Black Like The Ancient Europeans: The Black (First) Europeans

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The first people of Europe were prehistoric Africans. They lived mostly in the southern parts of Europe, and created many paintings and cave art throughout the region.

Pretentious scholars struggling with their self-inflicted racist diseases attach ill-fitting names to the first peoples of Europe. They call them funny names like Neanderthals, Paleolithic men, Mesolithic or Neolithic, Cro-Magnons, Grimaldi, Aurignicians, in a desperate bid to hide the cultural and historical identity of those people.

It is generally conceded by those scholars however, that the African people were the bearers of the first substantive elements of culture into the European continent.

Many thousands of years before the rise of the current pale tribes of Europe, an Afrocoid people known as the Grimaldi people, established the Aurignacian cultures. These people were anatomically modern human beings of the West African typology. They brought the first indications of cultural thoughts and rites into Europe.

The Grimaldi were Black Africans with very little body hair, black and smooth skin; they had the facial features typical of West African forest dwellers. They had kinky hair too. They arrived in Europe 40,000 to 50,000 years ago.

They ranged in height from tall to medium. Their culture had developed in Africa tens of thousands of years before they moved to Europe. It was called the Arugnician Culture. In 1994, scientists found corroborating evidence of stone and bone tools on the banks of the Semlike River in Zaire. They were finely crafted tools made between 75,000 to 100,000 years old long before modern humans migrated to Europe.

The Neanderthals non-modern human specie of man had left Africa early in time (80,000 years ago) and settled in central and southern Europe. It is speculated by bio-anthropologists that the genes of those Neanderthals are extensively sown in the modern European tribes of today.

The “Cro-Magnon,” people, late contemporaries and perhaps descendants of the Grimaldi people also existed in Central and Southern Europe many thousands of years after the Grimaldi Negroid had expanded to Europe but before the appearance of the pale version of Europe now known as Caucasians.

Actually, Caucasians as a race did not appear in Europe until about twenty to thirty thousand years after the arrival of the first Africans who by this very fact are the aboriginals of Europe.


There are many theories which seek to explain the reason for the switch in skin color of the Europeans. The theories proposed range from the Ice-Age effect theory, to those of miscegenation and others that suggest malnutrition. In all these theories lies the admission that the pale skin is a relatively recent genetic modification that occurred in originally Black Europe.

One of the more interesting propositions suggest that the change from black to pale Europe occurred as a result of miscegenation between the modern Africans arrivals in Europe and the primordial Neanderthal which had originally come from Africa. It should be noted that the primordial human Neanderthal (physiologically and intellectually) said to be among the ancestors of Europeans and Caucasians, also came from Africa to Europe about 80,000 years ago. Thus, the Neanderthal, which had apparently been forced to Eurpe from out of Africa, was also of the African genotype.

Some theories suggest that Neanderthals (who were originally black as all original Africans) later became pale-skinned and retained excessive body hair due to genetic selection responding to the need to adapt to the cold and darkness of Ice-Age Europe.

The modern day Europeans are the products of interbreeding between these mutated pale skin Neanderthals (i.e. mutated non modern-human Africa) and the later arriving modern black Africans of 40,000 -10,000 years ago i.e. the Grimaldis.

Warm blooded animals undergo de-pigmentation in the absence of light and warmth. If there were no Ice Age in Europe, the people would have remained Negroid/Black. Some of the darkest Africoid peoples still exist as the Australian Aborigines and Tasmanians. Their ancestors left Africa in the same waves as the Africans that went to Europe. It appears that of the anatomically modern human Africans who had migrated around the globe, those in the warmer southern climates retained their African pigmentation and those in the Northern climates lost theirs as a result of miscegenation with the pale skinned Neanderthals, who it should not be forgotten were originally of the African continent.

Ogu Eji Ofor Annu,

April 1, 2006

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178 thoughts on “Black Like The Ancient Europeans: The Black (First) Europeans”

  1. To start off, I am pissed.

    I am 28 years old. I am white.

    I stumbled onto this site trying to find scientific reasoning as to why I am white.

    I have always considered white people freaks amongst modern humanity.

    Pale skin, all colors of eyes, black, brown, blonde and red hair.

    I always hypothesized that the reason must have been a mixture into the neanderthal species. (which is what I was also looking up)

    Genetics found a timeline for the gene that makes my skin white. Which was 20,000 years involving neanderthal. (I’m not saying they proved they bred, but apparently they lived around each other for a long time)

    The thing that pisses me off is. I was looking for reason, I found angst.

    I don’t know what schools some of you went to but I was pretty much blatantly told how crap I was all through school.

    I enslaved africans, I stole land from native americans, I imprisoned asians, I caused africans to hold lower paying jobs, I instituted the stereotype that all asians were comic relief, I stereotyped native americans as drunks, I stereotyped africans as criminals.


    I was told, it was beaten into my head, that my ancestors had done horrible things to others based on skin color!

    I came here for information of a scientific nature (damn google)

    I didn’t come here to hear even more of why I am a piece of refuse.

    I live in montana, USA.

    I’ve met blacks I didn’t get along with but they compare 1/1000 of the whites I despise!

    I am asatru. (also called Odinist)

    I hate the fact that neo nazis and hitler took these original beliefs and made them a race issue.

    That belief exchanged goods (believed to have been peacefully) with middle easterners.

    The Moors were part of society.

    Their was a black leader of rome.

    These are all things I’ve read.

    I thought everyone knew that Elvis did black music. But it’s music, would you say christianity is a “brown” religion?

    Not black, not white, middle eastern.

    I’ve been told my whole life how horrible I am.

    I work in a gas station. I have protected more people from abusive husbands, drunk cat-callers even racists.

    Why do I deserve this?

    No science teacher ever told me that blacks didn’t contribute to society. They told me that whites enslaved them. They told me that Eli Whitney developed the cottongin. They never told me what color he was. I don’t know even now. Apparently it was a woman who developed it btw. He stole it.

    The most shocking thing that I was taught in school that I thought everyone knew was thrown at me last year.

    One of my buddies mom is a hardcore christian, while bored at her house waiting for said friend I red one of the magazines. It was a black gospel singer saying that until she was older she never knew that white people also fought for black equality.

    So because of my skin I am racist?
    If I could go back in time believe me, I would be bashing the heads in of anyone who denied a black student. Working at a gas station I am the only person I’ve ever heard of who threatened to kick a black individual out of my store for saying the word, “Nigger” while he was on his cell phone. that word points out everything “I” supposedly am.

    I don’t “think” I’m a rascist. I will always notice the differences between people who are not me.

    Will the tall scrawny white people stick out in my mind? Yes.

    Will the fat white people stick out in my my mind? yes.

    Will I see bonuses to both sets of individuals? yes.

    And I’ll see them in everyone.

    @#%^ the elephant man has bonuses I can see.

    I can’t understand why I as an individual deserve the angst of someone who has classified me.

    I am not that white guy walking around “acting” black. I would call it acting “gangsta-from-what-they-see-on-TV”.

    I have met a ton of racists, I’m white so apparently all white racists think it’s okay to use an racial profanity around me (cause I’m white) as long as no one darker is around.

    So yeah I know it’s out there. I thought all this junk was supposed to have died in the sixties.

    I guess I’ve been thrown into society while I was ignorant of how society was.

    I’m pissed, once again I am supposed to take on the burden of my ancestors or my “supposed” peers.

    Yeah I’m racist, I hate us all.

    Erlyk Dalkien

    Including me.

  2. Okay, upon thinking about it. I can understand in some way or other.

    The most angst ridden posts here are people looking for where they come from.

    I do the same thing but it has to do with religion.

    I stumbled onto the old religion of the germanic countries.

    It made more sense to me as for the first time I felt like I actually had a culture.

    I’m adopted, I’m obviously white, I have no family tree. The only culture I knew of anyone white was negative.

    There were positive things.

    (well before enslavement, america, rome, christianity)

    after that it apparently distorted…..crap I don’t know.

    If anyone is offended by what I’ve said……I’m sorry you were offended.

    Since apparently I stumbled onto a racist column.

    What were the Quakers?

    I would have been a Quaker had it not been religious. The sad thing is that regardless of what I know about myself no one will believe me as there is now no longer any way to prove my honor.

    Erlyk Dalkien

  3. why I look up anything drunk is beyond me. That’s not escaping anything I’ve said, I’ll defend it. Written words suck however, they can be interpretted in a variety of ways.

    I would not have posted sober, however I do not recant what I’ve written in they way that I’d intended.

    (I really hate having to lawyer-speak myself)

    Erlyk Dalkien

  4. There were actually statuettes found of the Grimaldi people. The statuetts gave physical features of Negroid type people. Pieces of this art are found in Russia and Siberia. You will not find many statuetts in the continent of Africa based of African History because most of them have been purchased or found by French or British scientist/archaeologist and have been moved to museums In their country. With this said, the old statuetts are no being replaced by statues they may reflect or show refabrication or as if the kings and queens were white instead of African, Egyptian, Nubian, and or Ethiopian. (IN OTHER WORDS BLACK). The Grimaldis disapeared around 12,000 bc. Their grave site however have been invaded and show some indication as well that these people were of Negroid type. Mark Hyman book Black Before America and a book by Graham Clarke Dawn of Civilization should help you out with citations.

  5. I am sure deep inside everyone knows,the worlds first people were Black.Mainstream scientist even prove that the earliest human skulls are found where?Thats right in Africa.All other races in one way or another decended from Africans.Black people also ruled the world for thousands of years.Now the white man has (control).History shows us nothing last forever ater the whiteman it might be the asians who takeover.The fact still remains that Africans originated everything in some form or another,Even though racist white people would have us belive every lie that was ever told about the black race.White people came to power by backstabbing,murder,rapeing and kidnapping every other race thats been kind to them.So do every other race dirty is nothing to be proud about for you whites who love to boast.Rather you should be ahsamed that your fathers called themselves christians and did the exact opposite of what christianity stands for.To my people one love,Be proud to be black.Be proud to be of thee originators.PEACE!

  6. Black is beautiful and ignorance is bliss. So rejoice in these sayings for they describe you.

    Whether the first modern humans to populate the Earth were black is important (historically), but what is even more so is what their descendants have accomplished and what they might still accomplish.

    We all descended from ape-like creatures. We all descended, if we go further back in time, from single-cell organisms. These are facts. So, does that mean that single-cell organisms which have spread to all regions of the Earth are greater than their descendants, humans for one? I think few would agree with this. And if you do subscribe to this, then you should show more modesty and respect when you consider single cell organisms like cholera, typhoid, etc. The truth is that what matters is not the “glory” times of past , real or imagined, as much as we would like not to think otherwise, but the present and the future.

    Human beings exists today in a number of colors. Blacks of post-global migration that have adapted to their new environments, through no intrinsic fault of their own, and those of pre-global migration blacks that predominantly still reside in Africa are different not only in color. They are different not only in form either. They are most importantly different in kind of mind they possess. Arguably, the blacks the left our Mother country, Africa, were the explorers, the discoverers, the creative, the brave, and the wise. What was left behind was quite the opposite. One can even call it the world’s first great “brain drain”.

    P.S. I strongly recommend that ALL of you see the movie, “Blood Diamonds”(2006). In it you might possibly come to realization that there just might be something fundamentally wrong with all those blacks who never explored beyond the next hill to find undiscovered worlds like those who left Africa did before them. In such an act they were eventually transformed into a higher state of existence. All humans alive today came from Africa. Africa belongs to all of us (Asians, Blacks, whites). And we will come back to claim all that is rightfully ours! Africa our ancestral homeland.

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