Afro-Hungary 2 – By Dr Clyde Ahmad Winters

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The Manding speakers who founded Troy, may have settled areas as far as the Carpathian Valley. This is supported by the analogy between the Trojan script and the Tartarian and Tordos scripts (Hood 1968), and similar marks found at other archaeological sites in western Asia Minor, and the Fertile African Crescent (Winters 1986, Winters 1989).

The oldest Manding/Garama tablets in Europe come from Tartaria. Tartaria belongs to the Vinca culture.

There is affinity between the pottery marks of Troy and similar vessels from Vinca. Most importantly a human face that decorates a pot lid from Troy dating back to the 2nd Millennium B.C., is that of an African (Hood 1968).

King Priam of [W]ilion or Troy, which was called Wiry by the Egyptians was the uncle of Memnon . The fact that Priam and Tithonos were brothers makes it clear that the founders of Crete were from the Fertile African Crescent.

Moreover the Garamante origin of the people of Troy would explain the close relation between the Elamite and the Manding languages, since it was Memnon, who founded Susa.(see the section on West Asia) Due to the Manding origin of many of the Trojans, and some of the settlers who founded the Vinca culture we can read the most ancient Aegean inscriptions using the Manding language.

Some of the founders of Trojan civilization came from Kush in addition to the Fezzan. Ancient Kush was called Aethiopia by the Greeks. Aethiopian place names associated with the Mycenean civilization include Sima, Simos and Simon from the word simos or ‘snub nosed’, This term was used to refer to the snub nose of the Aethiopians. It is interesting that at Samos we find iconographic evidence of Blacks living in this area as in other parts of Mycenae and the Peloponnese in ancient times.

Tartaria is a town 70 miles south of the city of Cluj, on the Maros river near that part of Transylvania famous in classical times for gold deposits. The ancient Magyar calls Transylvania Tatarlaka. In Magyar Tatarlaka can be translated as “the seat of power knowledge”. This view is supported by the Magyar legends that claim that during the golden age Tatarlaka was a fairy land, where the people, the Tuder (fairy girls and ,or elf ladies), lived an ideal life of dancing, signing and making love. This mention of females playing an important role in society places this Carpathian golden age during the epoch when the mother goddess served as the symbol of worship, and matriarchy dominated old Europe.

According to Kandra Kabos at the end of this golden age of reason the fairy girls mostly turned to stone, or stone idols. People then began to make pilgrimage to the Ko-s (idols).

The Tartaria site is a mound 250 yards long and 100 yards wide. The culture at Tartaria, and Tordos belong to the Vinca culture. The Vinca culture took its name from a site in Yugoslavia. The Vinca culture lasted 1000 years.

The signs on the Tartaria tablets have affinities to Proto-Sumerian, pre-Dynastic Egyptian , Libyco-Berber, Proto- Elamite and Trojan writing. Zanotti has suggested that the dates for the tablets may be between 3300 and 3000 B.C., or contemporary with Uruk IV, of the Jemdet Nasr period in Mesopotamia. Many signs engraved on Vinca pots are comparable to pottery marks from Asia Minor ware, especially pottery from Troy. Hood observed that:

“Many of the vases made by Vinca potters have shapes that are basically akin to Trojan ones. Pots with dark , polished surfaces, often decorated with incisions filled with a white paste, are common both in the first settlement at Troy, and in the earlier phase of the Vinca culture. Vinca ware also show affinity with later pottery at Troy”.

The Tartarian tablets were found in what N. Vlassa, the archaeologist who worked on this site in 1961, called a “ritual pit” along with 26 burnt clay idols, and two Cycladic alabaster idols plus the scorched and disjointed bones of a man. He described this site as a magic-religious complex. Although, Dr. Vlassa, has suggested that this man was probably a sacrifice, our research indicates that this man was probably a priest who had died in a fire, and was buried with ritual articles he valued while alive.

The Hungarian scholar Janos Makkay has examined incised Tartarian tablets/signs from thirty-seven (37) sites spread throughout Hungary and Romania. The presence of these tablets highlight the highly developed character of the ancient African cultures in Europe.

Many scholars have attempted to decipher these tablets in the past. Jaki Gaber believed the inscriptions were written in Sumerian and discussed taxation. In another attempt at decipherment Barath, recognized that the tablets were written in Magyar, and believed that they recorded an astrological event.

Even though Barath was correct in reading the tablets in Magyar his interpretation is incorrect. In 1983, Clyde Ahmad Winters and Vamos-Toth, Bator deciphered the Tartarian tablets and discovered that it is not relating to an astrological event, it was an amulet worn by a Proto-Magyar dignitary.

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3 thoughts on “Afro-Hungary 2 – By Dr Clyde Ahmad Winters”

  1. The Tartaria tablets were dated 5,300 BC. The sign system on them is similar to rock signs found in Balkans, Panonia, Transylvaia and Carpathians, which were 10,000 years old. However similar rock signs were found from Eastern Mongolia, to Southern Siberia and Altay foothills, and they were interpreted as the Proto-Aryan sign language dated 15,000-25,000 years old. These Proto-Aryans (according to DNA analysis of Anatole Kysloff) migrated around 20,000 years ago from around Baikal Lake area to Balkans/Carpathians. The same sign system exists inside the labyrinth of the Visoc Valley system and in Vinca Culture. This makes the people of Balkans/Carpathians to be the Proto-Aryans migrating out of Lake Baikal (as the DNA analysis has proved it). The R1a haplogroup (Aryans) were in the Balkans until the end of Vinca Culture (5,000 BC) when they start moving east to Moldavia (Cucuteni-Tripolie), Ukraine and south and east Urals and Western Siberia. Later they moved to Central Asia and invaded Indus Valley Civilization. Other Aryans went to Manchuria and Korea. It turned that around 1,900-1,700 BC from these Aryans were formed the Huns and Scythian. The Huns and Magyars came to Panonia in around 400 AD. Which other Magyars they found here?
    I think the correct interpretation is that the sign language from 25,000 years ago from Lake Baikal area has been brought to Balkans, where the the process has created the Indo-European languages, which around 5,000 BC begin to spread in all directions. Regarding the Hunic of Hungarian runic script, it seems to preserve many of the original signs from which it originated. The Hungarian Runes seem to be not connected to other runic scripts (Gothic and Viking), which were created AD from Etruscan alphabet . So the Hungarian Runic Script is a version of Proto-Aryan and Aryan script.

  2. there is a book from 1907 the race n life of aryan peoples ,this sounds a lot like that but updated with dna of rna telling when people walked , aryan people only on earth 7000years from the west to the east pantagonia from yucatan peninsula,magyars are mentioned in blacks law dictionary 4th as free white sovereigns not meaning caucasion race or aryan race.caucasions were moved to caucus mountains not from there created by patriarchal god .has dna updated or outdated this

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