White Rastafarians? By Nick Poole

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White Rastafarians?
By Nick Poole

When you think about the word “Rastafarian”, you probably imagine a Jamaican man with dark skin and dreadlocks… as a matter of fact, you probably think about Bob Marley. This wouldn’t be an inappropriate association, after-all, Bob Marley is probably the most internationally recognized practitioner of Rastafari. However, not all rastas these days are from Jamaica, and there is even a small but growing population of Caucasian practitioners. No, I’m not talking about teenaged skateboarders who smoke marijuana and listen to reggae music, I’m talking about real, deeply religious, white rastas. Now, depending on how much you know about Rastafari, you’re either wondering, “How does a White person join the Rasta faith?” or you’re wondering, “What’s the big deal?”. I think it may be wise to first address the latter.

Let’s start with a little history of the religion. Rastafari is a relatively new religion, which finds it’s beginnings in the early 1930s, surrounding the coronation of Haile Selassie I as the Emperor of Ethiopia. The word “Rastafari” actually comes from his pre-coronation name: Tafari Makonnen (“Ras” is an Ethiopian title, literally translated to “head”, but more precisely equated to “Duke”). Rastafari began when it was suggested that the coronation of Haile Selassie I as the Emperor of the only fully independent African State fulfilled Biblical prophecy. People of the Rastafari Faith believe that Haile Selassie I is God incarnate, and refer to him as HIM or His Imperial Majesty. The faith is deeply Afro centric, and maintains that Ethiopia is “Zion”. For a short period of time near it’s origin, the faith was not only afro centric, but Black supremacist. This notion of racism towards whites didn’t last very long, as Haile Selassie himself publicly condemned racism. Rastafari is also well known for the practice of smoking Ganja as the sacrament. Which drives many people to wonder, are white rastas real people of faith, or are they just in it for the marijuana?

Well, there’s no question that many people are attracted to the prospect of a religion where marijuana use is not only accepted but widely encouraged. However, A person can’t just dreadlock their hair, smoke ganja, and call themselves a Rasta. Rastafari is a real faith which is earning respect in the theological world as a religion that pulls a lot of weight. It was a beacon of Hope to the poor population of Jamaica in the 1930s and has continued to minister to the under-privileged today. It teaches solid values such as Positivity, Faith, Meditation, and “overstanding”, the Rasta word for understanding which was changed to have a more positive connotation. It warns against the potential danger of corrupt “Babylon” society, and has been instrumental in driving political change. It’s been just as influential in Jamaica as Christianity, and thanks to the Rasta influenced Reggae music of Bob Marley and other popular artists, it’s increasing in global influence.

Rastafari sounds like a fine faith, why is it so strange that a white person would want to be part of it? Bottom line is that it’s not. It may seem strange from the outside, seeing as the majority of Rastas are black. Many people would also argue that because it is an afro centric religion, white people have no place in it. Well, according to that logic, all Christians should be middle-eastern. The truth of the matter is that, in theory, even a White man could preach Afro centrism. While most white men weren’t physically “taken” from Africa, and forced into slavery, modern science fairly universally supports that all life started in Africa. Given the power of that statement, it isn’t hard to see how Africa found it’s place as the center of Rasta faith.

The question is though, In a faith which preaches the rejection of corrupt white culture, how are white patrons received? There seems to be conflict in the Rasta community. Many rastas are skeptical when they meet or hear of a white person who claims to be Rasta. They assume, naturally, that they came to Rasta through listening to reggae music, or worse, as a way of justifying their misuse of the sacrament. There also seems to be a fundamental distrust of white people, and historically for good reason. A true Rasta would say that all man is equal, and every body, white and black, came from Africa, so it is only natural that All people, regardless of race or color, turn to Rastafari for the “highest truth and overstanding”. However, the common sentiment among rastas is that whites cannot understand the “black struggle”, As they were never taken from their homeland and enslaved. But surely, anyone who really cares about the human race on the whole can appreciate the need to stop violent acts like this. After all, Rastafari itself teaches that all people are one with God, Or “Jah” as they say (Derived from jahweh of the old testament).

In modern Rastafari, especially more contemporary sects such as the Twelve Tribes, White rastas are welcomed. Anyone who believes that there needs to be a fundamental change in the way society treats the “down-pressed” and in the way man views and interacts with one another is encouraged to join the faith. Real rastas are peaceful people who overstand the need for equality in the world, and so they extend that principle even to the faith itself, All men are equal in Rastafari. Some Jamaican rastas are even excited to meet white rastas, as they bring a new point of view to the reasoning sessions, and also because they stand as a symbol of whites acknowledging the wrongs of their ancestors and rejecting “Babylon”.

All in all, white Rastafarians are out there, and they’re no less devoted to Rasta than the first Rastas of Jamaica. So next time you ask a white man his religion, and he tells you he is Rasta, don’t laugh, It may not be a joke.


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117 thoughts on “White Rastafarians? By Nick Poole”

  1. I’m a white rasta and there are many reasons:

    i believe in peace and good humanity in all people
    i believe the more political your thoughts are, the more corrupt you are
    i admit most white society is Babylon, but only Jah can judge people
    we need to end racism on both sides and realize the color of our skin means nothing and trust in the Father of Creation
    our roots are all from Africa
    As it was in the beginning it shall be in the end

    ^sounds like he did a course in university!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Jah Humble Servant says:I would say it is quite simple.
    Judge Not, before you judge yourself.
    And only One can judge, and that is Jah Rastafari

    Jahrateng Skabelli Says: Indeed. And Rastafari KNOW that this condition of the BLACK WO/MAN is sheer injustice.

    See, you white liberals and sundry bleeding hearts have your issues due to your warped/evil systems.You will do well to engage your GOVERNMENTS/CORPORATIONS/UNIVERSITIES & CHURCHES to reform.

    Rasta, though is for:


    a) No more White sky gods & sons from Rome/Jerusalem & Mecca

    b) No more White mis-education (Greeco-Roman & arabo-islamic civilizations as ANTERIOR-LIKE/First ever guiding lights)

    c) No More white mis-education -Science a province of white ( a sudden burst of white genius during their “enlightenment” in the 17/18th Century-WHICH COINCIDES NICELY WITH WHITE KIDNAPPINGS OF AFRIKANS & LAND GRABS ALL OVER THE PLANET)



    Then it will follow that Afrikans will be in a position to self-confidently exploit our resources and ERADICATE POVERTY AMONGST AFRIKANS ALL OVER THE PLANET.


    White bwoy are you really into this or is it jus the herb?

    We are not playing-this is not some hippie-1960s-drug festing & fantasizing hogwash.

    For that you can stick to BLack Sabbath/Led Zeppelin etc……

    In a nutshell-free yourself in your own way but understand that BLACK FREEDOM IS BLACK FREEDOM.

    (In a twist of irony/fate-when BLACK PEOPLE WILL BE FREE-you whites who are honest about your misery will also be free.It cant work the other way though. Thats whats in place now. BABYLON MUST BURN!!)

    Jah Humble Servant Says:
    I have white-ish- yellow skin, but I do not know what color I am. I do know that the most direct ancestors that can be traced in my lineage come from Ireland.
    But, so you know, Rastaman Jah Rateng Skabelli , I will never give up I crown!

    Jahrateng Skabelli Says: This is your choice. I have laid out above what RASTA WILL ACHIEVE in space and time. If you see yourself fitting in ZION then hooray !

    Jah Humble Servant: I will not say your wrong, cause I am not here to judge man, that is only for the Most High, but I will tell you that I will never give up I throne!
    A crown passed on to all Jah children through the great King Solomon, through the lineage of King David.
    I am what I am!

    Jahrateng Skabelli: Poetry is sweet. But Pragmatically speaking, I am yet to meet any white person WHO IS FOR THE TOATAL LIBERATION OF AFRIKA. Period.

    Until Afrikans realize this subtlety,we will continue to have our efforts dissipated and degraded to MERE REBELLIOUS FASHIONS via the evil corporate media of Babylon.


    Vigillance and integrity will see I and I through. Woe unto them that think this is jus musik and play

  3. DON’T THINK SLAVEMASTER CHILDREN CAN BE RASTA.FAKERS CAUSE IT’S THE POPULAR THING.You non- Huemans have always followed our lead, won’t work this time, no racism & if it was SO!!! All so-called whites are CAGOTS fake to the core.Always speak with forked tongue.Albinos have created so many fake religions to go along with a fake people.Don’t ever think just cause you believe it, it’s so,on the contrary.Rasta is AFRIKAN, ORIGINAL.Comes from the soul must have one to be Rasta, no lip service ,I BELIEVE TOO in a lot of things that don’t make me want to join you, in nothing no more. So do i want to be KKK NOW cause i believe that the HUEMANS shouldn’t mix with mutant albino’s? The father of creation is a female or at least the Hueman beings,the mother’s land is our home. There is now a time for division,you mutants won’t be at that table, except it, you cannot make yourself Rasta.You people have brought too much destruction with you, true Rasta donot want peace,or to be white in any shape,form or fashion.We are the blessed where you are the cursed.Huemans are the rightful owners of the earth, we paid no one for it ,it was given to her children who let outsiders steal it. If you are not the first inhabitants you are immigrants,hell you albino’s immigrated to every where you are now,we were here.Rasta know you must prepare to pay for the sins of your fathers. Color you say does not matter, WHITE is cursed, nothing from the creator,soulless people who don’t have long on this earth. I think your time could be spent on just enjoying your last days. NOT how to screw up the remaining, don’t get it twisted only a few misguided,brainwashed Negroes want to be with whites, extreme brainwashing, that’s what intergration did for us, now most of us can’t spot the enemy,delight in the enemy, want to marry the enemy & produce cursed children for that same enemy.Rasta don’t want to have anything with the very people that:
    1. Have fooled us our of our birthright in the first place we are Moors,the first people in the New World,for So-called whites, old world for people that are classified as Indigenous,Aboriginal.
    2.Our culture
    3.Our Language
    4.Our Land,how does the land owner have to pay for living own their own land? Trickology perhaps.
    5.Murder & rape of the rastaman & woman, & child.
    6.Enslavement on the lands we were born on and live on till this day.The Moors ( the civilizers of whites) didn’t come over on the slave ships, we were born right here had been here,and saw you so-called whites when you landed on every shore from Afrika to China, to Japan, to India, to America,and every Island where we jumped off to get away from you So-CALLED WHITES.The Great Wall we built to keep you & your diseases out.
    7.The CAGOT RE-ligions your people inflicted on us are our own but twisted to an evil side of life,which is death.
    8. Don’t make me go on,cause i can.Don’t flatter yourselves.You have inflicted death & DESTRUCTION on every indigenous tribe you came in contact with.
    White Rasta = DEATH Jah is the Colored People,on this earth there is none other, there was no other race of people. In the beginning Black,jet black Huemans, right in the end only the hued race 90 % of the population is colored ranging from jet black in color to yellow, albinos are the minority on this earth.Only people can make the change,and when they decide how it should be SO MOTE IT BE!!! Only the living can change their fate.If you look in the bible no god, came from the sky and did anything,read it was battles the conquerer & the conquered.When people get tired and stand up fight and kill that’s when things get accomplished, SO-CALLED WHITES ARE the enemy of the creator, the ancestors,and the children of these people , when you became albino’s things have changed.Rasta cannot let white mutant albinos corrupt our children with any more lies. So color or the lack of it is very important it always has been,look at the lynchings of the creators children and only because they were blessed with color, that’s the ultimate jealousy. And you say you got a new attitude now, we don’t buy it 500+ years and we are suppose to forgive & forget just because albino’s see the error of their ways? Rasta don’t play that, somebody has to pay.When you turn back colored then you can be rasta,we know that’s not going to happen, but in the meantime Rastas are being afficted with your disease curse turning white as snow cursed with the disease of leprosy.You are not suppose to be colorless,all the creators chillin’ got color. ME SAY WAR….We appreciate the praise,all praise be to the most high,JAH, the Afrikan Mother of all people,and creator on earth.Not on my watch murderer,thief,lier,raper ememy of the truth.
    In the song by Bob Marley Crazybald head,that’s you. It say we built your penitentarys,we build your schools, Brainwash education to make us the fool. That was your reward for our love, teaching us of your god above we gonna chase those crazy bald heads out of our town.Here come the con man comming with his con plan we won’t take no bribe,we got to stay alive we gonna chase those crazy bump heads out of our town.We are in charge,we just don’t know what to do with you.Any suggestions? Living together in peace, not gonna happen ever,so what now? White Rasta not in this lifetime,so move on, get tit out of your system ,no Cagots can be Rasta.Won’t be long now wake up everybody no more sleeping in bed, we got works to do.

  4. melody mart want war? if you came at me and my tribe of warriors ( polynesian) you would get laid out flat. I know your aiming at da whiteboys and thats sweet, but you sound like a soft southern shandy drinkin politition, heaps of flash words and stuff but i would mash up ur self rightous grill if you addressed my peoples like that. My people got fucked over to. If you askd 2 sleep on my couch i would tell you 2 bugga off.

  5. UTU MAN polynesians are but an extention of Afrikan people we were already there or jumped ship on the boat ride over to America ,unless you are a fake poly who has CAGOT roots then you ARE NOT indigenous,why u jumped in is my guess unless you too want a severe tongue lashing. Don’t you know who you are. And your ASSumption of me is wrong Southern yes soft no I can back up my words,that’s for whoever.Now which part didn’t you not OVERSTAND? UTU man sounds like parents are mixed up,or you’re married to one of the soulless let me repeat myself,IF YOU ARE NOT A HUE HUEMAN you are a soulless creature. You UTU sound confused unless you are a true warrior,Kick some white Cagot butt,but is that you, stay outta Rasta Business Boy.I would never ask to sleep anywhere you are, CAGOT. For All Afrikan warriors,all WHO’S WAY OF LIFE has been affected, and INFECTED just like our ancestors it’s JAH time,that would be us. For true know that JAH is the Afrikan man & woman all over the globe, to stand up for our greatest treasure our children and put them, the FUTURE in their proper place as god on this earth,as it was in the beginning. No IMPOSTER can be Rasta. ME SAY WAR.I stand firm.

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