African Soldiers of Roman Europe – A Bibliography

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D.Cherry, Frontier and Society in Roman North Africa (1998)

C.M.Daniels, The Garamantes of Southern Libya (1970)

C.Daniels, The Frontiers: Africa. in: J.Wacher (ed), The Roman Empire(1987)

E.W.B.Fentress, Numidia and the Roman Army. BAR Int. 53 (Oxford 1979)

R.G.Goodchild, Le limes Tripolitanus. Journal of Roman Studies 40(1950)30-8.

M.Janon, Remarques sur la frontière de V.A.Maxfield, and M.J.Dobson, Roman Frontier Studies 1989 (1991) 482-484.

Y. Le Bohec, La Troisième Légion Auguste (1989)

Y. Le Bohec, Le auxilia (1992)

B.D.Shaw, Soldiers and society: the army in Numidia (1983)

M.Speidel, The Roman Army in North Africa. Journal of Roman Archaeology 5(1992)

P.Trousset, Le camp de Gemellae sur le mimes de Numidie d’après les fouillesdu colonel Baradez (1947-1950). In: J.Fitz (ed), Limes. Akten des XI.Internationalen Limeskongresses (1977) 559-577.

P.Trousset, Signification d’une frontière: nomades et sedentaires dans laszone du limes d’Afrique. In: W.S. Hanson, L.J.F.Keppie, Roman FrontierStudies 1979. BAR 71(iii) (1980)

C.M.Wells, The problems of Desert Frontiers. Chairman’s Notes on theSession. in: V.A.Maxfield, and M.J.Dobson, Roman Frontier Studies 1989(1991) 478-481.

C.R.Whittaker, Frontiers of the Roman Empire. A Social and Economic Study(1997) esp. Chapters 1-3

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