Black Canaanite Palestinians – True History in Video

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Black Canaanites/Palestinians

Here are the orignal children of Canaan, the descendants of Ham. Ham is said to be the father of all black and brown people.

These people are related to the earliest inhabitants of the land of Israel. They are the Natufians, the Cushites and the Canaanites who lived on the land even before Abraham came as an immigrant to the land.

These black Palestinians were the ancient Phoneicians, the Carthaginians, and the original inhabitants of Greece and Sicily.

Those Black Palestinians shown here are aboriginals. They are not transplanted from anyother country, either in the east or in the west. They recall being on that land of Isreal longer than anyone else. All other races and nations that live on the land of Israel and Canaan acknowledge that indeed they met these Black people living on the land when they arrived from whereever they each emanated.

But the Black Canaanites are the orginal. They are the humble for whom the land has been prepared. They are the righteous who will inherit the land after the tumult and turbulence has subsided.

See them, feel them…hear their vibrations:

The Original Black Palestinians of Canaan.

“As these folks just said, they are the aborigines of the Holy Land, descendants of the remnants of the ancient Canaanites whom Yahweh let remain in the land after their people apostatized from El El Yon (Yahweh), causing most of them into the Diaspora in lower Africa. Genesis 9:25 -27 (when read according to correct Hebrew grammar) clearly teaches the Canaanites in America will be the victimized ebedim (slaves) to the Yephetics (Europeans) and later become the “men and women” servants to Yahweh EloheShem in leading a world wide last days revival (Acts 2:18). Ebedim can mean ether a slave or a minister as Moses was called.”

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33 thoughts on “Black Canaanite Palestinians – True History in Video”

    1. Dear Richard,

      greetings and thanks foryour teachings.

      I would love to give my coment about African people, we are realy belived that they are the most Caananites Tribes. and because of their living, their atractiveness.


  1. I’m Richard Merrill, American seen in the video above. My teaching the Canaanites will lead a world revival was based on in dept study of the original Bible Hebrew prophets and New Testament writers. My saying “cannot ‘now’ conclude Canaanites will lead a world revival” was due to my waiting to witness particular world revelations. It is not my intension to say there will be no Canaanite world revival. I have been retired for years and would like to see this revival happen in my life time.

  2. I’m Richard Merrill, American seen in the video above.Please do not try to contact me on my email. My health aid only open emails from a small number of parties on a special list. Contact me by replying to my comments on this site. I’m now in poor health and sometimes in the hospital, so it might take me some time to get back to you. Thank you. All my teachings were based on the Hebrew of the Old Tetament and the Greek of the New Testament. I have given classes for other Black folk to use the original Languages.

    1. All whites come from Adam. 95% of the worlds christians are white people. Satan is making war on every christian white nation. Anti-christ is a codeword for anti-white.
      Over 100 Hebrew scholars wrote Strong’s Hebrew Concordance.
      Strong’s #119: ‘adam (pronounced aw-dam’). to show blood (in the face), i.e. flush or turn rosy. The white man.
      1. The God of Israel shall be known as “Yahweh,”(1) the one true Living God of the Israelite people; the God of the Israelite’s forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob-Israel.(2) Gen. 14:19, 17:1, 28:13, 31:11-13, 46:3; Exo. 3:6,14, Exo. 6:3, Deut. 5:26, 14:2, 26:18; Joshua 3:10, 1st Sam 17:26, 2nd Sam.7:24, Ps.42:2, &etc.
      2. Abraham’s descendants, the Israelites, were Chosen to be a great and mighty nation (i.e., America), and thru Israel, all the nations of the earth will be blessed. Gen. 18:18, Isa. 60:22, Deut. 7.6, Isa. 41:8, 49:7.
      3. (Some of the) Israelites would be named after Isaac, and called Isaac’s sons, saac’s sons or later Saxons. Gen.21:12.(3)
      4. Jacob (Isaac’s son, Abraham’s grandson) was Chosen, above all others, to be Yahweh’s servant. Gen. 32:28, 35:10.5.
      5. Jacob-Israel’s descendants, the Israelites, (4)were to be spread abroad to the West (America), East (Australia), North (Canada, Scandinavia) and South (So.Africa, So. America) and gathered together again. Gen. 13:14-15, 28:14; Isa. 43:5-6, Zech. 10:8, Jer. 31:8, Hosea 1:11.
      6. Israel was to be a kingdom of priests, a holy nation to the Lord. Ex. 19:6, Isa. 61:6, 66:21; also, Isa. 56:6. The whole nation of Israel was and is to be ‘called,’ and to be priests; the entire nation was to be “the Church.” Israelites were to preach the gospel to the word and be the stewards of God’s word. The white man has always had God’s word in his hand and preached the gospel of salvation all over the world. Negroes and Jews never have.
      7. Israel is to have a new home, in an appointed place, (i.e., in N.W. Europe, Great Britain and America), as an inheritance. 2nd Sam. 7:10, 1st Chron. 17:9, Jer. 3:18, 1st Chron. 17:9, given to them by Yahweh. Gen.12:7, 13:15, 15:18, 24:7; Exo.32.13; but not always, nor always forever: Jer. 31:36-37.
      8. There (in America), the Northern Kingdom of Israel will unite with the Southern Kingdom of Judah (7) as a “company, a multitude, of nations.”(8) Gen. 17:4-6, 16, 35:11, 48:19; Jer.3:18, & etc.
      9. Israel’s home would not be invadable, not to be disturbed by the wicked. Isa. 41:11-14, 54:14; 2nd Sam. 7:10.
      10. Yahweh undertakes to fight against all who fight against Israel. Isa. 41:11-14, 49:25-26, 52:12, Exo. 14:19, Isa. 58:8.
      22. Israel is to be pure, and be victorious in battle against their enemies. Deut. 23:14, 28:7.
      11. Israel is to be immune from defeat in war, and defended by Yahweh, their God. Lev. 24:4, 26:6-8, Isa. 54:17, Num. 24:8, Isa. 54:15-17, Zeph. 3:19, Deut. 32:35, Prov. 20:22, Ps. 27:14.
      12. The Israelites will be successful in war (and other matters) only when obeying Yahweh. cf. Lev. 26:14-39, Deut. 28:15-68, 30:17-20; when not, they will be defeated. Deut. 25:15, 25.
      13. Israel is to “possess the gates of their enemies”. [Genesis 24:60]
      Britain and the USA controlled every important gateway in the world: Examples are Hong Kong, Singapore, Gibraltar, Falklands, Panama, Philippines, The Suez Canal, Malta, Heligoland, Cyprus, etc.- Everywhere where there was a strategic point of international importance it was in every case under official or at least de facto British or American control. These prophecies meant that the promised seed would possess international thoroughfares and vantage points of strategic importance as the USA and Britain (and only they) have done. Obtaining bases and control over international strategic points is still a fundamental part of American and British foreign policy and military strategy. The USA has bases all over the world. The USA does not always publicize the existence of these bases but they are known about. The host countries to whom these bases technically belong have only limited control over them. They cannot just tell the USA to leave. In some cases the host countries are open enemies of the USA and in others they are potential enemies. Even so, they have no real say on a day-to-day basis concerning what the USA does or does not do with these bases, and on them.

      The USA has the Wheeler Air Base in Libya, it has a base in Cuba, it has bases in Japan, bases in islands off Japan, in the Pacific Ocean, in the Indian Ocean, in every Sea and in every Ocean, in Greenland, in Saudia Arabia, in the Persian Gulf, in northern Iraq (i.e. Kurdistan); It has all kinds of facilities of strategic importance all over the world, not all of which are publicized.

      14. Israel is to have control of the seas, and to be a great naval and maritime power, Num. 24:7, Ps. 72:8, 89:25; and a great military power, a battle axe and weapons of war for Yahweh’s purposes. Jer. 51:20.
      15. Israel shall obtain the abundance and treasures of seas and sands. Deut. 33:19; Isa. 60:5.
      16. Israel is to have a land of great mineral wealth. Gen. 27:28, Deut. 8:9, 33:15-19.
      17. Israel is to have a land of great agricultural wealth Gen. 27:28; and will have food without scarcity. Deut. 8:7-9, 33:13,14,28; but with reasonable “conditions.” Deut. 8:6; Dan. 9:11.
      18. Israel is to become wealthy by trading. Isa. 60:11-12.
      19. Israel is to be feared by other nations and peoples. Gen. 27:29; Isa. 60:12,14; Mic. 7:16-17.
      20. Yahweh made a covenant with Israel’s ancestors. Gen. 15:18, Gen. Chp.17, Exo. 34:10,27; Lev. 24:8, etc, and then another, later. Jer. 31:33,32:40, Ezek. 37:26, etc. (No other god in a “bible”-styled religious book of any other peoples does this).
      21. Israel is to have great colonies, and spread abroad. Deut. 32:8,33:17, Isa. 26:15, 27:6.
      22. Israel should lend to other nations, and borrow from none. Deut. 15:6, 28:12.
      23. Israel is to reign over many nations but to be ruled over by none. Deut. 15:6.
      24. Israel was to have a new language. Isa. 28:11.(9) No longer hebrew but english.
      25. Israelites are to be a people glorying in, and declaring the praise of, Yahweh, the Holy One of Israel. Isa. 25:9; 41:16; 42:12; 43:21.
      26. Only Israel was to be custodian of the Statutes, Ordinances, and oracles of Yahweh. Deut. 33:3; Mal. 4:4; Isa. 59:21, Ps. 147:19,20. The Negro has never heard the name Yahweh or Jesus until about 300 years ago. They worshipped allot of gods and goddesses when they ruled in egypt and some considered themselves God.
      27. Israel was to be a missionary people, and carry The Scriptures to all the world, as Yahweh’s chosen witnesses. Isa. 43:10,12. The Negro has never preached the gospel to the world. That was Israelites job.
      28. Some of Israel would have the name “Covenant” as a national name. “Brit” is the Israelite-Hebrew word for “Covenant.” The Isle of “Britain” — and later, America — is the Covenant land.
      29. The God of Israel has made and keeps a covenant with Israel, for specific divine purposes. (This Covenant is mentioned in over 300 places in The Bible).
      30. Israel’s “portion” of the earth’s land is not the equal to other nations or peoples on earth. Gen. 26:4, Deut. 32:9, Ps.16:5, Isa. 61:7, Jer. 10:16, 51:19, Ezek. Chp.48.
      31. Other nations shall be ruled by Israel, or perish. Isa. 60:12.
      32. The God of Israel shall be known as being greater than any and all other gods; even Israel’s enemies themselves judge this to be true. Deut. 32:31.
      33. Israel is to be called by “the name of the Lord,” Yahweh. Deut. 28:10, 2nd Chron. 7:14.
      34. By Right of Possession and Succession, the House of Dan (not Judah) must have possession of the Stone [of Destiny] of Israel, now in Scotland. Origins, Gen. 28:11,18,22; cf. the Stone rightly applied, 2nd Kings 11:14;(10)

      1. Thanks for switching it around to fit the white race. you’re not white- You
        a different shade of red and pinkish. Adam may mean red because your race fix it to match Esau/Red. Adam form from dust of the ground.. everyone knows soil in the ground is brown
        more you dig the deeper the soil become black. Can you answer how can your skin pigmentation handle Africa where the bible history start from… Let ask the SUN.. Black race comes in different shade of brown from light to blue black
        that were Adam skin tone high light skinned like myself. In real life I’m called “white boy” because of my complexion even through i have to African American parents with light complexion skin. You been lied to all your life because of the
        White Supremacy. Messiah were a so-called Negro in Revelation And The Most High A so-called Negro. Who were
        Simeon Niger…. Jacob second born
        Simeon’s byname of Niger (‘Black’) was probably given because
        of his dark complexion, which was probably caused by his birth in warmer … Read the bible you may discover it about the dark race not your race.

      2. You are very wrong the true People of Yah are BLACK. Read Jeremiah 14:2 of the king James bible also you People think those Fake Jews in Israel now are Yah Chosen PEople not true thay are Gentiles just like you are. Let’s see what Yah think about you trying to be the real people of Yah and the Fake Jews. Read Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9 king James bible Shalom Peace

      3. God’s work is by faith and not by ancestral birthright. Learn to rightly divide the word. We have a new and better covenant, the eternal one promised in the garden of Eden and ratified with Abraham. The Messiah who reconciled the world of mankind to their father and blesses all nations through Abraham’s seed = the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

      4. In all of your rhetoric you forgot The Negro is Israel. When Israel was enslaved in Egypt they were negroes and the Egyptian were black as well. Joseph and Moses both blended in with these Nubians. Yahshua or as you know him as Jesus blended in with the Nubians also when they fled to Egypt to escape Harrods wraith. Moses married a Ethiopian/Black woman that looked like him because he looked like the Egyptians who were also black. The whole region was black and the very scriptures you read from came from the blacks. Get off your high horse thinking you understand something that didn’t even come from your race.

      5. than why was Jesus place in a Dark Bronze Skin Body?
        God prepared this body for Jesus Hebrews 10:5 and
        Revelation 1:14-15?

        Not a White Body as many have reference Jesus for over 1000+ years..why lie?

  3. wrong! sicily, palestine, greece, were not negroes! they were caucasian. whoever created this page is a totally mistaken. thats like saying british people were black! i know this because im greek, italian(Sicilian), syrian in me! this is definatly not true. and why are you brining in aboriginals? there native australians! a bucnh of this info has nothing to do with caananite people. Are ou sure your not confused with ethiopioan jews? because they were a negroid race

    1. actually the ancient Hebrews were/are dark people.
      Lamentations 4:8

      King James Version (KJV)

      8 Their visage is blacker than a coal; they are not known in the streets: their skin cleaveth to their bones; it is withered, it is become like a stick

    2. The original inhabitants of all those lands were/are black. You’re just being in denial. The original people of the earth are black., this is scientific and historical fact,

  4. Cameron do a DNA search… the ladn you mentioned you are from were settled by Africans…until Visigoth and Viking take over…hence your lighter skin but somewhat darkish appearnace. Check your DNA you WILL find BLACKNESS!!

  5. The Black Palestinians are the decedents of freed slaves and they will tell you this. They have become as Arab as any Arab , just like a black American after a 1000 yrs will be no less American than any other white or Native. Blacks are also found in Persia, China, Turkey and many other countries. Just like the whiter Arabs of North Africa …

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