university did. Guess where it is? On the West Bank. This is proof that documented American history is not acceptable at any of these institutions, and it is because the Rockefeller Foundation controls them.

      So I don’t accept anything that some scientist from a university says, because he/she is under the control of the Rockefeller Foundation, the head of which is a Satanist.

  2. So if Africans were so civilized while whites were living in caves, and blacks had such a great head start on us, what the hell happened? Whites have been to the moon, the computer, vaccines that cure diseases that have ravaged the world for centuries, automated travel and flight.

    On the other hand, blacks don’t have a single monument in their “highly civilized country” that wasn’t built by the Arabs or the Phoenicians.

    So explain to me, please, how Africans are genetically superior to whites, yet commit more crime than their white counterparts wherever they are found, in America or Europe or Asia? How can it be that a genetically inferior race like whites can dominate the planet, building monuments that still stand today, while Africans, without the influence of those same whites, would still be living in the dust, eating out of campfires and worrying about lions eating them in the middle of the night?

    Claims that blacks are genetically superior to whites are a joke. In fact, its the opposite that is true. Blacks need Affirmative Action here in the US in order to compete. They cannot compete on the wholesale level with whites. When two of three black males has been in jail or is on parole, and when 1.9% of the population (black males 18-24) commit almost 50% of the crime in America, it tells me that there is, in fact, a racial component to the criminal statistics.

    Its an interesting read, however. I can tell there was a lot of time spent on researching things. I wouldn’t have wanted that job – which I would liken unto building a brick wall out of straw.

    I do have to interject though, that I would love to know the names of these “Cornell University” professors who said that you Africans “…bear a royal line of blood connection to the Most High Jah and the blessed Mother, who are their parents.” That’s absurd.

    1. Affirmative Action is meant to keep you simple minded white men fair. White men have always been scared, even of their women. Which is why today the white woman dominates the white man.

      The greatest monuments in the world standing to this day are in Africa. The greatest monuments in the world that have been destroyed were in Africa and destroyed by whites.

      America is in decline and has to bully its way around the world just to see another year. Whites commit and get away with more crime than anyone else in the world. The biggest drug dealers, sex slavers, etc are all white, and don’t do time.

      Every time a white person sees one of our great monuments you make an attempt to claim it or destroy it. Every major city in the world has African iconography as its monuments and don’t even know it.

      Chinese are responsible for the computer dude. I have never bought a computer part that was made in a European country. Never would either.

  3. Boogra squeaks: “I do have to interject though, that I would love to know the names of these “Cornell University” professors who said that you Africans “…bear a royal line of blood connection to the Most High Jah and the blessed Mother, who are their parents.” That’s absurd.”

    Jahdey roars:

    Sure…I will make your day. Here is a list of their names. Take a look at their qualifications, their professions and tell me whether you know better than all those so-called white people like you.

    Nature 451, 998-1003 (21 February 2008) | doi:10.1038/nature06742; Received 2 December 2007; Accepted 29 January 2008

    Genotype, haplotype and copy-number variation in worldwide human populations by –
    Mattias Jakobsson1,2,14, Sonja W. Scholz4,5,14, Paul Scheet1,3,14, J. Raphael Gibbs4,5, Jenna M. VanLiere1, Hon-Chung Fung4,6, Zachary A. Szpiech1, James H. Degnan1,2, Kai Wang7, Rita Guerreiro4,8, Jose M. Bras4,8, Jennifer C. Schymick4,9, Dena G. Hernandez4, Bryan J. Traynor4,10, Javier Simon-Sanchez4,11, Mar Matarin4, Angela Britton4, Joyce van de Leemput4,5, Ian Rafferty4, Maja Bucan7, Howard M. Cann12, John A. Hardy5, Noah A. Rosenberg1,2,3 & Andrew B. Singleton4,13

    1. Center for Computational Medicine and Biology,
    2. Department of Human Genetics,
    3. Department of Biostatistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA
    4. Laboratory of Neurogenetics, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA
    5. Department of Molecular Neuroscience and Reta Lila Weston Institute of Neurological Studies, Institute of Neurology, University College London, Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG, UK
    6. Department of Neurology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Taipei 10591, Taiwan
    7. Department of Genetics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA
    8. Center for Neurosciences and Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, 3004-504 Coimbra, Portugal
    9. University of Oxford, Department of Clinical Neurology, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford OX3 9DU, UK
    10. Neurogenetics Branch, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA
    11. Unidad de Genética Molecular, Departamento de Genómica y Proteómica, Instituto de Biomedicina de Valencia-CSIC, 46010, Valencia, Spain
    12. Fondation Jean Dausset – Centre d’Étude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH), 27 rue Juliette Dodu, 75010 Paris, France
    13. Center for Public Health Genomics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22908, USA
    14. These authors contributed equally to this work.
    Correspondence to: Noah A. Rosenberg1,2,3Andrew B. Singleton4,13 Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to N.A.R. (Email: or A.B.S. (Email:

    Genome-wide patterns of variation across individuals provide a powerful source of data for uncovering the history of migration, range expansion, and adaptation of the human species. However, high-resolution surveys of variation in genotype, haplotype and copy number have generally focused on a small number of population groups1, 2, 3. Here we report the analysis of high-quality genotypes at 525,910 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 396 copy-number-variable loci in a worldwide sample of 29 populations. Analysis of SNP genotypes yields strongly supported fine-scale inferences about population structure. Increasing linkage disequilibrium is observed with increasing geographic distance from Africa, as expected under a serial founder effect for the out-of-Africa spread of human populations. New approaches for haplotype analysis produce inferences about population structure that complement results based on unphased SNPs. Despite a difference from SNPs in the frequency spectrum of the copy-number variants (CNVs) detected—including a comparatively large number of CNVs in previously unexamined populations from Oceania and the Americas—the global distribution of CNVs largely accords with population structure analyses for SNP data sets of similar size. Our results produce new inferences about inter-population variation, support the utility of CNVs in human population-genetic research, and serve as a genomic resource for human-genetic studies in diverse worldwide populations.

  4. Soon you pink peoples reign will be over and you will become our slaves again, just like in Egypt. Although I must appluad you pink people on keeping our holy black people down for so long, you are a very clever opponnet but we will RTG because we are superior in every way. You pink people are slowly losing your power and we are gaining ours…..because the truth shall set your pink ass free!!

    1. I disagree.

      Where’s the intellgience in that. You’re just ranting. Pratically a load of people from different religions want me dead. I’m assuming that if I went toeach part of the world I’d always encouter “extreme exclusivism”. Furthermore in light of your comment is genocide socially acceptable? (I’d think carefully)

      “…God created humanity; (but now human beings) create God. That is the way it is in the world – human beings make gods, and worship their creation. It would be appropriate for the gods to worship human beings” Gospel of Philip 71:35-72:4, in NHL. 143.

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