The Rothschild Bankers, the Freshfield Slavers and the Rise of Capitalism in the Britain and Americas: By OguEjiOfo Annu

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The Rothschild Bankers the Freshfield Slavers and the rise of Capitalism in the Britain and America: The Slaving Enterprises of the British Empire: By OguEjiOfo Annu

According to the Financial Times of London June 26, 2009:

“Two of the biggest names in the City of London had previously undisclosed links to slavery in the British colonies, documents seen by the Financial Times have revealed.

Nathan Mayer Rothschild, the banking family’s 19th-century patriarch, and James William Freshfield, founder of Freshfields, the top City law firm, benefited financially from slavery, records from the National Archives show, even though both have often been portrayed as opponents of slavery.”

These families who are presently the ruling global trillonaires families were probably the biggest slavers of all times in global history but their participation in the evil and illegal trade was always suppressed until recently. In fact, historical accounts have been misrepresented to showcase the anti-slavery efforts of these ruling elites.

Mr. Nathan Mayer Rothschild: Slavery and the Rise of Capitalism in the west

Nathan Mayer Rothschild was the leading London financier of his times. He was one of the founders of the international Rothschild family banking dynasty. He was born in the Frankfurt-am-Main ghetto, the fourth child of Mayer Amschel Rothschild and Gutle Schnapper.

He ostensibly operated first as a textile merchant in Manchester but was deeply involved in financing, loansharking and speculation on the slave trading exchange of Manchester, a British city which competed with Liverpool and London as the international capital of slave trading.

Having made so much profit from slave trading and financing in the Manchester slave exhange, he then expanded to dealing on the London stock exchange.

From 1809 Rothschild began to deal in gold bullion exploited from Africa and South America. He also speculated in financial instruments such as foreign bills and government securities related to such ventures as the theft of entire countries and their resources later eumphemistically described as colonialism.

Rothschild made so much money from his rambunctious dare-devilry that he was said to be richer than the Bank of England. It turns out that this might have been the truth as in 1825–6, he was reportedly able to supply enough coin to the Bank of England to enable it to avert a liquidity crisis.

When he died in 1836, due to an infected abscess, he had secured the position of the Rothschilds as the preeminent investment bankers in Britain and Europe. His son, Lionel Nathan Rothschild (1808–1879), continued the family business in England.

The financial empire of the Rothschild dynasty still exists in all its fullest power, sway and influence even today.

Sneaky Rothschild

Ironically, Mr. Nathan Mayer Rothschild was well known for his “philantropism” and his “abolitionist sentiments”. According to his company historians Rothschild fought “publicly” for emanicipation of slaves. He was also white-washed as “a prominent civil liberties campaigner with many like-minded associates.”

However, in private, the sneaky Mr. Rothschild was making a killing literally off slavery. Newly uncovered documents revealed by Financial Times of London for the first time show that Rothschild made personal gains by using slaves as collateral in banking dealings with slave owners.

Incidentally Rothschild was the one who procured the the loan that funded the UK government’s bail-out of British slave owners when British Government sanctioned slaving Industry was abolished in the 1830s.

The bail-out of British slave owners is reportedly the biggest bail-out of an industry in history. In today’s dollars, it dwarfs recent bail-out rescue of the banking, financial, and automobile sectors.

In pulling off this financial coup de grace, which amounted to the rescue of the entire economy of the British Empire which was solidly founded on the enslavement of African people, Mr. Nathan Mayer Rothschild became the unchallenged master of Europe.

This bail-out marks a water shed in history as it ended the dominion of the landed gentry (who were the main slaveholding families), and established the hegemony of the capitalists, the bankers those who loaned gold and bills of exchange. As the landed gentry had to go a-begging cap in hand, their loan sharks set a new term for governance. This new template is what we know today as capitalism, the rule of the capitalists.

Capitalism and internationalism spread across the entire shores of United States violently, by the forceful overthrow of the slave-owning societies of the south by the “industrial, capitalist” north funded by the soveriegn wealth of England, underwritten by the house of Rothschild.

Mr Freshfield

James William Freshfield was an English lawyer and founder of the international law firm of Freshfields. He was also a Conservative politician and Member of Parliament, for the constituencies of Penryn and Boston.

He was appointed joint solicitor to the Bank of England in 1819. This was a time of change in the banking system. He was the Bank solicitor for 20 years thereafter.

Mr Freshfield was a prominent member of the Church Missionary Society, the very same society which is misrepresented as the main force behind the abolition of slavery in the now-defunct British Empire. William Wiberforce was his close asociate.

The newly discovered records reveal that this prominent City of London lawyer and financier, and his sons had several slave-owner clients, mostly based in the Caribbean. They were routinely involved in slave-related profiteering activities as well.

The Freshfield lawyers had a reputation for advising slave-owning families, corporations, financial institutions and governments in all areas touching on the commercial fiscal aspects of the legal slavery framework.

The “eminent” lawyers acted as trustees of the slave owners’ estates. They also acted in co-hort with the Rothschild in setting up the financial framework of that moved Britain from a slave-owning, landed-gentry dominated empire to a capitalist economy.

They acted as lawyers for the slave owning families and companies in processing their claims for government bail-outs following the abolition of slavery. In one case, it even sought unpaid legal fees for the firm through the government scheme set up to compensate those slave owners after abolition.

Their legal wizadry provided counsel to the likes of Rothschilds and his other associates as they designed the present fiscal, financial and political framework that is called capitalism.

Historians React

Niall Ferguson, Laurence A.Tisch professor of history at Harvard and author of The World’s Banker: A History of the House of Rothschild, said the disclosures showed “how pervasive slavery was in the structure of British wealth in 1830”.

Nick Draper, a University College London academic said the newly revealed records would hopefully promote a better understanding of of the significance of slavery in Britain.

“We need to fill the gaps between those who deny slavery’s role and those who believe Britain was built entirely on the blood of slaves,” he said.

OguEjiOfo Annu
27, June 2009


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7 thoughts on “The Rothschild Bankers, the Freshfield Slavers and the Rise of Capitalism in the Britain and Americas: By OguEjiOfo Annu”

    1. To many accusations without any factual details how these matters started.
      Slavery was a fact, but who did reallt organise its existence.
      Stating Britain and Rothschilds were responsible shows the lack of truth and historical information in this statement.

      1. If you learned History in school you learned about the Rothschild. I know I did
        When you claim that it is not facts, !!! I already know who you are. History speaks of the under handed or duplicity of Rothschild. On one hand he plays the abolitionis. While he is funding the slave trade. British knew what he was supporting British was also Involved In the African slave trade and he was a lender to the shipping companies that were involved in stealing Africans and shipping and selling to America and Britian .

  1. H.Hammer barks:

    “To many accusations without any factual details how these matters started. Wow…wow…wow. Stating Britain and Rothschilds were responsible shows the lack of truth this statement..woof!”

    Accredited Historians of British descent react:

    “Niall Ferguson, Laurence A.Tisch professor of history at Harvard and author of The World’s Banker: A History of the House of Rothschild, said the disclosures showed “how pervasive slavery was in the structure of British wealth in 1830”.

    Nick Draper, a University College London academic said the newly revealed records would hopefully promote a better understanding of of the significance of slavery in Britain. “We need to fill the gaps between those who deny slavery’s role and those who believe Britain was built entirely on the blood of slaves,” he said.”

    Jahdey roars:

    “One thing with half-educated British nationalist party types like H.H.Hummer or is it K.K. Kummer is that they are usually as loud as they are ignorant! Read the link posted below sucker”:


  2. Very illuminating.Money laundering, reputation laundering per excellence!

    Essentially murderers, plunderers and slavers suddenly become stock exchange players/bankers/industrialists and philanthropists.Abolitionists!

    With nary a sense of reparations, compensation, repartriation of course.

    Then the nerve of it all. Listen to their economics “science” class yarns:

    That Africa is still a developing nation because it has a “low savings rate”

    And people still believe such bosh!

    The fact is Africa bled & bleeds for the european (& American) industrial revolution to take off. We will never forget the facts whatever intellectual-sounding garb they try to dress it with.

    Pure plunder, rape, murder, theft, slavery (free labour) of Africa

  3. So Jews were involved the slave trade why are we not surprised and multiple millions died in that trade and their owners were compensated after the law changed. Why have we not instructed those families to pay it back plus compensation after all many still have that wealth

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