Hemp for Victory

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Hemp for Victory

Hemp for Victory is a black-and-white film produced in 1942 by the USDA outlining a plan to distribute 400,000 lbs. of cannabis seeds to American farmers with the goal of producing 350,000 acres of cannabis by 1943 — all for the war effort. The USDA even went as far as to urge 4-H clubs to grow at least half an acre, but preferably 2 acres of cannabis.

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One thought on “Hemp for Victory”

  1. Hail to the Thieves of our Consciousness! Fire Burn you liars!

    Yeah, we knew this. For all those who read and know or have knowledge of the uses of hemp throughout human existence on earth. The war on hemp and marijuana grew out of the Yellow Newspaper movement. It was racist and anti-black and Mexican. It sought to disenfranchise those people of their rights and land. And it succeeded in doing so. The war on drugs is a farce. It’s a waste of our taxpayer money and it serves to justify the domestic and international war on folks of color primarily the Black and Brown ones. This so-called war is waged to maintain the status quo. That is to elevate their phoney and eroneous Christian beliefs in order to feed their corrupt kkkapitalism.
    The propaganda that fights against marijuana, the so-called gateway drug also serve to promote their racist beliefs. And it primarily affects the black and brown folks around the world.
    In reality, hemp is so much better and more cost effective than cotton and any other fibre being used on earth now.
    Let’s keep it real.
    Hemp is the best solution to our planetary evolution. It’s use can help us mend the problems and healt the planet. Stop cutting trees, and use hemp to make paper, clothes, bricks and other useful things.

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