The Original Meaning of the “N” Word — by Pianke Nubiyang

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The Original Meaning of the “N” Word

By: Pianke Nubiyang
27, January 02, at 12:50 p.m.


The word “nig…” used to be the most revered and sacred word in the universe. It was the “devine epithet,” and the people who began using the mother of all words that originated from this word which was sullied by the British, were the ancient Egyptians or better, the Khemites, who called their land, “Khemet” or “The Black Land,” and also used the name, “Ta-merri” or “The Beloved Land.”


The father of the “n” word was the word used by the ancient Egyptians for “God.” That word was “N-g-r” and as one can see, there are no vowels in this word. In the ancient African and even the present African languages (the Afro-Asiatic linguistic family) vowels such as “a,e,i,o,u” are not found in many translations, particularly of ancient Hebrew and Egyptian languages.

In the translation of ancient Egyptian and Hebrew (which is heavily influenced by Egyptian), one will not always find vowels, therefore, very few people will realize that the word for God, which is “N-g-r” pronounced “en-ger” was the Egyptian word for God. In fact, the Egyptian word for “nature,” is also the word used for God. That word is “ntyr,” (pronounced net-jer.” Now prounce the word “nigg..” and the word “net-jer,” and one sees the clear connection.


In many African languages particularly the Niger-Congo language family. Words that connects with people, Gods, and groups begin with “n” and that word is always the first word. For instance, the word “Nkosi” in Xhosa is “God.” The word “Ndaba,” in another South African language is “counsil” (or gathering of elders). Many common names also begin with “N”.


N-g-r (Egyptian;pronounced en-jer) = God
N-t-y-r (Egypt; pronounced net-ger) = God, Devine
Negash (Ethiopia; ne-gash) = King
Negus (Ethiopia; ne-goos) = Emperor
Nkosi (Xhosa; en-kosi) = God
Ndaba (Zulu; en-daba) = Counsil/Officials,
Naga (East Indian, Nubian = People
Nugarmarta (West African = People (See the writings of Ibn Buttata’s journey to West Africa)


The Romans are probably the first Europeans to misrepresent the word for God, which was “N-g-r”

About the early part of the First Century, Romans tried to invade Ethiopia. (see BLACK HISTORY CHART or go here for a list of Nubian Pharaohs and Queens.

The Romans who were speakers of Latin always knew of Blacks, there were Blacks in Rome, Italy had an ancient Black presence long before the Latins migrated from Central Asia and North Eastern Europe during the ‘Aryan’ migrations. In fact, the Latin ethnic groups is still in existance in the northern part of Italy even today. This part of Italy still grips about Hannibal’s invasion which happened about two thousand two hundred years ago!!!!

The Romans had a name for Blacks, it was “Niger” and it meant Black or people of African origins. Thus, Septimus Niger would have meant, Septimus the Negro. Yet, how did the Romans connect the word “Niger” to Black.

In ancient times, Blacks were worshipped as Gods. The Gods of Greece came from Egypt. The worship of the Black Madonna is connected with the worship of Isis, the Egyptian Goddes. Moreover, Blacks in Egypt called their Pharaohs “En-ger” or “N-g-r” he was literally referred to as “THE GOD.”

It is very possible that when the Romans tried to invade Nubia, they asked for the name of the God and the term “N-g-r” was probably used in place of “leader” or “king”. In Angola, the same also happened during the 1600’s when the word “N-gola” which means “King” (notice the “N” and the “g” in this word as well), came to be “Angola,’ the name of a kingdom in south western Africa.
(Read more on Nubian, Egyptian, West African and ancient American trade and commercial connections in ancient times; see the book, “Susu Economics: The History of Pan-African Trade, Commerce, Money and Wealth,” published by 1stBooks Library, also see


A Roman general invading Nubia from Egypt would probably have used the Egyptian term for Pharaoh, which was “N-g-r” (God). This term then was used to refer to all Blacks and as time went by, the word N-g-r became Niger. In Fact, the Romans also classified their Emperors as “Gods,” to follow the Egyptian style. Moreover, as the History Channel poointed out, “Rome was a collection of villages before the Egyptians built it up.”(paraphrased).
The word “em-peror” sounds very close to the word “en-jer.” That is not a coincidental connection…………

For more see:

Original: The Original Meaning of the “N” Word — by Pianke Nubiyang

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99 thoughts on “The Original Meaning of the “N” Word — by Pianke Nubiyang”

  1. Back during the American civil war Abraham Lincoln witnessed a master slave driver calling his assistant a “nigger” he was white and he got a bad attitude with his boss. So nigger has nothing to do with being black or being from Africa….any man of any race can be called a nigger simply because of their attitude. I wrote this comment on a short version, but when I was 12 yrs old I wrote a full 2 page essay over the term nigger and of slavery. I found this information in a book at a library in Huntsville, Tx in 1987. I wish I would have purchased this book !!!

  2. his is absolutely true.
    In Luo, God is known as Nyasae
    In Kisii he is known as Nyasae
    In Kikuyu, he is known as Ngai
    N word and God are connected. Freedom.

  3. Some people are missing the point. It’s about the distortions of the truth. We often want to ignore the fact that civilization began in Africa, and then to the world. ALL OF US HAVE AFRICAN ROOTS. It is a scientific fact The name “Khemet” (the land of the Blacks) was used by the Romans and Greeks to describe the Inhabitants. Most of your Greek Scholars studied in ancient Khemet (Egypt). The Moors (Black People) brought Europe out of the dark ages, after the fall of the Roman Empire. The Romans were defeated by the Nubians and Ethiopians at the height of their power as we’re the Hunt when they tried to invade. THESE TRUTHS ARE NOW BEING TAUGHT AT COLLEGE’S THROUGHOUT AMERICA. If you research for yourself you will find the truth. The truth will set you free from BIAS, RACISM AND PREJUDICE.

  4. your all a bunch a kings….NEGUS….praise J*HS vision……biblical n holy..upful n right…..tell the other side of the coin…all history taught me in my life…has been false…….praise the wailers…all isms are learnt behavior…..rascism………Erasism……..lazy gravel speech changed…negus to negguz…….word revealed…….give thanks

  5. I understand the word Negro means black, yes it’s a color, I understand the definition given to the word Nigger in dictionaries; It was and is a word that was cool to use around the house or with anyone else who looked like me, mainly meaning, you and I are cool with each other; it was rarely used as a word of hatred; but now that certain people use it for hatred and gave it a negative definition, now blacks want to change up; point is, too often blacks allow themselves to be swayed from the left or right by others, what is your own truths? does it take people who are not even black to convince you of what you should believe? I have my own meanings/labels. I don’t need someone else’s dictionary to tell me the meaning of that word, I am the darn dictionary, I create my own world in my own space, and I say the word Nigga means……Nubian Intelligence, Great gods Approaching.

  6. People of color worldwide just need to focus on erasing the erasure of our collective history. Whites just got here basically in the scale of time and they have stolen and re-labeled everything to create this phony Matrix of white superiority. People of color have been here forever. That is why we are called indigenous. Whites lost their melanocytes that produce pigmentation and this ended in severe calcification of their pineal glands. Without a functioning pineal gland your connection to God is muted and severely reduced, as you can tell from their general behavior of obsession with material things and domination of everything through violence. The problem is getting whites to admit there is a problem because they are so arrogant because the Matrix lies to them and tells them they are the greatest people ever on Earth.

  7. I was taught and raised to believe “nigger” meant an ignorant person. Nothing about color or ethnic background.
    It was interesting to read this article and dispel some of my own ignorance.

    1. You were taught right. It not a race or color thing. ALL OF YOU PEOPLE should sit down in a library like Cambridge and READ and LEARN your history. All of it. Not just the last 300 yrs but the last 3000. Nigger in its original text and terms was to call someome ignorant trash. It was twisted and stomped and rolled as the years passed and people created new words or old words with new meanings. Its sad that society uses history as a crutch to call someone a bigot or a racist over a word that they really havent heard or seen IN ITS ORIGINAL AND FULLY HISTORICAL TERMS.

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