Cagots Revisited – By Abdulkadir X

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The Goths and the Cagots:

The Nigri-latinis, whom some call Moors, and some call Celts, and some call Ibero-Maurosians of Europe, were wiped out by the invading Goths and their Slavic brethrens. A genocide that still sliently cries for a voice. The rest of the Negrito Latinos, and the Celts and the Ibero-Mauros, they tried to interbreed with.

The whipe out and the white-washing took almost 1500 years and even today is not quite over, as Europeans search out immaginary ancestries and then kill off neighbouring tribes based on those mis-his-tories. For example the massacre of Jews in second world war Europe, Turkish and Albanian massacres and genocides of world war one days, ethnic cleansing in Bosnia and so forth and so on.

The Goths were cursed with the Cagots, their diseased cousins who followed them everywhere as dogs, hence their names the dogs of the goths, Cagots. They were called chretins, to denote both, their ancestral linkages to the “benevolence” of the Roman Catholic Papacy, as well as their suspected congenital deformity/diseases and mental illnesses.

The Cagots had no languages, but they took all languages spoken around them, no culture except for witch-craft, sick with all kinds of degenerative and congenital and sometimes contagious diseases of the body, and the mind. And just like you see them today they are full of talk of blood sacrifice, endless wars, and moral and spiritual canibalism.

Even the Goths and the Slavs were sacred of those savages called Cagots and they sought to constrain them, with sever laws. They were banned from common grounds, rivers, parks and towns. They were condemned only to the one profession of carpenter.

They were makers of coffins. Ironically they also participated in the construction of many churches across Europe, yt they wre barred from those churches when fully built. They could only wear certain types of clothings so they could be easily identified. They were constrained in property ownership and were allowed to live on the outer edges of European villages.

They were so persecuted that along with the fleeing remnant of the original European black muurs of ancient and modern Europe, they were the first to arrive in Americas.

They were those chretins, so called pilgrims, feeling oppression in Europe, looking for better opportunity, and then they came here in America to kill off the Arawaks, the black Caribes, the Mohawks, the Seminoles, and the rest of the Indians, red and black alike, with their diseases. That same leprosy feared by other Europeans…or small pox. Some really evil contagious disease. So they took America, but thankfully the original people survived too, to counteract the actions and spells of the Cagots.

The Cagots, they finally took over the government of Europe after years and years of bloody warfares, culminating in the French revolution of the 18th century. That was the time the Cagots took over, and inter-mixed themselves so efficiently with the rest of the Europeans, that today very few of true blood Cagots can be identified. They then systematically expunged all references to themselves from history. By book burnings, vandalisms, censorship, and outright lies, they effectively made themselves disappear from the annals of European and American history, faslely mis-identifying themselves as “whites”.

They even went inside church yards and tore up any record or references to cagots. They dug up grave yards too.

Abdulkadir X

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One thought on “Cagots Revisited – By Abdulkadir X”

  1. And that’s the truth,and now we are suffering for our mistake of love to dogs,and their diseases are killing us and leprosy is turning us white. What a way to go cursed.So what seems to be the right thing tp do with these creatures for the original msn and woman, think about it. How many tribes have been killed out? In the name of cagot jesus? Don’t it say do unto others as you would have them do into you well i believe it is time to play catch up,it is not that many of them left and they can’t reproduce anymore without a black gene. They are on a downward spiral lets stop holding them up time for their fall. They know they are too destructive to have a civilization for 6000 years. Guess that would be our cue.

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