Moorish (Black) Kings of Europe: Henry II (972-1024) King of Italy and Germany also Holy Roman Emperor – mena7

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Very Rare image of Henry II (972-1024) King of Italy and Germany also Holy Roman Emperor during the time of the Ottonian Dynasty. From the Sacramentary of Henry II (1002 -1014). Undeniable proof of so called black presence throughout Europe.

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33 thoughts on “Moorish (Black) Kings of Europe: Henry II (972-1024) King of Italy and Germany also Holy Roman Emperor – mena7”

    1. These are the Royal lines of Queen Elizabeth’s Great Grandmother Queen Charlotte who was from the Portuguese Royal Lines. She married King George IV of Germany (who it appears also had Moorish Blood).

  1. What a treasure trove of fascinating information. I am pleased to have discovered it. You probably have already discussed this but I was intrigued to learn about the many Black Madonnas in Europe. Thank you for your scholarship.

    1. His face might look green to you, but how are you going to gloss over his dark brown legs.?Let me guess he’s wearing tights. No he’s actually black.

      1. The image does not have dark brown legs. He is wearing stockings, probably woollen, Unless you think his dark brown ‘legs’ have evenly spaced white dots, which must be a first for any so called ‘Moor’.

        And I don’t ‘see’ the image as green. It IS green as the link I gave shows. There are also other images of Henry which show his pale skin very clearly, Images of his parents also show them to have been normal pale skinned Europeans.

        1. There’s plenty of images to show Jesus was white as well, doesn’t mean they’re accurate. I mean Charlton Heston played Moshe….c’mon now

    2. I reviewed both photos, and it appears to be two different people. The features in the first one (green) are vastly different from the second. Additionally, I read somewhere regarding the switch to Buddhism from Hinduism that people of color were represented as green or blue in paintings. Perhaps it true here as well.

    3. Please include something like written document that describe him.
      Or as you take his picture from the book take picture also the page next to it together with the picture

    4. Please read you all. From 711 to when the last Moors was expelled from Europe 1600. Meaning years of mixing cultures you get mixed. But those in high rank do not mix, you preserve your line. These are northern Africans. It’s clearly common sense. No American knows true history. We know white history. We have to accept the only way to know the truth is to go to Europe and read. Read about the festival of the three kings held in Alcoy Spain where Moors are not forgotten about.

  2. The creator, is truth. That’s what is needed in all facets of our lives, especially history. Truth. Simply saying something isn’t so, is not enough. Provide some contrary evidence. At least, the black emperor, doesn’t look pale(tinged with green). There is no one blinder than one who won’t see, Lesley.

    1. There are plenty of other images of this emperor together with those of his parents and his descendants which show them to be normal pale skinned Europeans. But you don’t want to see them Imhotep, do you? You have this idea imprinted into your mind that European royalty were black and nothing will shift it, not facts, not truth, not anything.

      1. You must be an American. White Americans are the most lied to and confused people on the planet…

        1. I agree with you. The country that lies and lies and consider anything dark as evil. That’s odd.. Who has killed and taken land and everything else un Godly Since their existence ? Life started in Africa. God said he would deliver his disobedient children to their ENEMIES. Now ask who has done so many unGodly things world wide ?

        2. Yes. She probably is! They would rather die then believe that African People did anything of note. Yet most white Americans have no real history in Europe. They were the poor and unwanted dumped here by Europe as Criminals and ne’er do wells. They entire existence depends and them and Europe being Lily White.

      2. So how you explain Queen Charlotte Sophia of England from the late 1700s to early 1800? I’ll wait.

        1. I expect you are referring to the lie put around by black so called ‘historian’ Mario de Valdes y Cocom that the poor woman was black.

          She was certainly unattractive and seems to have had sallow skin but how does that make her black. Her ancestors were all European and no-one can show any differently but when has lack of proof ever stopped an Afrocentrist?

  3. Thank U 4 the scholarship/research. Much needed for the rainbow children’s generation??

    1. Aye Sir.
      We R still here
      Blessed be the Most High God: Ahayah; that loving Creator.

  4. My Granny used to say, “ The truth hurts, but will feel better about yourself in the long run. Just tell the truth”.
    We have been indoctrinated to believe a lie rather than.
    Honestly! Look at the facial features. Look at the hair.
    Another thing. Even the so called royal family know the history of the Mohrs/Moors/Moore’s. Why do you think the aunt wore that lapel pin. Everyone thought she was trying to insult Meagan. Think about

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